HashWizard's garden of Doom

Last run early flower canopy

Actual run early flower canopy.

Looks like its gonna yield a bit more… :face_with_hand_over_mouth: Or at least i hope, if things work out nicely…


Looking real good my friend, so many gems and epic strains in those pics! Wow, the Dosidos is one I LOVE! Ps thank you for such a detailed description. Truly! I have an absolutely huge hunt I will be starting in the fall with my mentor of the UFS #18 and I’m hoping to find some true skunk terps, (putrid, nostril burning absolute DANK) I have a couple absolutely DANK strains, that just can’t be hidden and are insanely potent. If I can find those TRUE skunk terps like in the RKS, or a few other skunks I’ve had over the years I plan on crossing all of my examples individually and together and see if I can add some skunkiness to the “tire fire” scents I get from our gems. I bet you have some epic old school beans in that stash. Looking forward to this and all of your grows to come.

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Many thanks Amigo, if you know them you know what is about! I love me some dosidos, but the 13 F2 were even better imo, way more ogeish, but i lost all them so no matter, everything was good weed :grimacing:
You welcome, i wish you find some plants as good as i did in the UF packs, or even better. So many good stuff in there!! But sadly my phenos werent as animalic or wild as i would like. But pretty pretty solid work yes. A tire fire skunky stuff is something i would really like. I’m selecting the ECSD x OD wich really smell.burnt tire gassy skunky,mif i could get that in skunk shape, time and yield with the SD smell, that would be amazing. Taking a place to see your grows aswell

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Im starting to have less epic seeds that i would like but thats good also, means im popping them. :grimacing:
Looking forward to your grows aswell.

Peace and regards.

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That sounds awesome actually, great idea! When I get some more beans of the stank, I’ll send some your way. Due for an adage soon 100%

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Exactly! That’s a good thing my friend. As the B man says “Plant More Seeds” I’m trying to live by that

Same for you, whenever i got time and space for chucking some plants and make some beanacos i’ll add you in the list “send to:”

And absolutely, i think is the only sticker i did ever stick on something as an adult :joy::joy:


I’ve been trying to find one of those stickers! My old fridge was covered in stickers, like 5-6 Bodhi ones, but it died in the winter. I’m trying to cover my new one but can’t find Bodhi anywhere :man_facepalming:t2:


I appreciate it my friend, really do. Thank you

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I felt the same way when I took my old cabinet apart. Lots of good stickers on it. By the way, you put my sticker on upside down. :grin::rofl:


Hey, i think i got it from JBC or their etsy store, i dont remember it at all :joy:

Dope cans sticker lol i got some of those cans in 2016 holidays they were seeling it in a clothing store that was all over the city. Crazy😬


Ooops! My bad, I’ve got another I’ll put it on properly :wink:


I think she closed up the Etsy store but I will check, great idea. I’ll find one somehow someway. I know people who have like 4-5. Hoarders! Lol

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Yes i think thats the place i got it from, no idea they closed it, i got it with a límited edition seeds promotion.

Those guys sure are holding some serious packs

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Update on how they stacking


White Caviar #3 @ 20 days


White Caviar #2 not happy.


Lights off @ Day 20


As you can see some tops are yellowing, but all them point to the sky and are stacking nicely. I found some Pianono that herm so im removing them tonights or tomorrow morning. ASAP as them balls do not sleep at all…

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Lol that’s the truth my friend! The balls don’t sleep!