Heavy licorice terps

this is one of those terps that has sort of piqued my interest… i love that licorice/anise smell and would like to know if anyone has found it in seed form and what sort of genetics this terp may pop up in.

only strains i can think of that apparently have it are the Jager, and maybe some select Mendo Purps s1’s…


Durban poison might lead ya the right way



Me too, great thread :crossed_fingers: .


Not licorice in any strong sense of the word but hear me out.
Im growing the Banana daddy ibl auto. I think it smells incredibly like banana fosters it must all be in my head but i smell it.
Either way its at day 87 and ethos said pick day 65-85. The smell has turned way more medicinal. Almost minty but not mint. It reminds me of some thing called Monarda punctata (Spotted beebalm). Also hints of Agastache, known as anise hyssop,hummingbird mint or licorice mint*


Buddy has grown some root beer crosses that had that black licorice flavor in the joints he burned I know the root beer came from Freeborn


Snow Lotus/Blockhead and many of their crosses like Goji OG & also i’ve found it in Pinequeen (uk pineapple x shimla).


Ditto on the Durban if you get lucky and find the right one. I had one that smelled like licorice and black pepper. Not all of them have it from my experience.


I have a pheno of csi humboldts fire og x mendo purple that’s strait up loud licorice smell that I call my licorice cut and it’s very tasty. Also found a simular but not as loud smell in some malawi gold regs but that wasn’t so great


Gona also say Durban Poison

I grew a ILGM Durban and it was super plain-jane mid-level smoke, but it did have a sort of dry rhubarb almost leaning toward anise -thing going on. I have some CSI Durbans I need to try out, hoping for better results than the ILGM. *I’d like to add that, while the ILGM Durb I grew was super mids, I’d lightly emphasize the “super” because it was still very decent smoke.


they is what they is but crop king seeds purple kush have not grown them in a few years now but there used to be a high % of seeds per pack that had that smell used to help a neighbor grow them

as a customer/smoker over the years this is my general experience with durban poison. some are just zippy mids, some are crazy licorice, some are the silvery/breathey/hazey/peppery wild ride.

mendo purps/kurple type weed has a spinach/rhubarb/soap vibe IME not as much licorice.


@logangrowgan2020 agreed. And it’s always GOOD smoke, too. I used to love buying Durban at dispos, it was cheap and always consistently good

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Mmmmm I love bee balm. I love fistulosa. We have both in our prairie, and the fistulosa has a couple variants around. The most common smell is a bit spicy, but there’s a lemon smelling one and a eucalyptus smelling variant that are just naturally out there.

If anyone finds that anise cut of cannabis, let me know. I’d love to share that around.

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Grew this last year,(see pic)
Jagerschnitzel Seeds Jager x ((Obama Kush x Micky Kush) x (G-13 x Micky Kush)) - Bradley Danks Genetics - bdanks.com

Two phenotypes, one sativa leaning and one indica leaner. The sativa pheno is ‘peppery’ to me but a friend commented it was strait up licorice, both grew well at 37 degrees north, harvested mid November



Here’s the last Durban I grew that smelled and tasted like licorice and black pepper. She was good smoke, but not as “up” as I prefer. Her sister went full blown herm on me about 2 weeks into flower and I culled her. This one never even through a sac let alone a nanner.


wow she looks purrty haha. yeah i definitely prefer stuff that isnt uppy at all. id rather use caffeine to get me up, and then weed to bring me back down, or some sort of combination… hehe

ive actually been testing a couple different phenos of Lavender Jack recently and there are definitely some licorice/anise type flavors in my favorite pheno… pretty stoked on that.

wondering what kind of other seedlines i could look through for these terps… preferably regs.

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The pics don’t do her any justice. She was a beauty. My wife hates anything that tastes or smells like black pepper, so she wasn’t a fan of her at all. I told her she never would have liked most of the import commercial we used to get in the late 70’s and early 80’s. Almost all of it had some level of pepper. She started partaking late in life. She’s a diehard indica lover.

Durban is the only thing I’ve found with a licorice smell and taste, but I’m sure there are others. It’s more of a black licorice to me.

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I did find a black licorice pheno once in some LRUV autoflowers from @ReikoX
I was hoping her offspring would carry it too, but I never found another. :cry:

I’ve heard rumors that Soma’s Lavender has a bit of that trait too. But I still have a pack from years ago, that I still haven’t grown. So I can’t vouch for it. But licorice was the reason I got them. :roll_eyes:

I’ll keep watching this thread, because anise/licorice is one of my favorite smells. I’d love a strain with strong terps like that! :green_heart:

As for blockhead… i only grew a couple out. They didn’t smell licorice to me. But do have a strong grape and pepper and incense smell. It’s real nice! Very complex and intriguing… But not licorice, at least not mine.


me too, i am really into basil and that has definitely been a major contributing factor to my affinity for the smell and taste.

i believe it! i wish i could find some legit Soma Lavender seeds that would be epic… if you ever grow them out be sure to tag me in the thread so i can follow along.

yeah, honestly black pepper isnt necessarily a terp that I seek out. i smelled it once on one pheno of Snugglefunk (Black Domina x g13hp) but it cured out and isnt noticeable in the finished flower.


Noticed a mention of licorice in one of the variety names in today’s Hawaiian-Themed Giveaway by @misterbee with seeds provided by a benevolent Montanan. “Hawaiian Luau Giveaway” Number Four/4: “Hawaiian Licorice”, Sativa Mix. Thought it might be something you’d be interested in:

Many blessings and much love