Hash Making Revisited

I like to run a 1/2 pound dry in 5G bags. Not sure how that translates relative to fresh.


It would probably be about 1400 grams wet.


That dam blue envelope didn’t make it there yet? Thought for sure you’d have it by the weekend hopefully it will show the first part of this week.


No man just checked the mailbox this morning. Not even any junk mail which was a surprise.

I’ve got my eyes open for it though. Hopefully tomorrow!


Wow that seems crazy to me like a lot, but I have a feeling I had roughly about that too I had 8 full medium freezer bags stuffed as tight as I could with Leaf trimmings also a mix fresh Frozen and dry :rofl: I I assumed I would need more room in the bucket to let the trichs fall down efficiently. I was wondering if I would have got a better return had I done to separate batches?

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I think that’s the amount I’m going to shoot for next time. I think it would be a little easier working with as well. :+1:


Get Ready for the real life shock horror! Some kind of animal left it’s droppings in my 25µm bag… lol! I just combine the worst of the hash grades into one terror lump. Give it to my friends.


Hey im on day 14 on the freezer dry method broke ot up into tiny chunks and everything seems too be really white colour but some of the chinks that are small are like ice tried to use a sharp blade and doesnt work . Think it should be fine to press or is that still have water in it if it frozen solid? Or is there a method to break it up more or ? Thanks appreciate your time


I am all ears and always ready to up my hash game


:rofl: :+1:



You can see darker spots in the chunks if there is still moisture. Your probably good to press.


Also if you let it sit out for 5 mins or so you can chop and move it around more easily.


For me it’s the sweet spot. Any less and I’d probably wait until I had more. It’s a lot of work and the payoff needs to be good to justify it I think.


Going to try it there not really big chunks like I broke 1 in half and it is a bit darker just wondering what happens if I press if theres a tiny bit of water in it. Like is it going to be write off if it has moisture or can i finish drying the last bit of moisture in jar tech with it in the fridge cherrs


It won’t be a write off. But you may notice its not completely dry after pressing it. After 2 weeks I would think it was dry but I guess it depends on the water content going in. I spin it like Joe does to get water out before taking it out of the bag. Helps get rid of water.


You can run it on a grater to bust it up more. It won’t fail your rosin if you do it with a bit of moisture. You just need to let that evaporate after pressing. I also crush mine with a rolling pin sometimes after it’s frozen. I would press the hash wet, but you are in danger of ripping the parchment once it gets soaked.


Oh, also I would take it out of the freezer and put it in the rosin bag, then hold it in my hands until it started to get soft. After it was malleable I would press it. I’ve also done ones where I pressed it frozen. Since I’m using basically no pressure it melted as the plates came in contact.


Have a question for the man @JoeCrowe. I’ve been dry sifting hash for bout 6 months now(2 grows). I have an ounce and change of this.

so should I press this or just smoke it in a bowl? Looks so pretty not sure. Thank you sir


heh heh if you put it in a 25 micron bag and press it, there won’t be any waxes or plant fibers left.


This is incredible @JoeCrowe ! Your skills are undeniable! I’ve bookmark this thread, I really want to learn all about this type of quality hash making :ok_hand: thanks for putting out your process it’s invaluable mate.
Where did you buy your press from mate? I haven’t seen one like that.
Peace brother &enjoy that gooey delight!!