Hash Making Revisited

whats the trick to chopping it up into little bits? I made a small batch today and its like silly putty and not easy to break up :sweat_smile:


Those ones I pick apart using the tip of the exacto blade. The big bud one I can shatter with the blade, it’s quite a bit different than most hash.


this thread just keeps me drooling - I have loved hash ever since my first blast of Maroc many moons ago.
Can I ask which bags you use JoeCrowe?
I have used a few types and am not overly impressed with them so far - I dont kn ow if I am doing anything wrong but it seems hit and miss. Last time I was confident due to a good prior run, I froze a whole plant - every run from that has been useless. Any tips or advise would be much appreciated


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Concentrate on getting and keeping a good hash producing plant. I am using payload bags but any ones will do, as long as the stitching is good. I make the batch with 220,90, and 25 micron bags.


I use the original bubble bags , but have heard wacky willies bubble bags are decent quality also.


you guys talking bubble bags or rosin bags? Speaking of the former, I’m getting good results with my 20gal bubble bag dude set, I typically run a 220, 150, 45, and 25 in a trash can modded with a spigot. The 45 is the keeps, the 150 and 25 are combined into the food/oil grade.

has anyone tried those biodiesel filter bags? I hear they’re supposed to be the same thing as the full-net bubble bags, only not as upmarked


any idea on why this happens?

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thanks for the quick responses - the plants are generally good - I tried one, half dried then frozen the other half fresh, it just didnt work well.
here are some dry runs - tend to work ok running about 150/175g of dried

I will check out the payload bags and the wicked willies - I have tried Bubble Bag dude regular and full mesh, but the stitching is very poor after one wash.

Thanks again


It solidifies over time once it’s no longer frozen. Takes 30 days in the fridge or 7 days on the shelf, then it’s not sticky or melty at room temps.


The plant didn’t work or the hash run yield was low? What are we talking about exactly?

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when I cut a plant and put straight in to the freezer, I get very poor results, when it is dried first then frozen it is always a much higher yield with same quality. It baffles me - Both dry and fresh will be in the freezer for at least a month, run through the same bags which are always well cleaned between each run etc… is there something I should be doing to the fresh frozen


They do look a bit green.

I’ve never done fresh frozen. I don’t even freeze my dried buds I just throw them in the ice water.

Making sure they are completely rehydrated is very important but probably not with fresh frozen


It’s just a numbers game, the fresh buds weight is 90% more, so it seems to yield less.


ah pants - what a stoner indeed, lordy lordy, if i made this sort of mistake in my day job I would be out :rofl:

It is as simple as that - thank you very much :raised_hands:


Is there a fair bit of plant material in there or is that just chlorophyll that hasn’t been washed out?


Just ordered some payload bags - they were hard to find, looks like they have been discontinued


yah, I think they were discontinued as well. It was the only thing the grow store had for sale. They are huge ass bags, though! And the stitching is complete no holes.

heh heh the hash I made can’t support it’s own weight. I don’t think I can call this “stable” yet. When I grabbed that piece with the tweezers it started out horizontal and melted to vertical. At 18C, I think I got a good melt on this stuff.


how much product do you use in per batch/5gal bubble bags?

I had a miserable experience with too much trim it was so thick the trichs could barely fall thru. I would have been better off doing three batches. Anyhow 4 hours later I got a nice pile we’ll see how it turns out


I like to put in 700-1000 grams of fresh buds. It seems bulky at first, but it turns into a pulp as you mix it.


It’s been 6 days, so one more day should do it.