Hash Making Revisited

OMG ok final verdict. The number of trichomes on a single bud, definitely predicts the hash yield. That’s the golden moment right there, I chunked the most pathetic hash harvest to date…ever. Based on the lowest trichome count in history, ever. It’s definitely moved over from excellent theory to “cannot be falsified”.


I personally thanked the seed donor for those ones. wow! That was an amazing conclusion to years of observations and pondering and hash making!


Bubble hash I made with some Black Garlic from last years outdoor


Looks like you dipped it in honey !


Looks pretty good, I don’t see much for contamination! How does it melt?


I’ve gone through a fair bit of this thread and the original thread as well. Thanks for documenting all this really awesome.

I have a question and I’m sure I haven’t seen it if it’s been asked already sorry if it has though

It’s in regards to the water used to mix the buds and ice and then wash the bags. I saw you are using your tap for washing the collected hash… Are you using RO water or water filter or just plain old tap water?


I’m just using tap water, but that part is up to you. If there are quite a few minerals or algae or whatever, you can use RO water if you want. The water I use is from a well, there’s a little iron and calcium! I’m sure it leaves tiny traces behind, but definitely not enough to notice.


Amazing brother :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:


ok! I left it just sit overnight. Then I ripped some, and it wasn’t too bad. Except the melt was shit, and the flavor was some kind of paint thinner crossed with something else spicy. lol! Yah yah it was trash, that plant produced trash hash that was only a tiny bit as well. That shit ain’t gonna get my motor running!!! booooo!


Thank you @JoeCrowe :pray::grin:

I smoked a nice chunk in a pipe earlier, it pretty much completely melted. Kinda surprising cause the trichs have a really sandy texture on the bud.


That’s actually a fascinating part about it all. You can’t make a prediction on if the hash is going to be good until you crank it out and actually try it. Each one is subtly different.


The same process cranks out both versions of this hash, the difference is the plant material I used. The puddles are C99 and the red chunks are SENSI A. I never freeze dried the SENSI because… it’s trash. Not worthy!


just to clarify @JoeCrowe the 2 images you just posted are both bubble hash made the exact same way minus the freeze drying of the latter?

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They were both made the same way, and I didn’t freeze dry the second batch. They are made from different plants as well. One day soon I’ll make a good batch out of the same material, but I’ll put a bit of it on the shelf to dry, so I can show the totally different outcome from the exact same material and process. Its fascinating!!!


Looking forward to this. :smiley:


Also! Listen to this story. I plan to advance the trichome research as well. Now that I have unlocked the secret to predicting the hash yield, I will go back further. I will start in veg and take a single flower. Once I have the veg flower, I’ll count the trichome caps there. My plan is audacious, yet simple. I want to be able to predict the hash yield before the plant enters bloom. That way I can be snagging samples of plants, and I can tell before I even try, if it’s trash in veg mode.
Here’s another thing. I can also take samples of someone else’s bud and do a trichome count. Then I can tell, dried or fresh, if that plant will be a producer of yummy hash.
I call it my “hash or trash?” thesis. I won’t live forever, but meanwhile I can learn some crazy shit!


Love it! :smiley: :+1:


wait wait… my brain also says something else. My brain also claims that the number of trichomes tells you if the plant is loaded with THC or not. Hmmm interesting theory, brain. I’ll think about that one, and how it can be falsified.


Id love to know more about what happened between here

to get to here


just dried it in your freezer and shelfed it once dry?

pardon my questions im just so damn impressed @JoeCrowe that im trying to wrap my head around it, its amazing strain can differ the end product so vastly


oh yah, I take a kernel of hash out of the freezer and I put it in a folded piece of parchment. Then I just hold the pieces in my finger until they melt into that puddle in the parchment. Once I rip open the parchment sandwich it looks like that puddle. I think it takes like 10-30 second to melt? never really documented it.