HeadyBear's Den: Season II (Laissez les bons temps rouler!)

48 hours after planting 3 out of 4 Nice @Rogue are up and at 'em!


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4/4 Nice Rogue after 60 hours!

And the mystery bagseed from the dark purple sack?

:100:% germination, thank you very much, I’ll be here all week.
Oh, when I plant the seeds in soil, I started shaking some Great White in the seed hole. I really think it helps with germination and early plant health. The indicators are this: seed hulls are almost completely disintegrated; “helmet heads” only require a gentle brush and they fall right off. Also, the root system goes crazy immediately. On the purple bagseed, the tap root was above ground after sprouting, and it is covered in fine white hairs… strongest taproot I’ve ever seen. I also have complete penetration of the seedling bag (roots emerging from the entire area of the circle formed by the bottom of the bag) in a much shorter time than previously.


Added about 100 new friends to the tent this morning:

Gonna let them disperse and acclimate for a few hours, and then I’ll be watering in a package of beneficial nematodes. A little living IPM for my living soil. Bye bye thrips
Company is “Nature’s Good Guys”, and they were awesome. I ordered the nematodes, but submitted it before adding the ladybugs to the invoice. I emailed the company, and they replied within 12 hours, added the bugs to my original invoice, and shipped them together to save me the cost.
About 80-90% survival rate for the ladybugs, and well packaged (ice pack) nematodes.


The company said that the ladybugs might be sluggish and weak from shipping, plus they had to live in my fridge for 15 hours after receiving them.
I was worried, but…

I don’t think I’d be banging out a threesome if I were feeling weak and sluggish!


Holy shit I was shaking as I looked at this crazy package from Jeff @Great_lakes_Genetics !

This is what I purchased:


Sour Chem Haze from @Strayfox, Cherry AK f3 and Chem bc1 f2 both from @JAWS , and a backup pack of Sour Iron Maiden.

This is what I received as gifts:

I have yet to experience a seedbank that is as engaged, or as generous as GLG.

Much love brother.

Man that Motor Breath x Miles Away is not something that I would intentionally pick, but I think I have to grow it out… it just feels like it has some serious potential! Also, @shag hooked me up with some of his MotorBreath work, so I could do a whole MB series!


Holy shit!!!


Right!? $1.95 USD per seed; less, if there are more seeds in the packs than labeled (which is obviously common)!


That is quite the score. :wink:
It is great to see you are happy with your purchase.
I know Jeff personally and he is a very generous guy.
I love all the free stuff he gives away, the doobie cases are my favorite.

I have also found that sometimes the freebies grow out better than the seeds you bought. :exploding_head:

Good luck on the hunt. :slightly_smiling_face:


I need a grow house so I can pop all the seeds that I want to.
Who will give me the money for a grow house?
Warehouses, barns, 3 bedroom homes, I’ll accept most sources.


Trade offer:
10 packs of seeds for 1 month rent at a grow location.


@Foreigner can your wife photograph me and then superimpose my speedo-clad image over various cannabis images? I’ll pay for both of you to fly out here for the shoot. Posters will be far less tasteful than your calendars, and I think a large phallic object in the speedo will support sales. Or maybe I can be “peeking out” if the swimsuit. Could be a leg hole or the waistband.
All proceeds go toward the headiest grow house.


It was a long week. I’ve been drinking.


But that doesn’t invalidate my requests.


I’m single handedly turning my thread into a chat like @TopShelfTrees1 but his is a “good morning”, and mine is an insomniac/ late night chat.


One man band everybody! Surely someone is awake and noticing the neurotic posting here!
You’re gonna drive me to the 'hub!



Can: yes.
Will: maybe.

Long night?

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Long week with the new job. Facilitating a retreat for all of our statewide volunteers over 2 days, then dealing with 3 folks leaving their jobs, and the drama of a potential government shutdown.
I needed a drink or 3 and I basically never drink.


But this isn’t a situation where I’ll get on tomorrow and meet like “Oh no, what did I post?!” I’m in full control of my faculties, just somewhat less inhibited.


I like maybe.

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