Hash Making Revisited

Here I did this scan of some material ejected during the water removal. Looks like some trichome caps and bits of crap get ejected. Never mind all those fibers, they aren’t part of the material that came out during acceleration phase. @GnomeyByNature wanted to know, I think.


OK I got a complaint to register. The meat breath hash that was fridge stabilized has basically no smell. I mean, yah, it would probably have a smell to someone who never smelled it, but there isn’t much compared to say FLC-BX1 or Big bud hash. Meat breath isn’t competition worthy in the extraction zone. If it’s not fresh extracts, there’s not much flavor.


awwwwwwl right! I took the stable hash samples to the girl next door and let her sniff them. Meat breath extracts was a bust, but she really enjoyed the smell of the FLC-BX1. Asked me if the big bud hash was rosin heh heh. It could pass for it alright. I’ll have to grow a few more FLC plants and see if they have good math. That means, in the next year, I’ll grow an entire batch of FLC… aka 4 plants, and beta test the extracts. It’s terpene profile seems to be enhanced by 30 days of refrigeration in a jar. Here’s why I think that: The first round the girl next door complained it was nasty like a damp basement, but after whatever happened in the fridge, that smell has been replaced with kind of a turpentine berries she called frankenberries. hah hah whatever that means!


Hash porn!!!
I’m ripping the hash on the parchment there, it’s freeze dried meat breath. Also that rosin I’m solidifying in the fridge is meat breath! Fresh rosin and fresh hash is where it’s at for this strain, the volatile organics don’t last.
I got a treat brewing as well, I’m making solidified C99 hash! I never finish off a batch until I’ve had my fun experimenting with it lol! C99 isn’t done yet I’ve got more seeds, but I need better hash yields from that plant.


ooo yah. I eat sourdough pretzels, while 50 grams of weed bakes in the oven.

While Johnny Welfare plays acid rock on a stolen guitar, his old lady has a better idea… That’s right, she’s got the munchies for a California Cheeseburger.


If there are no calls in the next 40min… It’s hash time!!! I think I’ve got another batch of meat breath. I might have to rosin press the last batch, it’s fairly dry looking.


You guys are all making me jealous, I need to get some made, I’ve been out for like 40-50 days and I’m jonesing with no sign of it getting better at least for a few months . :cry:


Yah, I’m like 60 days before the next harvest, but I’ve got an excellent stash to tide me over. The hash freezer provides eternal! This is the last hash run, and there are no buds left in the freezer. Fear not! I have hash that’s 2 years old in there, no danger of running dry.


This is the batch I made last time, it’s pretty dry.

This is the fresh batch I just made!
There were 4 layers in the hash stack but I took the C99 out so I can rip it all up to my brain. Now it’s just MB, FLC-BX1, MB, and then all those other piles of rosin and hash.
There were a few plant fibers in the bottom of the bag, but it all chunked out in a single small piece of hash. Some part of the process separates the larger plant fibers from the bulk of the hash. Probably the acceleration, or perhaps the rinsing.


I suppose I contaminated it with those tiny bits when I used the scissors to scrape up the rosin. It’s still tacky, so it’s not ready to rip yet! Probably another 10 days left or something, who knows.


I got one off Allie for 15 bucks Canadian :+1: it’s hard to find them by themselves you have to usually buy an eight bag kit to get the 90 micron :dash::dash::sunglasses::v::canada:
Edit @Floyd :grin:


oh my! In case you didn’t know… my latest toy is ultra violet light. I’m shining that crap on everything in existence to see the reaction. So what I see now, if there is contamination in your hash… it fucking glows like a lighthouse beacon. I was not expecting that kind of reaction, but a single dust fiber trapped in the hash glows a bright pink like some kind of neon sign. The human eye can’t see the fiber otherwise. I’m gonna post some images of it!


The only hot pink object in a field of blue. Makes you wonder what it is? Oh shit! I forgot the normal image as well. Gimme a sec.

I couldn’t see that with my normal human eye until I shone the UV light. Whatever it is, it glows so then I could see something a quarter of a millimeter in size. wow!


it’s dust man! I went on a big hunt and found some dust on my origami, and a tiny particle of it glowed. Here’s my theory… It’s a micro plastic. I’m going to go on a hunt and see if everything in dust that glows is a micro plastic.


I must admit, the stabilized C99 hash looks otherworldly, like it was manufactured by some kind of god. The fascinating part is how golden white it is! So many sparkles! :eyes:


well… what I’ve found about the dust thing is different materials can glow. Each one of them has a different kind of glow to it! The color of the material changes the reaction as well. Dark blue fibers of the same material don’t glow like red ones. I think I just need more experience with the light. Biological traces, on the other hand, are identical. One fungal colony growing on something glows just like the other colony of the same shit. Blood too. Basically, the object you are shining the light on, should always have the same uniform glow, or no glow. If there are changes in the color of the surface, there’s definitely a problem. Then I take a scraping of the surface layer and image that to see what is going on under the 'scope.


Totally captivated bravo sir BRAVO


I’m noticing something about the hash. There’s this green glow on the lower grade hash material. The big bud hash 90 micron glows orange, and the 25 micron random hash glows green. I should start doing a study on the colors the hash generates under ultra violet. With a few observations, I should be able to figure out what it all means! I think that’s the most fascinating thing I’ve noticed by shining that light around.


Woah! I found the brightest glow from something cannabis related, and it’s called rosin. It gives off a bright pale yellow glow that caught my eye! Also… you can’t really capture a photo of it. When I get out my camera, it’s all shades of blue, but when I look at it with my eyes it’s glowing yellow. Amazeballls! I was just hunting around in the lab for biological traces, when the glow of something bright caught my eye on a scrap of parchment. Next phase… identify the glowing substance :smiley: perhaps.


wait… wait a sec… I’m looking at other people’s images, and only pure thca glows like that. I’m definitely not the only crazy man to shine ultra violet on their weed extracts!