Hash Making Revisited

I always have to temper my excitement when running the bags. I get so giddy knowing what’s to come!



2 stoopid questions if you folks dont mind, never made hash or rosin

a: from a pound of bud, how much ice hash approx?

b: When pressing for rosin, can the remaining bud be used in somehow, or is it compost material

thanks guys…


a) that can only be determined through careful examination of the buds, or by running the buds to see. 1 kilo can produce from 1 gram to 30 grams probably.
b) toss the material, it’s compost. I used to make oil out of it, but it’s garbage, really.

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Thanks bud, I appreciate this… :fire: :love_you_gesture:

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ok first observation(s)…
My hash batch kicks ass. lol! No, but that’s definitely the reality. My white ass fresh extracts are killing the tan colored freeze dried extracts. Even with all that plant material I got in my batch, it’s still got extreme melt. The tan batch? It left a dab-shaped coal ball in my slurper. Mine? It all melted and got sucked up in the slurper like it was rosin. No exaggeration, it’s freaky shit. Left some char behind from the plant fibers, but not much.
In the tan batch, you can see organics. I’m talking pure raw organics debris. None of that shit is in my hash. I wonder if that’s what is leaving the coal ball? All that yummy organic debris, unvaped in the bottom of the bowl. Forming a lump the exact shape of the hash that went in… GROSS! It better make some fucking kick ass rosin, or else that was some kind of jerk off session with the bags. Fucking cranked out crap hash.



For anyone looking around to find the code for Mu it’s U+03BC : Greek letter Mu μ
Alright, I imaged the hash. Organic debris of some kind, including a few plant fibers.

This hash has hardly any melt.


Could be evil? You can see more random organics in there. Usually trichomes and plant materials aren’t brown. So that has to be contamination of some kind. I should have teased a sample apart the day I made it, so I could get the individual particles out. That’s the tech I’m gonna use on the ice wax making. I cashed in the x-acto blade for hash making. I went with the titanium dabbing tool instead. It has this sharp ass blade attachment perfect for chopping it up.


I bet you are wondering… well WTF does my special hash have that makes it so fucking good? It’s actually… a more holistic thing. Mine is missing the organics contamination and it’s all just trichome caps. Fucking rights.


I gotta say the yields certainly seem abysmal.
The whole water hash full melt scene is SO 2005.


heh heh If I traveled back in time 20 years, I would seem like a god to the neanderthals. lights his lighter Look, Flame!


20 years ago hay sold for 3k per lb, low end BC was starting at 4k
They would have thot that stuff was laced with opium or heroin lol


Still figuring this shit out. Last 2 batches of fresh frozen came out terrible. Very low yield and very green. I upped the ice big time on those runs and I think that was detrimental. My ice cubes are also very big.

I’m currently in the middle of a batch where I used cold water but not near freezing. Threw the ice cubes in, let them melt a little and cool the water, they shrunk a bit. I’ve learned add ice to water, not water to ice. Otherwise your ice all sticks together in clumps. After the first 15 minute sesh the water is still very clear…will post when on parchment…

Also cannot be overstated how important it is to make all plant material into small bits. With the cake mixer tech anyway

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I make sure there are no sticks or leaves to get wound around the mixer. Nothing I hate more than a huge ball of plant material on my mixer.


You’re telling me…stopping every 20 seconds to rip that bullshit off is so annoying

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Well it was dry material (sorry joe) but it came out quite nice. I had trimmed up a big jar of one of the outdoor plants and just didn’t care for it. I think I less ice works great, at least for dry material. I ran probably 4 rounds with the drill and it barely started picking up contamination. I was full speed on that sucker on the last round too.


heh heh with dry material, you have already produced the end product. Freeze drying it just makes sure it doesn’t get any darker. With fresh material… it’s all about the flavor!

I would assume no matter the color, it’s still losing terpenes. I can at least try to hold onto what’s still there.


Don’t get me wrong, I like the live hash process, I understand it’s value. Half of my reason for buying the bags was to turn my huge jars I don’t touch into something I will. And the lowers of my outdoor plants. Making storage easier, and basically making the product last forever in the freezer.

That being said, I will make some live hash that will rival yours, eventually rosin when I get a press. I promise.


Eventually you’ll be like me. Frozen oldschool hash untouched for years in the deep freeze, while I rip my ass off on live extracts. I’m not even sure what happened to that last chunk. I tossed it on the table and it’s been sitting there for months.


Hopefully so! I am friends with a decent number of age 70+ stoners and they go fucking nuts for that brown dog turd hash. None of them will ever get a rig to use the badass hash so I’m liking my ability to give out turds to people that actually want them. Heheh. Turds. That’s all I call the low grade stuff.