Help me figure this out, is it a deficiency?

@George knows his stuff. I’ll defend him when it comes to that. He’s taken all the information he’s gained over the years here on OG and helps our members out a lot.
You can grow using the worse nutrients available but if your ph is in the range and drifting you’ll grow bigger plants.
@ifish I’m using chempak 8 on these now and they seem to be loving it. I’m around 950ppm with them with added calmag and p.k. pH is all over the place but I’m managing to keep it within the 5.6 - 6.4 range.


Anyone using ppm should always use 500 scale as when talking to others half of the world that use ec it’s easy to relate each of them to each other as 50 ppm is 0.1 ec , so you using multiples of 50 which is simple

Using 700 scale should be banned haha who wants to work in multiplies of 70 , that’s crazy talk
But some still do luckily most/all on forums use 500 scale if talkin ppm but always best to check


I use an e.c meter myself. 500 scale. When I remember I usually state both e.c and ppm.
I’m a giver :rofl::v:


I remember you mentioning that battle with chempak in dwc

Mapito f and d things seam to be a lot more stable : ) must be them dam bubbles lol
My rockwool and coco chunks must help to keep it more stable when it try’s to drift a lot
The lime in the rockwool stopping it going lower than 5.6 and the coco slowing it down from rising too much over 6 in drifts ( cultiline Mapito , spelt wrong )

They do look great : )


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I use a zero pitcher water filter and filter all my water. It does bring the PH down a little but i prefer there be nothing in my water so my liq nutes can fill that void. I get them for $11 at bulk on amazon.


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Sweet I’ll pick up a Zero Water filter pitcher tomorrow, thanks man. I’m guessing it doesn’t remove chlorine/chloramine tho eh?

Yup sure does. Google it. You get a TDS meter stick with it too. Walnut has them for like 35. Just get your replacement filters on amazon.\

P.S. I am water phreak. You should use it also for your drinking water. If you ever run a test and go over the amount of times used on the filter and smell the fish pond water smell you will never drink tap water again. All of that crap is going into you. ALSO it is a slow filter… Give it 15mins to filter. Its not like those brita thingies.


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Yea I’m a water phreak too, I only ever drink Deer Park, I refused to drink city tap for years (f*ck your lead & flouride). However, I will try drinking this after its filtered. Probably save me a bunch of $. Deer Park 40-pack used to be $5 at bjs, now it’s $8.

How many gallons you think each filter gets before replacement?

Depends on the water quality. I usually get 30 gallons out of it. Give or take.

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Alright the problem is definitely spreading. I looked all over with a loop, no pests. A few white specks on leaves on closer inspection, just soil fragments or something.

Underside of leaf

It’s even popping up on another plant.

Only the runt of the 3 (back right) is untouched

What ya think @ifish


The white specks could be eco skeleton left behind from bugs any brown dark specks could be there poo , bugs are sneaky and because not big infestation yet they be hard to find
Buuuuut as you say could also be debri also

When you say pots feel heavy still and plants look to be wilting tricking you
It may be that top half of pot still wet but bottom of pot dry
Bottom half dry because root zone down there and using up fluid and top half no root mass so it stays wetter
So lift and tilt swing pot and see if you can determine this is the case and if so then yes water just befor wilt

I think if no bugs it then could be calcium or manganese def

I am a salt guy and I also bottom feed so others may be better at diagnosis and how to rectify

They are not in critical situation and when you flip they will get extra boost of power and snap out of it : )
Let me know what you think and we take it from there

Hmmm, what kind of bugs leave a “frosted white” exoskeleton big enough to see on leaves & how do I go about finding them/confirming for sure.

I can’t find any bugs but those white specks are everywhere.

This is all I found & on closer inspection I don’t think it’s a bug at all, just a piece of soil.

But 2 of my 3 plants don’t seem to be drinking, only the big one has a light pot right now. Argh!

So if the top is wet, poke a hole in soil to get water down deeper?


I don’t think that’ll do it.

Are those 5gs? Top dress how much of what?
Have you tried not watering for 3-4 days?
Love em by leaving em alone the fixes maybe creating problems.

Do you foliar spray?


Those are looking tight as f. You still supplementing with the kelp? :100: :fire: :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:

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Yes mate. Since I took your suggestion and added kelp to my schedule my plants have never looked so good.
It’s cheap af to buy and readily available locally so it’s now a constant addition. :+1:


Other than misting the top soil today is day #5 since a real watering. Only the big one is light & ready for water :frowning:

Aphids! Have a look:



@George Spinosad/Captain Jacks deadbug brew then?

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If you don’t see a great population I wouldn’t go that hard, this might be a prudent action to take:

You can often control aphids by wiping or spraying the leaves of the plant with a mild solution of water and a few drops of dish soap . Soapy water should be reapplied every 2-3 days for 2 weeks

You can add to that mix some essential oil like rosemary or lavanda to keep them away …

What’s strange to me is that egg and sort of turds:

Aphids normally put their eggs on the reverse of leaves, so that exoskeleton could be a whitefly instead and the egg a nymph:

You can take prevention measures like that spraying but I wouldn’t go further until visually detecting what kind of pest it is … beer3|nullxnull


How do you water the plants ?

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