Holy's Garden (Part 2)

This is exactly what i was thinking. Im excited to throw three of these in a 2x4 for testing.


I got a few half empty cans of spray paint laying around if i need it. Im a cheap ass. Lol


Ah good call lol well if they work without that’d be good to know. Save a few a bucks :yum:


hey @HolyAngel have you ever had plants start to take longer than usual to dry out the pot? mine were usually taking 2 days but now its been 4 and some still seem full. never had this happen in flower before


Yeah if they didn’t like the feed or something root related.


maybe small roots. its also been colder than usual over night but i put a heater in 2 days ago.


First 4 Dank Zappa F2 have popped out of their shells in the shot glass and have been planted. Rest have roots sticking out the beans so should likely tomorrow or so.


Alright, got all the Dank Zappa F2’s going.

That bottom right one came out of the bean as a Trifoliate!

Not sure I’ve seen that before yet :thinking:
Seen trifoliates show up later, but not right out of the bean :thinking:

Anyways, MaMilk F3’s are doing but lookin a bit rough.

Accidently put in late-veg nutes :sweat_smile: so been watering it down with tap until they get goin again.

Flower Tent

Day 20 for the RareBuyer “TK”

Maybe 2x stretch on this cut :thinking: I really think this is an S1 of the real TK. Stem rub off, leaf morphology is off, stretch is off, branching off… See what she does but I think she’s gonna go in the trash when I get my real TK back. The RareBuyer 92 OG looks and smells closer to the real TK than this cut does, but still not the same plant. That’s what I got :man_shrugging:

Everything else is at day 8 of flower
StarShine F2 #1

StarShine F2 #2

StarShine F2 #3

Obviously hungry. All my SSDD work are some heavy feeders. Just before these pics I increased the feed to 7g maxibloom, 1g jacks 10/30/20, 1.25g gypsum, and 0.5g epsom salt, per gallon.

TriForce #6

TriForce #5

Really hoping both these are what I want. Some sour/acrid/tennis ball/woody type stem rubs.

C5SensiStar #5 F4’s

#1 on left | #2 on right

And that’s all I got for now, thanks for lookin ^^


Awesome looking plants!


I dunno if I’ve ever asked you about this, although I’ve always noticed it, but you keep your lights in the same place the whole grow, right? You don’t ever lower them? Obviously, right now you have to keep them where they are because of that one maybe-TK haha that’s way taller than everything else, but if she wasn’t in there, would you lower them for those shorter plants or not?


i usually would lower it yeah. try and maintain a certain level of ppfd. I try and shoot for 300ish at the top of the pots and don’t really care what the top of the plants are doing as long as they’re not getting bleached. I don’t even think I’m running 500w in there right now either. Need to double check :thinking:

300ish at the top of the pots means I don’t usually get any larf. When you start getting under 300 PPFD then the flowers start getting pretty loose down there.


That C5 x Sensi Star F4 sounds like a great cross.
You were probably able to lock in the traits you were looking for by an F4?


It really is. I ran a few packs of things before I ran the F3’s of this and found my first keeper. Technically the whole pack was worth keeping but I liked the #5 girl the best. Legit old-school Haze high. None of this foggy, relaxing crap the bandaid and cbh smokes like, no anxiety or paranoia tho either. Functional daytime, borderline soaring, saturated colors, ~3hr high that comes down clean like you never smoked anything at all. Cuts through everything else you might’ve smoked on beforehand too.

I hope so at least. They were open field pollinated twice before I received them originally so they breed a bit wide. The parents of this particular cross were really similar though. I’ve also grown out other crosses from each parent separately, NorthStar that used the mom, and Lemon Cheese Haze/FLC BX1 that used the male, and I’ve seen the traits I like showing up pretty consistently. So I’m suspecting these #5 F4’s are all gonna at least be that UP haze high but won’t know until we get there.

I’m gonna try and up-pot the C5SS and TriForce males tonight so I can take clones here in a couple days before flipping them to flower for further testing. See if they herm after ~5-6 weeks of flower and then see if they herm on reveg. Any that pass all this will get used later and possibly reversed. Need a TK BX1 and wanna make C5SS F5’s among other things. Still need to find a male in my SSDD work :confused:


You are absolutely gonna HATE the smoke report I’ll be posting in a couple days for that #3 Cheese Haze plant haha… I love it, though. I also do think that maybe there’s just something weird with my cannabinoid receptors or whatever, weed hits me differently than other people, but I’m not really worried about that. If I like the way it hits me, I don’t care about the way it hits anybody else haha.

It does remind me a lot of my favorite BAH’s and that C. Gold cross from a while back, though. Just very “feel-good”-type weed. “Everything’s gooooood…” haha. It’s great weed, but I do wonder if you would like it.

What’s strange is that the #4 plant (which looked pretty similar to the #3) doesn’t smoke like that at all. Much, much lazier, much “heavier.” The few times I’ve smoked it thus far, I always end up crashing out on the couch, even when I smoke it at, like, 1pm haha. It’s gotten to the point where I’m like,”I dunno if I even wanna blaze this one again.”

But I’ll soldier on… haha.


I’ve got an A5 haze/thai bx hybrid happening but the proof will be in the smoking.


It’s a black triangle cross but we will see but the stretch was something to behold.


Nah I’m pretty much expecting it :sweat_smile: The stony/fogginess is prevalent in that line from, imo, the lemon skunk in franco’s cut of super lemon haze. Might be from the cheese too, unsure. But I’ve seen it in other SLH stuff too so that’s my reasoning. The one I had that resembled your #3 wasn’t really foggy/stony/lazy for me though, she was much more UP. The big beast one I had was much more lazy though. The cheese leaner even more so. Not stuff I’d wanna work on. Fantastic for hanging out around the house or small get-together’s though. Everyone loved that stuff, but not my cup of tea really. Reason’s why I haven’t gone back to that line despite that favorite plant.

Yeah I’m keep watch over there :eyes: Too bad it’s not actually A5Haze/Thai bx though. The “thai” was Mirakel and no one has found any actual thai in there last I checked. NN and Doc recently changed the name to A5/Mirakel to cover their bases. I could see the stretch coming from TK or the A5 though. I’d imagine it’s all gonna be pretty stony weed but definitely proof in the smoke first ^^


It’s a doc d cross so I’d expect the stretch to come from the Thai or A5 but who knows.

I just know I tied it down to the extreme and it shot up. It smells great though.

My guess is low yield high quality but it’s just a guess.


Yeah I knew it was a Doc D cross ^^ Hence the thai being this plant they called Mirakel, and it’s not actually thai. They were just guessing and ran with it like that for years until just a few months ago when they labeled it properly as A5/Mirakel BC1:
No one knows what the Mirakel is, but again, no one has found any real thai in the beans, so they fixed the name.


Well - what a rip off. I’m going to keep calling it Thai just for continuity.