Hash Making Revisited

So you got samples to test and try?

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yah for sure only a little rip each though. I’m gonna rip the first one and not the contaminated one. The other jar was completely empty! No easter egg there. I’ll go rip it now and see how it is.


It was good, and it tasted sort of like cedar trees or something.


Lol I remember a strain that I smoked that tasted like pine needles and when I asked my friend what was the strain he said Georgia pine I could not stop laughing because it tasted like pine needles lol

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okay i know im not at your caliber, but here’s my first attempt at bubble hash,

this is the 45 - 160 micron hash


Nothing wrong with the looks of that bet it tastes good.


did you try and freeze dry it?


yup i did just as you described, their isnt much their as i was just playing around a bit, but i took my bag outside and spun it around real fast as you described to get most the water out then i got it onto a peice of 25 mesh which i put on another peice of 25 mesh before putting it on the baking sheet that i put in the freezer as you advised to stop it freezing to the baking sheet which worked perfect! after a few hours in the freezer i chopped it into tiny pieces with a razor and 2 days later in the freezer it was completely dry

i folded it up in the mesh and pressed it with my fingers into a ball, i cant believe how light it is. In the past when ive made hash aside from bho it was always black.

your tips and advice set me up for success, gonna do a big batch soon. I think i caught the hash bug now :bug::sweat_smile::heart:


excellent! I hear it’s not as contagious as omicron :wink:


well, I think tomorrow I’m going to make another hash batch. I got all the ice I need, and I’ll make sure my bags are de-hash-gunked so they are ready to go! I can sense it’s going to be a prize winning batch! :wink: I haven’t run out of rosin, so I think this one I’ll freeze dry then make rosin.


I want some. Lol. Looks amazing.

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christmas is on it’s way :wink:


Good man!!!

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ok! Here’s the batch all hatched and dispatched into the freezer for some drying. I folded the parchment on the last batch into an envelope, and put it in long term storage. It was crumbling by itself hah hah who knows when it dried I wasn’t watching. An excellent batch you can’t really see any obvious contamination or green spots.


This is what long term storage looks like to me. I keep it frozen, just like that, and it smells so nice when I open the freezer. mmm fruity!


you can see it’s drying out. I left larger chunks like before… just because I don’t care if it takes extra time at this point. I got lots of this stuff kicking around lol!


How many grams of raw material did you start with?
What do you think the dry yield will be?


I actually didn’t weigh it, there were just lots of remainder bags of biomass in the bottom of the freezer. I’d guess 7-800 grams? Probably yielding about 15 grams of hash. rough estimates! The yield of the meat breath is way less than the big bud. I could have probably cranked out twice as much.


That’s fresh bud, not dried. Right?


yep, probably around 150 grams dried or something. I usually just bin my bubble waste in the compost, instead of drying and weighing it.