HeadyBear's Den: Season II (Laissez les bons temps rouler!)

@SkunkHunt101 Here’s the 2 Silver Haze x Sowahh ladies; they’re the tallest in the tent now!


I LST clipped, and bonsai wired the arachno pheno… and I put her in a 3 gallon pot.

My food waste JLF bucket cracked and is bone dry, so I ran to the hydro store and got some Build a Flower topdress, and I’m going to snag some Build a Bloom next time I’m in.
Top dressed all the pots with a nice layer.

Interesting morphology on the Blue Dream x Azure Haze @boatbum325

All three plants demonstrate this.

The BDxAH that’s been in flower an extra week is starting to frost up.

I did another soaking with JWS and EM5. I’m going to do one more, and then I’m praying that the thrips will be under control. I need some beneficial nematodes too.

Oh, @Upstate I can’t get a good pic of it yet, but Big Poppa has STEM RESIN! It’s like a fur, and the budsites haven’t even started to form!


I also forgot to mention that somebody in my tent smells like rotten eggs! It is iiiiintense.


One last group photo before lights out.


Hope that bucket was outside!
Everything is looking top notch buddy :+1::+1:

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Sorry man, that was me

Fair hope, and yes it was outdoors!

Well light some incense, man!


Well you are feeding them kimchee & fermented fishheads …Keep it up & you aint gonna be allowed indoors ‘til you a hunnert & 5 . That BD x AH looks on the hazey side with them skinny leaves . Trying to pin Hazeman on exact genetics is a task . Never was a Blueberry convert as it was a PITA & hated N . Plus it just wasn’t my cup of tea . Hope you get somethin’ worthwhile out of them .


:rofl::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::grimacing: I’m gonna grow Lavender and it’ll come out as Roadkill Skunk! Hahahahaha!

Blueberry was the first “kind bud” I ever smoked, and Blue Dream is my roomie’s favorite, so I figured there’s gotta be something in there we’ll like!
They were finicky compared to the other girls, though. More sensitive to heavy watering initially, but now we are on cruise control, and they are happy as clams.


They look great . Looked dark in first 2 pics , last one looks tasty . Love them skinny leaves .


Yeah they had just gotten hosed down with my ipm treatment, and they were in my bathroom, so bad light.

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What was in seed vial number 80, you ask?

A gift/prize, as I recall, for posting a picture of Eva Green in my friend @Rogue 's thread.
It’s (NL5xAfghan)x unknown male

I’ve been told to be in the lookout for the pot roast pheno!
He doesn’t produce hundreds of seeds, so I want to honor such a rare gift by bringing it into the light of my tents :flashlight::tent:
This will also be the last set of beans I pop before I start a new thread for my Mango Lotus Co-op run! :running_man:‍♂
Following that, I anticipate transitioning into a super- secret (for now) project alongside a dreadfully flighty friend, sometime in March.
Overgrow the Planet !:bear::herb::earth_africa::fist:


May they serve you well and produce amazing medicine, thank you for popping them!


Just when I thought Big Poppa was looking fem…he flashed me his balls this morning.
Gonna clone and cull with some sadness because that plant is magnificent.
Pictures before he comes down.
10 plants in the flower tent; Poppa was so wide that he took up 2 plant spots, so at least everybody will get some breathing room.
Reaaalllllly hoping Tripod is a lady, or I’ll only have 1 Oaxaca!
This gender reveal shit is a Rollercoaster!


That’s why I sow by the dozen now. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
I got 8 males and a hermie last time.
Currently 13 plants vegging all in one 9 liter pot.


Ha! Well the 4 Nice Rogue plus the 7 SunRa means I’ve got 11 plants being in the 2x4… and I think that’s a lot! :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


24 hour soak, and then into the soil.



Okay okay okay, I know I said no more strains would be started, buuuuut…

In the shake at the bottom of the bag of weed I was finishing off, I found a single bean. I gave it a firm squeeze between my fingers, and found it to be rock hard.
Now, I know myself, and I know that tomorrow this seed will be far less interesting than all my others. But tonight—it is the fascinatingly singular bagseed I found at the bottom of an ounce. Tonight, I soaked this seed.

P.S. This weed is midsy, but I can tell that it wasn’t grown to its full potential; maybe I can do better… but I definitely am keeping it in the front of the tent where I can watch for los bananas :banana:


Big Poppa came down tonight. I took 3 cuts and 2 pictures

The tent is still cramped, but more manageable with 10 plants.