Hash Making Revisited

Does anyone have any tips on how to get the bubble out of the bags. My current set up is 2 5 gallon buckets, one which holds the work bag, and then the other micron sizes are lined up in the second bucket. I have the stirring until frothy for about 20 minutes down, and then once I pour the bottom of the work bucket into the screens, I encounter great difficulty getting the yields from each bag size. I have been using a spoon and knife kept in the freezer to limited efficiency. I know for a fact I am leaving a considerable amount of material in the bags, and just out of frustration did not try other methods.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated.


These are the yields (still drying) from about 75 grams of shake/trim from @THCeed Blueberry CBD. Really stoked with how much this dumped, debating running the rest of the bigger buds just due to the smell off of this, hashy rotten fruit galore.


I use a old credit card to scoop it up . Spoon is good also but prefer the card .It also helps to have a bottle of water to wash out the seams forcing it to puddle in the middle of the screen.


Thanks, I tried to use the lid from the 5 gallon pail to increase the tension in the screen to allow for efficient collecting, but could not for the life of me make it work. What do you use to place the bag on to collect from the screen.


I stretch it tight over the 5 gallon pail like a drum skin then it’s easy to collect it .


Oh man, I think I really flubbed it, I was taking the bag out and then putting it on the lid of another bin. Didnt even think I could just stretch it over the top without removing it lol. :sweat_smile:


Little tricks to make life easier .


You’ll enjoy making it now if you do that it’s quick and easy to get your hash collected .


Pull out the bag with the hash, let it drain, tighten the top of the bag, whip it in a circle until you don’t see much water coming out. You’ll be left with a mostly dry clump of hash that will fall out of the bags. If there’s a small amount of hash still on the mesh I’ll dunk it again and spin it again.


I am salivating thinking about the bubble i will make once my tent comes down. learnt a lot from this thread, my next batch will be next level

I was surprised it never occurred to me to freeze dry the hash. whats the point of using fresh frozen is right!


You can also freeze it then shatter it out of the bag onto the parchment.


Definitely the easiest method!


I turn my turkey frying pot or corn on the cob pot upside down picture to follow


Stretched over the 5 gallon pail


Turn the pot upside down then stretch it over the bottom to clean it with a credit card


My new bubble hash washing machine.
This will free up about 6 weekends washing shake.


A Tim the tool man washing machine . Could also use it to tumble dry sift . :+1:

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And then do you wash it out after the dry tumble?

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No clue bud but I bet it makes great cement !


I get what Joe is putting down .
I also get what others are saying .
I have friends that like hash, smoke a lot of hash, old school black , fluff it up then roll .
I can get some cheap BC medi dry sift , it smells green but fluffs , some spensive import that fluffs but they like the cheap BC medi because it works and it’s cheap .
I make some bbl, the few that know the difference want what I can make , they don’t want it pressed into the black because they like it in the “crumble” form plus the taste and flavor .
You won’t convince the medi buyer to get the unicorn nor the unicorn jonser to like the medi .
I’ve made Frenchie and “almost” Joe .
Here’s one of my washing machines