Hash Making Revisited

I call 'em cat turds. They look just like one! Or…frenchie turds lol! Ahem. ok So the first dab in the image there is the freeze dried buds made into hash and the second photo is fresh buds made into hash. Also there is less organic contamination. You can clearly see the melt is superior on the fresh buds hash. Here’s the thing… There’s actually no comparison because they were made from different kinds of buds. So it’s like apples to bananas.


I should look at a sample of that crud under the microscope. I’m curious! Except, I gotta go! Oh wait more things to look at as well. When I get back! Scenes! Man!

This is the hash after a couple of days just sitting on the slide.


Not too much crud in it. Not like the kilo you ran for your friend.


Yah the organic contamination is a killer. I didn’t have much in my greenhouse material, so I’m wondering where it originates from. Either part of the processing or environmental. Bug carcasses? Ahh the mysteries of life :wink:

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Ohhhh boy. Chocolatina makes very nice hash. I love smoking the flower from her so this should be a real treat. New method is to cool down the water until the ice stops melting down, then run with very minimal ice. Water was very clean after two 10 minute sessions


Hey @JoeCrowe if you haven’t seen this I think it’s right up your alley, starting on page 47 there’s a really in depth discussion of trichomes and extracting:


Ahh the freshies freshes, you got a freeze dried batch ready to dab yet? Or still got lots of moisture in the first batch? Looks really good!


I love that book it’s chock full of interesting shit and I think it’s been referenced a billion times!!! My favourite part is how the number of trichomes is linked to the potency of the weed. Definitely bolsters the fire in fire out vs garbage in garbage out. After only a few min of reading about morphology, I know the sugar black rose had a genetic anomaly where the carbohydrates in the trichomes were visible by the human eye.


I’ve had a few bits of the caramelicious, tastes great but that plant doesn’t blast you with smell like the chocolatina does. Really looking forward to the new batch.


That makes a lot of sense when I think about it…

The more ice smashing around would mean more mechanical damage to the plant material and therefore more plant material ends up in the in the bubble hash…



My friends complained I hadn’t posted a youtube video in a while, so I asked if they had seen shadows and drills. lol stupid spewtube has to play a 30 second advertisement before it’ll let you watch one of my 10 second videos. They couldn’t believe how little I had to alter my old process to generate this new process that kicks ass.


If you want to see extreme hash, I posted a video of me terp slurping it on IG.


That’s my randomized user name lol! It’s a public profile so you don’t actually need to be on IG to see that.


I whipped up this hash porn, just because I could. yum! I am going to make the slurricane batch tomorrow I hope. I think I’ll get about 10 grams.


awww yah, probably just a week left before I can take the unicorn to the glass studio. I’m pricing up some padded hemp sack to hold it in, so it won’t get broken again. Once it’s repaired I’ll get a case to put it in, as well.

What’s next? Train bees to collect oil and put them in a box? Next level play.


There is a person who has bees trapped in a large greenhouse with only cannabis plants and collects the honey they make. It supposedly tests pretty high for thc but I have not seen this in person just a short vid doc on what he is doing.


The brown thing is the 25μm, and the white pile is the dust from the 90 sack. Getting them cleaned out for the next round!


Can we see the 25micron under the microscope ……… for science : )


Definitely! You can see it’s just shelf dried gunk. Everything that floated down, got caught up in there. Bits and pieces of trichomes and a nice fiber from my shirt. I wiped the slide with my shirt and it got stuck on there.


That’s wild looking!