Hash Making Revisited

ok, well the freeze drying is done when you can crush it with your fingers, or you can take a small bit and put it on a hot knife with no water spitting. As for the stabilization, I can do it in the fridge or on the shelf in a large container. Takes 30 days in the fridge or 10 days…ish on the shelf.


I was using my finger to shuffle a little around before grabbing a knife and did notice it was melting to my fingers almost like a wax?

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Yah it will melt if you touch it with your fingers. I just give it a quick thunk with my finger tip when it’s in the freezer to see if some of it crumbles off. I put a bit between parchment and squish it with my finger so it melts into a puddle. After that you get the tip of the scissors and pick it off the paper into a ball and put it on a hot knife. See if it sizzles or just puffs up.


Can you over dry it in the freezer ??

It’s just so funny because this is the first time actually doing the whole process start to finish under my command …

I use to help the old timers and phew …

Mud mixer dewalt corded drill and a lot of ice …

Flashback !

The ol timers drilling … the ones helping had to take handfuls of leaf/ice and wring it back into the bucket after they were done mixing after all the leaf was out they would let it sit for about towo-three hours bust out the flash light hold it up to the side of the bucket then start siphoning the excess water out till it got to the sludge layer …pour it into a mason jar put some coffee filters in place of the lid rubber band it tip it upside down to drain …then just let it dry …now that I think of it YUCK :crazy_face:…sorry if that was a little hard to decipher


Hillbilly hash tech? hah hah when I learned how to make it buddy used newspaper to squeeze the water out of the hash. Nasty bugger.


Nailed it lol
Do those little press screens helps to get excess water out ?


I actually whip it around in the hash bag, letting acceleration push the water out of the hash. That shortens the freeze drying time to a week. Otherwise it takes a month.


Oh trust me I went outside and did the ol whirly bird on the bags as well … contained the pile very nice as well !
Neighbors r very far and few but if anyone seen me they deff would think I was rocking out on a air guitar or something haha



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heh heh the freezer method is so you don’t need to purchase a 5000$ freeze dryer. Any freezer works, you have to specially prepare the hash for drying though, just like the freeze dryer.


You can get em for like 2000.00 now new…

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At my job we are having issues with getting the trichomes off the buds when washing! We re dry them and still see a shit ton of crystals. Trying to figure it out now.


Do you have a microscope to check and see if it’s just the stalks left and not the caps?


Yes heads are still stuck. I told them we need to do a pheno hunt for hash production specifically.


The hash productivity search is definitely valid. What was your freezing process(how long etc) and how much ice and what do you use to mix the weed, ice and water? Do bubbles form on the surface?


harvest and immediately freeze and use all the product within a week. Usually takes 24 hrs to freeze dry it.
We use a machine to tix the water and weed, trying to convince them to let me hand row and it seems to be working. I tried to explain that every strain is different and a washer only has one mode. It isn’t going to get consistent results.
Bubbles do form for sure.
I’d say by the time we start mixing there’s more ice then water.
I also water to start recording the water temp before every mix to make sure it’s optimal.
We are getting a 5% dry weight yield and I’m just transferring to concentrates to help with the bubble hash and rosin stuff.


Yah everything sounds like it should be working. So I’m even more surprised that there are trichome caps left on the buds. I’ve dried out lots of buds after the mix and they’re stripped clean after two 15min mixing sessions. How long does it do the mix for? Also, more ice than water seems off to me. Those are the only two things I can think of.
In terms of the plant yielding so low, some of them do that. Yield is directly linked to the number of trichome caps per single bud.


Our proper investigation with all the data being logged and the different trchs we are going to try are all starting next week and will go for a few months! I’ll keep you updated on what we figure out!
This is the platinum garlic one of the only strains that does yield in hash!


When you throw your freshly harvested weed in the freezer do you put it in vacuum sealed bags?


nope, just some regular ass large ziplocks.