Herbs Now Dryer

Yeah, I’m trying to simplify. All those things are nice, but they take up space.


I have thrown them in the freezer. It seemed like it actually improved the cure, but you can’t judge by my cures. :hot_face:

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Mentor said I invested in future landfill space​:rofl::joy::rofl:.

Tracking says it’ll be here Friday. Woohoo. Got a 32g can and h202 to dunk in before hanging.

This thread will continue to attract haters that will repeat what was said in post #1. The way of the web i guess.

Not interested in the recordable data. Would haveta get new lil hygrometers or hope the old ones still work. Wanna dry Cannabis in a fraction of the space. Weird that none of the negative nellies had a thing to say about space. Spare room was mentioned but Bay Area prices.

So yeah Friday. Good news is nothing needs to be chopped b4 then. Off on Tuesday and Wednesday. Communion probably has another 2 weeks. Haha


Truth!!! So many growers get completely blinded by dogma lol

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It depends on how much space you need for drying. I can get away with 2 2x4’s with environmental control so I don’t have to worry about smell either. That’s of course 4 feet by 8 feet but half that could cover most people anyway. That’s a large closet. I like to give the plants space and hang dry. Some people hang those racks and can get more out of the same space but fuck that.

Some people go to space.

If drying can be done in less space it works for me.

Its good that you have a drying situation that works for you. Burn more Bodhi



Haters, naysayers and negative Nellies:

Having a conversation with me from 30 years ago about growing Cannabis.

“No bottles? Do you need $? You trying to grow bammer? Flowers gonna be tiny and weak. Worms, soil mites and a plethora of other bugs? Hell to the naw. You inviting problems. Reuse the soil? You must need $! You say 10 weeks minimum? That extra 2-3 weeks is enough time for them bugs to ruin everything. Reused soil with no bottles/nutes and intentional bugs for extra time. It might work but…”

Get it?

Anyway the machine was at the front door as I was leaving for work today. I’ll get home tonight around 11-12. Once my eyes adjust to the darkness prolly gonna cut a lower from Communion and Hella Jelly and put em in the dryer while sleep. If nothing else it’ll improve the early sampling process. Gotta be better than a paper bag behind TV. Worst case scenario is buds aren’t dry tomorrow morning and overdried by tomorrow night. :person_shrugging:t6:

Stay tuned




Hella Jelly


Did not trim the 2 lil samples in the machine. Total might be less than a gram when dry. I set it to 30 hours. I was expecting 96 hours as the only option. Pleasantly surprised with the + & - buttons.

Easy like Sunday morning


I use wood boxes with holes on both sides.
Mounted a net in it and put the trimmed buds on it.
Turning both the vent and the outlet air fan in the tent to level high.
5 days and i’m ready to go.
24°C and about 45% humidity.
Never had any problems with the quality though…


I intensely encourage you to run this machine for the first time while you are conscious.

They are a fire hazard. They have come a long way over the years and have more safeties built in than the ones I’ve caught fire to in the past, but safety always.


Woke up to a coupla not dry enough buds.

Not sure how many hours cuz i turned it off to check. Maybe 10-12 hours so far. Smells better than the TV method.

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1 branch of Communion drying. Don’t like how much handling was necessary to get em in slots. Gloves next time.

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That branch was crispy this morning

Will see if moisture returns as advertised. Stay tuned.

Night and Day. Too moist now. Ok so it worked. Kinda.

Machine does what it says. Dries the herb fast in a small space. Smells good and transfers to taste. Hits kinda green. Gonna take time to know the quality.

The hanging branch taken the same day needs another day or 2.

Not sure if I’ll ever use the Machine again. If you make seeds this could be useful. DM me if you wanna try it.

To all the naysayers, it cost $300 and it worked. I don’t like handling the buds. I can and will admit Im wrong. When Im wrong. I am wasteful.


Edit: Please lemme know how you were right. I earned that. Lol


As you can see, this isn’t a crowd that needs to be right. They’re all just here to help because they’ve been there.

Interesting perspective. Revisionist even.

Helping who?

It is green.

Oh so you were discussing the group and not yourself? Got it.

Why does color always haveta be soo important?

Even if the dryer is effective at drying, it’s not going to stop tasting green till its cured for awhile?