HashWizard's garden of Doom

Yes and guess what? I found 7 opened sacks and a lot of closed ones… I don’t know who blame, my lazy ass noob grower or genetics. But every run I have lot of problems with polyhibrids. I should grow just skunk and thats all… :grimacing:


My UFS18s are nice frosty fruity weed with zero skunk


2 of 5 Pianono cuts from Aficionado seeds fucking hermed
3 of 7 White Caviar F3 cuts from Aficionado seeds fucking hermed (F3 my balls with you limited exotic shit)
2 of 2 XXX Mocha cuts from Game Over Seeds fucking hermed.

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Wich run did you pop? 2018 or ‘2020’ Skunkbud?

I did pop 2 packs of UF18 2020 Skunkbud from NTF and 8 females just one is “sweet”


I dunno. I got them from a seed run

One hermed on me too


I tossed out the 20 herms gonna destroy em, foliar sprayed everything with water and hoping they didnt were fertile or pollinated a lot. In any case we will know in a couple weeks if i’ll harvest seeds or flower.
Have a nice day


I mean were they from TNF original packs? Or F2? If original where they black or white?

Some hermed on me too…


I think they did a preservation run on here and @Foreigner got some of those. I actually have 8 of the original NFT beans and a bunch from Master Thais original run before NFT as well. Going to do a huge pheno hunt.


Sorry to hear about the herms bro, I see this a lot more and more as time progresses. Sucks, here’s hoping they were infertile. :crossed_fingers:t2:

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These were the NFT ones. Others no packaging but they are 100% originals

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Correct. It’s nice. Just not skunky.

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Unkind.:slightly_frowning_face: Sounds like an expensive setback. Unfortunately this appears to be becoming the new norm.
We’re paying the price now for turning a blind eye and including so many cultivars in the modern, popular gene pool, that are the result of an “accidentally” self pollination or multiple self pollinations. OG, Chem, Gg4, cookies, the list goes on and on. Anyhow, good luck with the rest of the grow!


Wow, the Master Thai sounds very interesting! I know a dutch guy, Old Dutch Genetics, he made some UF18 seeds parting from Master Thai stock as well! Don’t know if he still having.

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I will 100% be furthering the line and doing an adage 100% . I’ll put you in line first for the offspring :wink:

Amen brother :raised_hands:t2:

Like im having herms in every grow sinxe i started and its becoming something normal to me… But looks like i should start doing my beans from what doesnt herm in my rooms because its becoming boring. Growing for be upset and stressed the whole grow its not pleasant. Not talking about all the money it costs…


Exactly, I 100% feel you. Picking off nanners should not be a thing we have to do. It makes me want to stick with tried and true old school genetics


Its the price for adding bullshit to the genepool. Generally i’ve found the herms tend to smell and taste better, so it doesn’t surprise me that lots of called ‘elite-cuts’ are prone to herm easily.

I think that they are good smoke and special stuff for sure, but maybe they shouldn’t be added to the genepool and just be grown solo in small.rooms from clone for those who want to take the risk for get some.of those flowers… The thing is what i really like to smoke is OG, Chem and Sour… And you know the problem as good as me…


Getting one once in a while happens. But 7? That’s fucked up.

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Yeah yeah, 7 genos, 5/4 plants of each LOL

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