Hash Making Revisited

cut it into tiny bits and dry it in the freezer. It’ll come out white and melt at room temps. Once you let it solidify into small bits, it’ll crumble up.


Anyone following frenchies methods…well I’ll see your cat turd at the contest and be very disappointed. Defeating his acolytes is like stomping on puppies. Sure you win, but feel kind of gross about it too.


Yes Joe you are a purist we get it. Congratulations.


Not so much of a purist… more like a champion :wink:
Live extracts! The future is here, it’s just not widely distributed yet.
On day broh… you’ll be living the dream too.

Not interested in your dream.

You: I want the top 3 rarified percent
Me: I want the best black hash I remember from my youth.

No reason we can’t coexist except for your attitude.

I don’t tell you your hash looks like dried goat mucus so fuck off with the attitude and maybe study hard to try to win a nicer person award.


lol! I know you come here only to make me giggle. Don’t worry, I’ve been polishing my “awesome human” award too.

Polishing something I’m sure.


I like you joe but I have to admit, you won that contest against people that didn’t even know what they were doing. It wasn’t even a contest. Is your product great? I’m absolutely sure of it. Can other people match your product? I’m absolutely sure of it.


So if I understand well, bubble bags->spoon->25um mesh to cut it down->freezer 1+weeks-> hot bottle press between parchment and there it is.


Joe’s method ends in the freezer. Once it’s in the freezer it doesnt come out other than to be consumed.


OMG that made me laugh! Here’s the thing right… I hang with literal legends, who could put me under the dirt. people like noel or bubbleman or even dragonfly earth medicine. I’m actually in awe that I could pull off a maneuver where my bubble hash scored higher than even the best rosin at the contest. That was fucking cazy! So… I’ll bask. Until someone defeats me, and then it’s back to the lab!
You should see the pics of some of the…teams… of heavy weights I defeated. It was un fucking believable.

There’s that last batch, slowly drying!


You’re telling me “heavyweights” made this shit?


yah, man, pretty sad eh, it was actually a team of people.

You know Pamela could have kicked their asses. She’s really good!

It literally looks like my dried material hash

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The nuts part is that’s an improvement over what was on tap last year. The year before though I was against Noel, that crafty fucker he was the high tech motherfucker who taught me a lesson about losing. When I looked at his bubble extract I was so impressed.

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I guess it’s the freezer that really makes all the difference. I’m chuckling thinking about someone running fresh frozen just to leave it out on the table to dry. Like what was the point


Yah that was the change I had to make in order to transform into a winner. I learned that from the campfire talk after the contest!

Agree Joe is way over the top at times
He had nothing to do with this method
It’s not new or his he just uses it .

I love his passion and spirit

He got me to try fresh frozen and to freeze in the freezer for drying and I must admit it is the best hash I have ever made

Done Frenchies rolls many many times
The fresh frozen and dried is superior by a margin

So I just smile when I read all this and I find it entertaining


Just my thoughts


Conversations always go better when egos and insults are left at the door.