Hash Making Revisited

Hey Joe, I made some hash yesterday and was disappointed by my returns. It was mostly very frosty bud going in.
I noticed when I was putting the left overs in the compost bin that it still looked frosty. It looks like the trichome heads were breaking off but not the stalks.
Any thoughts? I did everything the same as usual. Same amount of ice and stir times etc.


Was it made from a strain you had run before, or was it something new?


I grew it before but grew it differently (coco vs soil). Plants looked a lot different and were way frostier this time.


Did you make hash out of it last time?


Mostly just with trim and mixed with other strains.


ok, well if you followed the same scheme as before and the hash yield was low/crap hash then just grow a different plant.


I will. Lol
But I’m still wondering why so much of the trichomes got left on the buds. I could really see it outdoors.
Oh well.

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here’s the thing… I’ve been doing this a long ass time eh? And you would think oh plant number one in the images is the best yield for hash. So frosty like a snow man. Wrong, it’s not. That second plant that nobody wants, is the champ dog I use to win contests it yields like a champ and the hash is unreal. You can save the buds and dry them again and look at them under the microscope, but from my experience there is nothing of value left after making bubble hash.

It’s like this image I took, all garbage.


Interesting. Hopefully the bag of bud I have in the freezer does better. Its a different strain that I haven’t made hash from before.


It’s the scheme I use in my grow, if it can’t make a good hash yield I toss it in the trash. So many strains I’ve nuked already! Things like king tut and sugar black rose. It gets a single round in the grow to show me what it can do. Even the C99 plant with it’s lemony super white hash went in the garbage after it wasn’t a good producer. Right now I’m trying to puzzle out if I can tell it’ll be a good hash producer before I even grow it.


That would sure save a lot of time and effort. :grin:


I got samples donated to the cause from the legal store. I’m starting with an easy one which is slurricane. Those buds are blowing through town right now at the store so I get a bit from people to look at under the microscope. It’s… mangled? Squashed? Very hard to get a single bud from a sample at the store. Trichomes are mostly trashed as well, but I can count the stalks heh heh. Now, another interesting thing is I’m not sure if the buds from the store and the clones are the same, but that’s part of the mystery! How close are some strains to their progeny in the trichome department? More interesting questions! There are more questions than answers, but I can probably get to the bottom of some of them.


I’ve got everything prepped for a nice big bud run of bubble hash. I’ll start with it because I want to get a nice yield and feel it’s super duper before I do the meat breath run and crank out a smaller chunk hah hah! The big bud plants produced a fair batch of buds, even though they started out small.


Holy shit batman! I’ve finally broken out of the maintenance loop, so I can make some hash! It feels like it’s been forever… fuck… Do I even remember how to do it? :wink:


A little old school freeze dried hash to get my motor running. I mix this dust with some fresh 90 micron and I’m set!


Final Phases! Just ripping some hash while I wait. Took some edibles last night from the farmers market, but they tasted like weed. I’m not sure they used solvent transfer method.


There’s the mother chunk! Acceleration does separate the hash into layers. There are some tiny bits of old school freeze dried hash stuck to the bottom in a thin layer. Then, plant fibers, and finally good good whole wheat shreddies.


@JoeCrowe, is 90 μm your only keeper bag? If not, what’s the next size up that you toss, and the next size(s) down that you keep?


Yah, I only keep the 90, and I only use 220,90 and 25 micron sacks. I don’t do anything with the 25, but I should perhaps, start making tincture out of it. I have quite a pile!


Doesn’t trichome size vary not only by plant, but also by whether it was grown indoors or out? It seems like mine have been on the smaller size the last 2 years outside, but I dont have a lot to compare to. I also wonder if thats why it didn’t come out more blonde. Probably even want to chop a lil early to keep from having amber in there?
What I’ve done is use most of the bags on the first wash. Then look at what bag size starts catching hash. Then keep using the 2 bags directly bigger than that to catch the smallest bits of trash you can without catching hash. So theres the 2 trash catching bags with the smallest mesh u can get away with, then under that whatever sizes to keep hash from. For me was typically the 25 for edibles or trash can, and 45 for all the rest to keep.