Hash Making Revisited

After a while you’ll be like hmm is this another garbage plant? There are not many real good ones, but there are lots of shitty ones. Despite the “love” it’s really a numbers game. hah hah but that doesn’t mean I’m going to sacrifice quality for some kind of “numbers” either. If I did that, I’ll lose.


I wish I could remember what seeds produced these nuggets…I know I have more of them …bet they would be a superb canidate for the ol hash bag


Have you run it before and tested it? I would at least have to see a single bud at 4x objective before making that evaluation.


Hmmm I might be able to do that boss man


Negative on the run I have it narrowed down to 4 strains though lol


What took ya so long ?


hehheh I cut a single bud off from the node junction for better imaging. That’s the sample location with the oldest trichomes.

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This little solo bud on the stem is what I image. Mostly because it’s easy to cut off, but also, it’s the oldest bud on the branch.


and your evaluation is?

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BTW you were correct. The fresh frozen hash is superb. Great look, taste, STRONG .

Been mixing it 50/50 with Rosin, and smoking from the Proxy pipe…KICKS MY ASS! lol

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I’ve been eyeballing the proxy pipe as a travel option…as for the evaluation of the weed. hmm I give it 20g per kilo? Unfortunately, I could say a billion per kilo and it would still never be proven right or wrong lol!


Damn thing RIPS!!!

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You press any of that hash into rosin yet? That’s really the pinnacle of performance art that is cannabis extracting.


Sounds like a great pipe .

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Many doubts about hash making:

I got a 4 bag kit to make some bubble hash, I have been collecting the 73 and 25um bags, and using the 130um as a work bag keepeng the 220um as a spare.

1st thing is that I might be collecting the 130 as well? (I only smoke joints)

The 73 bag quality is good, I will test the 25 later today.

Back in the days we use to have hash with very low quality used to come in lage round form and was sell sliced, very brittle and the taste wasn’t the best, fortunately I cannot achieve that bad quality product.

After that we have the polen bars that is hash pressed into blocks and is soft if heaten and crumble - I like this quality and don’t seem to find the right way of getting it.

The next product in line is the small hash eggs usualy afeghanistan or marrocan this is a dark hash hand pressed like small eggs and is very maleable even without heat, also a very oily product I cannot reach but the 73um is close in taste and effect.

Once I saw a cube of very yellow hash an it would crumble, very similar to the 150um grinder reservoir, but in a block this one still a mystery to me.

So the first type I don’ want to know how to make it, hard, brittle and a lot of meteors.

All the other types I am curious to know how to achive that.

I usually make the bubble bag hash and leave it to dry between 2 kitchen roll sheets inside the 25um square sheet to have them dried, I notice that while wet it is easy to shape like moulding paste, once dried I press them on a small hand press and make a coin of hash.

About toasting it into the freezer I still don’t understant if it is done wet or after 24h air dried.

All suggestions and advices are welcome!


Lots of questions in here but my big answer would be to press your hash using the hot water bottle method. That’ll give you your oily egg hash you’re looking for.

I make hash a little differently than you so can’t answer all your questions but: hot water bottle👍


I’m listening. Please elaborate. Roll it between a hard surface and a hot water bottle?


If you used freshly frozen buds and trim ( not dried and cured ) to make the bubble hash , then spin it to remove most of moisture and then chop into small bits and put into freezer to dry thourally

If you used dry cured buds to make bubble then you may as well just air dry it and use hot bottle tech to form into a ball after
: )


It’s the Frenchy method.

Take a big wine bottle filled with boiling water and roll the hash out like a pie crust for 20 minutes. You must use the right plastic or it’ll stick.

It creates my very favourite black hash smoking product. There are many hash goals, this one is mine :+1:

Frenchy explains it better than me. Look him up, it’s educational.


For my dry material runs I’ve been drying the hash by squeezing it as flat as I can with my palms in a folded over piece of parchment. I then squeeze around the edges to seal it into the parchment. After a couple days it is really sticky, malleable, has not lost much color. Almost looks like you rolled out a piece of taffy. Even after a few weeks it keeps that texture and I just store it sealed up in the parchment. Top bit was left uncovered to air dry, bottom has been sealed in parchment.