Hash Making Revisited

Looks like it was coughed up lol


that was described in the "an ar kists’’ cookbook and I always thought it was B.S. until I started growing outside and seeing bees occasionally get attracted to my plants. I once even saw a wasp land on a plant and start rubbing himself like he was taking a bath in the resin! Very curious.


I need to see more proof, they need pollen and nector to function correctly :thinking:


I am calling shenanigans myself…:joy:


I usually just add a little tincture to some honey. mmm good eatin’!


ok I terp slurped all that hash dust from the bag. Now I’m ready to make a new batch! I also gave away the 25 micrometer hash that I made into a turd. Told 'em it was just extra plant material and shattered bits of trichome. hah hah they said it was better than some hash they paid actual $$$ for. According to the govn’t I should have tossed that stuff right in the trash and made sure nobody got it. Suckers. It’s part of my personal crop, so I can give as much as I want away. You can do that with 4 plants.


Wheeee! It’s getting there! We got the puce swamp this time, it’s almost like the meat breath! Sadly I will be only expecting 4 grams return on this run. I thought I had more material!


Shite yield! Pegged that sucker, I’d be surprised if it was over 4 grams. I think it was less yield than the meat breath.


Good lookin’ flower. :beers:

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Way she goes. Blueberry super silver haze hashed like that for me. Really high quality but terrible yield

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heh heh, I call them garbage plants. Not many can pass the bar these days! I have to run a bunch of different plants now so I can estimate the yield before it happens. I can estimate it when the plants are at 50% through the bloom phase. Once the skill becomes like second nature, I can just toss the plants that aren’t going to cut it way before the cycle is over. It’ll really speed up the slaughter in the hash plant thunder dome!


I suspect bud structure plays a big part as well ? as does the obvious trich count with cap size in equation
Why the Afghan x skunk is the one to beat so far ( ticks all boxes )
Afghan for trich count and cap size and the skunk opens up the bud structure
Sorry for ramble lol


The cap size varies a bit in size even on the same plant, but I have had some really large ones! That didn’t seem to make a difference. I’ve grown fluffy and dense buds as well, but that didn’t give me a signal either.
When I look at the hash, it’s made from trichome caps, so the more I have, the better off I am.


Was worth a shot haha thanks for clearing that up : )
Back to thinking : )


This is a microscopic image of the lowest yielding plant. 1 gram per kilo.

There’s the best producer! You can really see the difference at a microscopic level.


The slurricane hash is pretty good, but the flavors are nothing to write home about. It burned out anyways at 10 grams per kilo.
… Two plants enter… and one plant leaves…ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls… dying time is here!


What’s the yield on your big bud plant?

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It’s like 25-30 per kilo. I’ll go back and look it up… I forget and was going to make a new baseline with these bags, but I smoked some of the hash :slight_smile:

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21 grams from 869 fresh buds. OMG I had to search through so many matches to the word “yield”. I did that test back before the unicorn cup in '21! There were additional grams in the 25 micrometer bag that I didn’t count.


Pretty good yield of just 90micron! I’ll have to wait until I can do a flower run on the contenders I’ve found so far. I really hope the snake venom will dump because it’s soooooo good.

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