Hash Making Revisited

Is it really that simple to just press it in 25micron screen and I get rid of waxes/lipids?
Thats pretty incredible if true.
I thought you need some expensive equipment.

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Wait. No rush. Wait until it’s dry.

When I’m doing a run I put paper towel under the pressing screen and paper towel on top of the pressing screen and a very small (very) weight on top to wick away water through capillary action. I change out the paper towel as needed.

My pulls tent to be about the size of a used piece of chewing gum. I don’t cut them into little pieces to dry.

I dry them on cardboard for further wicking. I usually consider it done in a week.

Best of luck.


Under the right parameters, I can produce THCa crystals in the rosin press. Hah hah I was all fascinated about what it was at the time! I think there are photos of that in the thread, along with the parameters I used to do it. Just something I did while I was fucking around pressing wet ass hash straight out of the bubble bags.

Methinks the contest entry is ready.


lol! I told my friends that everyone is swarming around my posts now that I’ve entered competition mode, people want to really see WTF I am up to, and if I’m really worthy to throw down with legends in the field.


I’m almost ready to make the experimental batch from PCKxICC5! That’ll be exciting. Next in my sights is the TK. Unfortunately the PCK plant seems to have taken over and left the other three as smaller plants. That’s OK I should have more than enough to test the returns and rip some hash. I think that PCK plant yield was about 200 grams dry. Smells very interesting.


awwww yah! I’m not even going to wait and see if there are any calls. I showed the drying PCK buds to one of the sponsors and he said he couldn’t even begin to describe the smell. hehheh, radical!


Well I should get 5-7 grams if it’s a fair productivity. I didn’t put much in the run, but it’ll definitely give me a good start on if it’s even dabababable.


I’ll rip some of this, while I wait. It’s great stuff! Off to the side there is some meat breath hash. It’s not going to win any competitions heh heh.


The yield was decent, but tomorrow will be the real test. It was very very sticky and goopy, probably the stickiest and goopiest I’ve seen to date! So I picked it apart with the x-acto and put it in the freezer. We’ll see what happens heh heh


Oh there’s the swamp water. It’s kind of a greenish yellowish.


Some good ole terp soup :yum:


The batch I made the water was deep purple was really wierd. Looks good as always man nice work.

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O ya what does the pkc stand for?


pakistani chitral kush x ice cream cake number 5 I think it was something like that. Got sort of a lemon-minty-paint thinner smell.


Yo! That hash rip was something. It tastes like wood initially then the after taste is black licorice. The small piece I let sit overnight was still really gooey, and hadn’t solidified, but also still had enough moisture to sizzle.


here’s the hash batch drying in the freezer. Don’t worry, I picked out that tiny object in the middle that was contaminating the batch. It was some tiny black speck, real strange. I don’t know how it got in there hah hah!

This here is the rat shit I got from the 25µm bag. I am really glad almost all of it was 90µm! Imagine how tiny the hash lump would have been in the 73µm if I had used it? Real waste of time, for me.


Oh yah, so I also got an observation blip on the PCK batch. The buds themselves contaminated the scissors when I was cutting them into bags. They got super sticky like glue. That probably translated into the hash, if you ask me.


Still drying! I might have to bust this goo ball up, to get it to dry faster.
The hash I am solidifying for the contest refuses to go solid. woah the smell! It fucking knocks you off your feet if you open the container.


At first I thought you meant the yields, and I was scratching my head how you could get 50oz of hash from 8oz of weed :rofl:

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have you ever considered pushing it through a wire strainer? Works a charm for me, I just drop it on cardboard for a few days