Hash Making Revisited

wow I spent an hour going around and shining the light on everything in existence that had to do with weed. I found:
Glowing on my rosin plates. glowing on each parchment I used for rosin. Glowing on the trichome dust in the tincture sacks and glowing on the shelf dried hash. You know what didn’t glow? All the freeze dried hash still in the freezer. Also my camera is the problem I can’t take a good UV photo hah hah. Watch.

The dark patches are ashes from hashes, but the bright glowing shit is rosin juice and rosin chips.


Here’s a contaminated vs good batch. The camera isn’t as good as the human eye, but it’s way better than my hunk of shit camera hah hah


here you can make out the faint outline of the murder scene, where some 90 micron hash was put to death gangster style in the press.


here’s a color corrected version of the hash rosin under ultra violet. It’s like a bizarro world version of the photo from above.


Oh my!!! If I put the images side by side, some things that are invisible in normal light are totally visible in ultra violet. Look at the glowing specks on the glass in normal light they are not even there. Or that blue fiber from my shirt, it’s way more visible.


Anyone else see the movement illusion on this pic or is it just me :laughing:



Interesting story, this time the rosin turned into some kind of liquid. This is meat breath rosin! I had only done it with big bud rosin before… interesting, eh?


I think it’s ready for a glam shot now :wink:
I whipped it with a pin so you can see how it’s transformed over the last uhhh long ass time. It really changed in strange ways!
I made it march 6th and pulled it out of the fridge now. 40 days.


That looks extra delicious brother! Nice job!

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Awesome dude!! Stellar pics!
Joe At what temperature you press your bubble hash?..im ready to get myself a press :yum: :yum: :yum:


I press at 64C, but sometimes I’ll increase the temps to 74 and then let it cool back to 64 as I press the hash.


Thanks! That batch didn’t solidify like the big bud ones did. The only answer is I’ll have to try different kinds of rosin in the fridge. See what happens!


Hey Grand Master Joe!
Im looking at a small 1 ton press that has 2 by 3 inches plates…
Do you think it will be enough to press, of course, small amount of bubble…like 10 g at the time?
Aaaand do you think can be used to press flowers also?


at one ton it should be able to pump out 2200 psi, so that can press flowers. Just make sure you get the small mesh bags that will fit on plates 2x3. Mine is total overkill at 15000psi and 6x8 lol!!


So I was lucky enough to acquire some of the famous @JoeCrowe hash and here’s a copy and paste what I sent back to him, just thought I’d share it here too. So nice of you Joe!

"I actually thought it was seeds :joy: it was like little diamonds :grin: in there but turn to a puddle between my fingers in parchment paper.
I think it might be the most potent weed product I’ve ever had. I put it in my yocan shatter pen so it was almost like hot knifing it it had a beautiful taste and I could feel a line rushing up my head, it was great "


heh heh thanks a lot! That batch was just like my award winning one from the contest, because it was manufactured from clones of the exact same plant. Been growing it for 6 years, and so far nothing has beaten it’s hash making prowess.


it’s almost time for another harvest! Meanwhile I’ll be ripping some freeze dried hash rolled in rosin chips! mmm mmm! I can’t wait to try the PCKxICC5.


Oh my! They say the unicorn cup is off the hook this year. Claim is I’m going to have to pit my skillz against bubbleman. Now there’s a rumble for the ages!


I’m all signed up! It’s going to be so much fun, I can’t wait! I wonder if I should stabilize the hash this time around or leave it all feral and gooey? Feral goo worked last time! Oh and I’m going to have to cure up some rosin in the fridge as well. It’s my festival gold I can trade for other people’s gnarly dabs.
Hopefully I won’t be competing against cat turds… please!


oh, tomorrow I’m making a fresh hash batch! Hopefully I don’t get any calls, hah hah, secretary hold the phone, I’m busy…uhhh at a boardroom meeting. drilling noises