Hash Making Revisited

haha whoops :sweat_smile: next time ill do that, i have a bunch of batches to get through but damn does it take a lot of ice


awww yah! As long as I don’t get any support calls tomorrow, I should be able to crank off that batch of hash. I can’t turn down a call when it’s 40$ an hour to read a manual then restore some backups. Gonna be some C99 hash, and I’m excited! After that it’ll pretty much be harvest time and SENSI is next I think. Oh, I’m looking forward to that one, but also knowing I am probably wasting my time. Wasted time in terms of productivity, not knowledge gain. That shit is priceless.


Im looking forward to seeing this hash for sure.


IT’s brewing up nicely!

Hopefully it’ll be a prize winner! lol! I have lots more c99 to go through, and try as well. I’ve only hunted 10%.


I plan to make another batch of hash tomorrow. :yum:


Nice, are you still freezing your material shortly after harvest or using cured material?

I’m thinking about freezing some of my next harvest ASAP and running to hash, then pressing into rosin. Does it need to be “flash” frozen?


This last batch, I dried the material for 3-5 days then froze it. I like it, I was able to wash a lot more at once that way with little loss of smell.

I’ve never flash frozen my harvest, just buck the buds into a bag and into the deep freezer.


Sweet, good info! I’d imagine the buds and plant in general is much easier to handle after a few days drying.

One more question, do you cold cure or warm cure any of your rosin, or does it naturally come out that budder consistency? I’ve seen some pictures of hot/warm cured rosin, where the terpenes start separating from the hash rosin, in a thin layer floating on top. I’d like to try replicating something like that.


Usually I just jar it and put it in a mini fridge. I’ve never tried any of the different curing methods. Joe has tired a few different methods, browse through his posts in this thread.


Yah I’m doing some stabilization runs right now. Some I have in the Fridge, and one is on the shelf at 18C. I basically just seal it up and wait for it to turn into a sparkling nugget. I am pretty sure what you call a “cure” is what I call stabilizing the hash. Normally when I take it out of the freezer it melts into silly putty. In the end, what I really want to achieve is the hash won’t melt at room temps and instead can be a large pile of sparkling nuggets. Also, I want to make sure that when I open the jar and sniff it, I’m just like oooo yah, now that’s the shit.


Here you go, I would bet it’s just like yours!

Actually yours last time might even have less plant fiber lol!


ok! So here’s an observation. The FLC-BX1 hash I made was like a goop. The C99 I could just shred with the exacto blade, but the FLC I had to pick apart with the tip of the blade. You couldn’t cut it. The C99 slicing of the hash reminded me more of the big bud hash I make, where the blade just solidifies and cuts through in one motion.


I think it is probably the same. After pressing fresh frozen hash to rosin, you can let the hash rosin sit on a colder/warmer surface for awhile in a sealed glass jar and the terpenes start separating from the other materials. You can then mix the terpenes back in, by “whipping” the rosin, or extract the terpenes for other uses (cartridges, etc)

Here is the consistency I’m trying to achieve:


I don’t know if mine was cleaner, but it does look the same in those first couple pics.


Oh the rosin, well I haven’t played with that method yet! I will get around to it eventually heh heh. I mean the heating and whipping method. I’m playing around with the rosin next after I get this C99 dried I’ll stuff it in the press to get rid of any plant material.


Phew! I had to rip some of that C99 hash and it was… greasy lemon! Like someone coated a lemon in axle grease and I took a bite or something strange like that. It takes you by surprise!


what micron bags have you been using lately?


220 is the work sack, 90 and 25. I keep only the 90 and give away the 25.


so you work with the 90 - 220 hash then? Do you find the quality do be lower afterwards? Right now i have been doing 45 - 160 but seeing your results being different than mine had me intrigued

ie, what made you land on that spectrum of collection?

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I did a microscopic analysis of the hash grades when I made them, so I could pick the best., which was 90 micron.