HeadyBear's Den: Season II (Laissez les bons temps rouler!)

That’ll be cool. I’ve always been interested in Mandala stuff, but not enough to actually buy any haha. I did get some Satori from a friend’s dispensary years ago and it was very good weed. Good enough for me to text him after getting into the first quarter and ask him to hold me another half-ounce, which isn’t something I did very often back then.


@minitiger man those were the days, getting home with a bag you hadn’t tried and calling the guy right back to say hold that


Well, to be fair, I used to post reviews of the weed I’d get from that dispensary on their weedmaps page, which I guess really drove business. Whenever I’d stop in and it’d be slow, they’d be like,”We need another minitiger review!” haha (minitiger was not my name on weedmaps, but I’m not gonna say what it was here). So they kind of OWED me haha.

Just kidding.


That’s definitely promising @minitiger :bear::+1:
Hell yeah.
They’re high on my priority list


Watered the girls with BuildaBloom at 1 tsp/gallon.

Tent shot:

Oaxacan girls:

@Upstate probably wants to be tagged on this.


As preflowers begin to develop, it looks like bad news for the tripod Oaxaca. I looked under my scope and the flower presentation looks like a ball on a stalk.
If I’m right it’s such a bummer… that plant is my favorite in the whole tent right now!
Of course I’ll try to clone it for future endeavors, but man 3/4 males sucks. Wanted a nice couple bags of Oaxaca.


You want to try a different Oaxacan?


Sigh. Yes, but it’s gonna be a long time before I can pop anything. I’ve got back to back repro runs at the first of the year!


Too bad. I hope it tricked you. It is a beautiful plant. :heart_eyes: 3 out of 4 males would be very unusual.
Crazy how much Arachno looks like my pine pheno tall stretchie from my first Oaxaca grow. It was nice and potent smoke.


It really could go either way still. I’m finding that the Oaxaca “trick” me with their preflowers; I see them developing, but it’s not as clear initially as it is on hybrids. I think it’s the smaller flower size that initially ficks me up

Balls confirmed on Tripod. C’est la vie!
I’ll have some smoke from Arachno, and hopefully a few seeds, to boot.
9 plants remain.

The big Vietnam Bombs are thirsty plants, and take the most water. The little ToK pheno takes the least.
For as big as the AgHazexSowah is, she doesn’t require as much, and then the Blue Dream x Azure Haze hate water, and drink about 30% less than the other strains.
Some problems on one of the BDxAH too:

Top growth only, and I’m putting my money on nute sensitivity. All the other plants (including the Oaxacan) were great, but this one started discoloring after the first BaS BuildaBloom application.


Thanks for all the love @Zanzibar , I appreciate your stopping by!


It’s a very cool thread. I like the the mix. I’m happy I found this :v:t3:


Sad day.
Tripod came down today. :cry:


Gonna post some individual plant pics tomorrow fam. With my new job I barely have enough time to give them the attention they need, much less take photos.
The Blue Dream x Azure Haze are the frostiest so far, but appear to be the smallest flowers, and shortest plants. I will be shocked if they yield as well as anything else in the tent except arachno oaxaca. When I run the remainder of the seeds, I will veg 2 months minimum and make sure they get less volume of water than the other ladies in the tent. Also, the topped BDxAH are a mess. This plant doesn’t branch when untopped, and the limbs just aren’t equipped to handle the buds unless it’s a primary meristem. I staked the two topped ones. Some silica might improve the strength, but I think the move is long veg, no training. I expected a stretch battle, but they also stretched the least of everything in the tent


I see you using some air pots @HeadyBearAdventures. You like them? I’ve just recently been trying some out I got real cheap. 6 new #5s for $5 at the thrift store. Just getting used to them. I water daily once I get them into final pots so not a big deal. What size are you using? I’d get some other sizes if I can find reasonable prices. Yikes!


They’re amazing, and I didn’t even know how good they are until this round.
5 SunRa in my veg tent are in 1 gallon fabric pots, but 2 are in the 1 gal equivalent airpot. The airpot plants are at least 30% larger than the fabric pots.
My only complaint is how much space they take up in a tent.
I own a few #1s, and a few #3s
In my flower tent I use 5 gallon Grassroots Living Soil Pots


Sorry I lied about the pictures, but my house is clean, and so is my laundry, so that’s something.


Good to know. A few smaller ones might come in handy. They might be nice to pot up from. Just unwrap them, loosening the roots as much or little as you want.

Good to know. The ones I dumped after cutting had some nice rootballs. A few smaller ones might come in handy. They might be nice to pot up from. Just unwrap them, loosening the roots as much or little as you want.