Holy's Garden (Part 2)

It isn’t like that, though. It’s not foggy at all. Stony, yes, foggy, no. It’s great weed. You’ll read about it in a few days haha. But for real, it’s super-clear and sociable and also very “at ease.” The first time it was blazed, we had a couple friends over and played Trivial Pursuit and I fucking DOMINATED haha. I was even cooking dinner for everybody at the same time, just crushing Trivial Pursuit and cooking a bunch of shit…

Not foggy.

Yes, please do that. We don’t need to start adding to the general confusion of all weed genetics. If that’s what Doc is calling that male, that’s what I’m gonna call it, too.

I don’t think you got ripped off at all. I haven’t been disappointed in any of the A5Thai (sorry, Holy haha) hybrids I’ve grown thus far. I love them, although I’m not sure how that Black Triangle cross is gonna turn out for you. I reeeaallllyyyy did not like the smoke from the couple BT’s I grew a while back. I could see the A5T male improving it, though, for sure.


I’m not upset in the slightest. It’s marketed as a bx so that’s how im taking it. Either way it smells really it’s sativa dominant, and I’m Making seeds from it so all is good.


Well that’s good news. Idk what I wouldn’t like about it then :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Not every pheno is gonna be straight haze in that line, nor are they in this C5SS line either. But I think the one’s that are, are closer to what I consider Haze than most anything else “Haze” related I’ve had since I started growing again some years ago. I found the Bandaid’s and CBH stuff to be pretty NL heavy despite the sativa growth traits. Like all the wrong traits wrapped into one line :sweat_smile: I don’t want relaxing, heavy, couch bound, foggy, daydreamy, lazy, etc “haze”. True haze to me is functional, soaring, everything is great, weed. Not so much stony.

lol. I don’t think you got ripped off either. Slightly misled maybe :sweat_smile: Should still be damn good if it’s your cup of tea. That being said, after trying the bandaid’s and stuff, and then finding that out… I ended up trading out all my Doc D packs save for the Lemon Thai F5 and the TK/Lemon Thai :upside_down_face:


I don’t think so either. They were free. I’m very angry about these free things I got.


I have continued using A5HT to describe DocD stuff, as that is how he identified them on the mailing list. I know about the Mirakel thing, but for the sake of clarity for lineage, I’m sticking with the mailing list version.


I’ve been in contact with e Dutch grower that lent Karma the A5 Haze and it is not Yo Sammy

Karma’s story.
Karmas buddy was supposedly growing her out and his buddy Ronni ( a Spaniard) had an accident with his Mirakel a thai.
Then he released the beans as freebies.

Here is what the guy told me.
"Hey man. They all have the A5 from me… I started with her just after the hybrid was just made. And brought her to the southern part of the netherlands. Karma i know very well since 30 years! All these people met Haze because of my work and preservation from 89. I am not the man who made the A5x Mirakle accidental. As you say it was not made. It was an accident! Well accident. I think someone wanted to ruin his A5 harvest. LOL!

…they dont have anything else anymore! So they use the accident! LOL! In the land of the blinds one eye is king! Dont believe the clowns and the junkies. Ronni is a famous Dutch grower living close to me. He is not from spain and has nothing to do with it!"

I wonder what was released on Karma’s A5 crop?


From my understanding, the only A5 cut left is the A5A2, which is the same one Yo Sammy has.

There was originally five different A5 cuttings, A5A1 being the most NL like, to A5A5 being the most like Haze A.


If you go back on IC Mag you can see where Yo Sammy doesn’t believe that Karma has the A5 cut.
Yo Sammy believed it to be extinct, but after the 2 get together and share then Yo Sammy changes his toon.
So Karma got the A5 from The Southern Haze Collective and then shared the cut and made the S1’s after he got angry with the guy that let him use it.



So they both have the same a5a2 cut. The starlight I used from rocket in the NorthStar line, is from Karma’s a5(a2) s1’s :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Has anyone been able to pin down what Mirakel might be other than most agreeing it’s not Thai?
I’ve never grown any crosses with it even though I own a few packs with it in there.

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No not that I can remember. I think there was mentions/speculations on NN’s discord server :thinking: but I’m not on there anymore.

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So the Starlight must have checked the boxes for you?
I should go through your thread and check them out.

I bought a cross with an A5 S1 from Sativa Hoarders, but after these Nevil’s Haze Mullumbimby Madness I have are done, I’m going to lay off growing the Sativas till next winter.


My A5 came out of thin air with no provenance.


The Starlite is a beast and the A5 is pretty dominant in there despite the NL5 BX8 used as the male. The combo with the C5SS #5 girl really shined but overall was not quite what I was after. I prefer the C5 high overall to any of this A5A2 stuff.


Hormex #16 and she has roots in 2 weeks


I don’t have a ton of experiences with Haze, but
I think I have narrowed down my favorite to being the C5.
I grew Silver Haze back in the day and it was epic!
I believe it used the C5 as well.
I’ve grown the Killer A5 Haze and it was OK, but didn’t have the same euphoric soaring feeling I enjoy.


Yeah the Silver Haze, Super Silver Haze, etc all used the C5 male instead of the A5 male.


I have 3 of the Athens cut of Silver Haze I’m planning to flower next.
I hope it is what I remember.


I dunno and I don’t care. All’s I know is I always loooooove those Dutch/Swedish/Netherlands people trying to speak English haha.

“I know very well since 30 years!” Haha… Always cracks me up.

One of my best friends is Swedish, I’m constantly correcting her English, so I’m allowed to say that haha…