High Maintenance

Put down the sativa @Foreigner :rofl:



I haven’t even picked it up yet :joy: I am looking at it though. Osmosis maybe.

All coffee, baby.

And/Or don’t harvest it until it’s drying alive in the pot ^^

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Foreigner is occasionally on stimulants but not today.

Except coffee but that doesn’t count.

Bwahahaaaahah. Riiiiiiiiiight

After unemployment & a bladder problem & severe anxiety, I asked myself “WTF do I need caffeine for?! :thinking: I don’t even have a job?!:rofl:

But good decaf is hard to find, unless you know people


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I’ve got a decent decaf that I drink later in the day. It’s not bad.

I’ve had 15 coffees and I have so much anxiety!

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I’m definitively the opposite, we rented a house in CT once, and all sorts of people would come to the back kitchen door (it was a small kitchen and we kept the trash can and recycling there)… the “landlord” (he didn’t own the place but he was their rep), service people… I didn’t say it but I kept complaining to my wife about it “There’s a front door, WTH”

And then at our house now, most people come to the front door, but our sorta oddball neighbor came up the back to our second floor porch and knocked on that door (our house is weird, the kitchen/eating area and several bedrooms are on the second floor).

TBF I also find it irksome when people we’re totally expecting come to our frontdoor and knock and then wait till someone actually comes and opens the door for them, rather than knocking then opening the door and saying “Hello!” or whatever to announce their presence.

Obviously I am high maintenance.

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When I was a landlord I insisted on post dated checks and said “this is your home I don’t want to knock on your door ever.”

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You don’t enter my house unless I let you in.


It was a super weird situation, my wife’s family friend was a member of a church that had an old rectory that they weren’t using… and they had planned to host a Syrian refugee family or something but couldn’t quite get it together to do it… so they ended up renting the place to us… and then treated us like we were refugees or something. Foisting off their old shit on us, and not really treating it like a landlord-tenant situation. It was super weird. My wife said her family friend recounted that the church people had some weird conversation about my wife being Jewish and my being Catholic and how we were almost like refugees.

There’s no nice way of putting this, I am already prone to disliking high WASPs and the way they actually behave does not help.

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I almost had a landlord who was a hoarder and tried to pawn her shit off on us so she wouldn’t have to move it. Garbage bags of clothes in the bathtub.

We moved on.

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I’m here for our smmmoke sessssion


Just invite me in….


How much weed you got with you?


Enough for one of us after dinner 🥸

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As long as I’m not dinner you’re in.


Well I just went for my noon swim/hot tub. Does that make me high maintenance?

Depends. Did you ring a bell when you were ready for your towel?


No but I wore my housecoat through the lobby.

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Maybe we are all OCD or ADHD :rofl:

Ass and Axe do not a good smell make