Holy's Garden (Part 2)

I’m running an A5 cross so we will see. Stretched pretty good.


Can’t say I’ve heard of an Athens Silver Haze :thinking:
Oldsog’s cut tho is supposed to be legit. Can’t remember if I’ve had that one or not :thinking:
I’d be taking clones just in case…


It’s Greek :joy:


Speaking of Greek

Whatcha guys think about Greek kalamata red?

What would you classify that as? NLD hashplant?


If it’s a semi auto I’m very interested.

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Uh, I don’t think so


Oh well thems the breaks. A Greek plant would be unique and interesting perhaps.


Just plant it, dude. You don’t need to be an “expert” to grow weed. If you’re interested in it, grow it. You’ll be fine, the plants’ll be fine, everything’ll be fine haha.

Yeah, I wasn’t like,”Holy shit! What am I gonna do?!?” You saw it on the log. Two got tall, but not anything close to something that I needed to start worrying about. They were fine.

Everything’s fiiiiiiiiiiiine haha…


I dunno about that Kalamata Red (although I’ve read about it), but did you or anybody actually read any of that Athens Silver Haze grow log you posted a link to? I just kinda scrolled through it and dude mentions that it was 51 inches when flipped and only 84 inches 20 days later? That sounds, um… Weird haha. I mean, maybe it’s because it was being grown indoors or something, maybe because it was vegged long enough to reach 51 inches before flip that it was already basically flowering, but if something that’s a “Sativa” was flipped at over four feet tall, I’d expect it to be twice that size after three weeks.


I skimmed it.

Ssh and silver haze aren’t very stretchy with some phenos. I think some haze heads consider them just alright.


If you look at the lineage of silver haze you’ll see that silver pearl is an early finisher and not that stretchy, for example.


Eh… I’m not buying it haha!

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I would think it a very good option for your first haze.
Old Sogs cut of SSH is 8-10 week in flower depending when you want to take her and Athens Silver Haze is haze light to grow, but still satisfying to smoke.


Here’s a link to just about the only grow log I could find on the Athens Silver Haze.

Sorry it was already posted by @leetdood
I joined and participated a post or 2 earlier this year.

People are referring to it as an 89 Silver Haze from Georgia, but I have to wonder. :thinking:

I had heard mention that Piff Coast held the cut and it kind of spread from them.

Anyways I have the cut and will be flowering her shortly to see how she is.


Interesting :thinking: not sure how I feel about that lol

I’d think it has to be a recent seed pop, right? Or they’ve been sitting on it for forever. Not once heard of this. Heard of oldsog’s cut for sure though.


“Oldsog” actually commented on that Athens thread, but who knows if it’s the same person?

Gawd, I hate the internet… haha.


lol right. It probably is though :thinking: not that he verified it or anything. Just commented on flower time and nutrients really… Someone said oldsog was working with it now but oldsog doesn’t say that in that thread.

edit: ah, here it is: Super Silver Silver Haze – Oldsogscoc

Idk why you would flower a plant at 51 inches indoors but I can’t really tell a thing from the distant whole plant pics. Not a word about smells in the entire thread. No good flower pics. I couldn’t say anything either way. Maybe it’s legit and a good cut :man_shrugging:


The interesting thing is, I can find plenty of Dispensary Athens Silver Haze, but all of them list the lineage incorrectly if it’s actually Silver Haze:

Silver Haze is Silver Pearl x Haze

Another interesting note is, those two pics are from the Seed Bank’s 1990 catalog and is the first time either cross is listed in the Seed Bank’s catalog’s. So how did the Athen’s cut come from, and I’m quoting oldsog here:
When not only did Sensi Seeds not even exist in 1989, but the cross didn’t win the cup for Nevil at The Seed Bank, who made it, until 1989, and he didn’t list them for sale until 1990, after the fall harvest festival when it won. Sensi Seeds didn’t have them for sale until 1991, the year it came into existence. Some things not adding up over here :thinking:


Right, but I don’t think I’d put any faith in the people who work in dispensaries and who (presumably) write the descriptions on their websites to know what they’re talking about haha. It’s like the last time I went to a dispensary with a friend of mine a few years ago and they had Red Eye Jedi on the menu. I was like,”Ooh! That’s Bodhi!” but I couldn’t remember the exact genetics (baaaaaked haha), so I asked the chick behind the counter and she was like,”Nobody knows… It’s a closely-held secret…” haha!

It’s also possible that the grower(s) who are providing those dispensaries with that Athens weed are just as dumb (or shady) as the people who work at them. They themselves may not know (which is disturbing haha) or they may just be telling them what they think people wanna hear.

I mean… 1989, 1990, what’s the difference? Haha. I couldn’t tell you if something happened six months ago or six years ago haha, time is a flat circle. If that actually is oldsog, maybe he’s just a little confused. As much as it pains me to say it, 1989/90 was a long time ago.

But yeah, in general, fuck that “Athens Silver Haze” haha! It almost feels (and has felt) like these people think saying stuff like,”This is a cut held deep in (insert some bumfuck town name in an illegal state here) for thirty years…” makes it somehow more appealing to people.

I dunno… haha.


That’s direct from OldSog’s own website

saying that athens cut is from sensi seeds in 1989.
All of that sentence is wrong.

If you have a monetary stake in something, I’d think you get the info correct :thinking:

As-is, I feel like it’s a blatant lie and anyone that actually knows, wouldn’t be buying that stuff because its obviously wrong. Same way you get the phishing emails and messages with stuff mispelled and whatnot, blatantly obvious. So only the dumb click on it.