Holy's Garden (Part 2)

Oh… Haha! I thought that was a quote from that thread, didn’t realize he had a seed-selling website.

Hm, yeah. If that’s the case, yeah, you should probably know better.


OMFG priceless ! :laughing: the one here told me it works name x name just like its listed so Vader Kush was simply the strain Vader crossed with the strain Kush :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I was dumbfounded and found another to confirm and he nodded up and down …. Sounds legit :man_facepalming:t2:
I left and never been back , that was the day after legalization.


I think the year think is just a gimmick some early people used to differentiate their cut and give it a bigger impression of rarity with older years


People who work at dispensaries know as much about quality weed as the people who work at mcdonalds know about making a quality hamburger.


Yeah, probably. I know there was a lot of talk about how Serious Seeds stuff kinda changed around 2000 or so, something about how that dude Simon lost his original males or females or something and had to start over and then his gear wasn’t good anymore.

I don’t fucking know. And I don’t fucking care, either haha. Just plant the seeds, grow it, and smoke it haha. And then tell us what you think of it.

I’m kidding, kind of. I love reading about the history of breeding, going down the rabbit hole, but it seems like it’s gotten very, very convoluted lately, even more than it was only like ten years ago. I really do feel like,”Psssshhhhh, would you please just shut the FUCK up? Just grow the fucking seeds!!!” haha.


Unfortunately it’s true that a lot of euro banks lost their stock in the 00’s which is why people discuss these things etc. People like Swerve or Mike Exotic also sell out and start making the shit that sells over and over even if the quality drops. So it’s important for me to hear who does actual selection and has the goods. A lot of these breeders put on a good face and talk like they know what theyre doing and have the goods, but then you find out theyre just smashing shit together over and over and getting lucky.


I get the dispensary’s don’t know anything, but they got the info from somewhere and they’re going with Athens Silver Haze = NL5Haze. The fact OldSog says 89 Sensi Seeds Silver Haze which never even existed, the only “89 Silver Haze” is the cup winning cut from The Seed Bank, makes me think maybe the dispos are right :joy:

The only original Silver Haze seeds are either 1990 Seed Bank Silver Haze or 1991+ Sensi Seeds Silver Haze. There was no 1989 Sensi Seeds Silver Haze. The 91 Sensi Seeds Catalog does reference the '89 festival winning cut, but the seeds weren’t available from Sensi Seeds until 1991 or later.


The dispensaries get the info from the producers from what I’ve seen. It all means nothing. The producers can name it whatever they want, thc test depends on what bud the lab tests and if it was done correctly

It kinda sounds like they’re trying to attach to the 89 winning cut


Swerve? Are you kidding? That guy’s been a joke for years.

Yeah, that’s kind of what I was getting at, although I will say that I don’t think it’s unreasonable to expect the people running the dispensaries to maybe kinda sorta look into what it is they’re buying and selling, if for no other reason than to provide their customers with the most accurate information possible. Anybody who just says,”Oh, okay!” without even considering the fact that maybe the people they’re purchasing their product from don’t know very much should probably not be running a dispensary at all.

Doesn’t matter to me, though. I grow my own haha…


Some people will recommend him, believe it or not. I had a guy on nobody’s nursery’s server say I was full of shit for saying Swerve fell off big time. Rustled his jimmies big time. Nobody had to tell me the guy was actually around for a whole and tested for karma etc for me to take him seriously after that.

Yeah there’s a reason I’m no longer on that server :yum: lol
Swerve been known for fake cuts since his inception.

True that. I don’t have a stake in that Athens cut and not trying to discredit oldsog but… facts. Could’ve been a simple mistake on his part. idk.


Northern Lights has a backstory that’s as clouded as Scooby’s van. Some whisper it was first bred by a shadowy figure known as “The Indian,” right on an island near Seattle. Others gossip that it might have been a Californian native before it got to Seattle.

See, shit like this gets posted by Katsu. How’s he reproducing NL without knowing who Seattle Greg is?

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Yeah, me, either. How did we even start talking about this…? Haha. Who brought up the “Athens Cut”?

Anyway… How’s those plants looking, Holy?!? Haha…

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Right, getting distracted over here :joy:

Not too many pics right now as most of the lights are off but here’s that C5SS F4 #2 girl I was talkin about with the big fat stem and nice branching

i took these two small branches off after the pic. and then the top here:

Stretching out nicely and nothing crazy

And then I up-potted the alleged 92OG and the other RareBuyer TK that I also topped.
92OG (Left) | RB TK (Right)

Need to take clones of that 92 and stick it in the flower tent.


They are just salespeople, no say on any of the purchases really. Good to actually let them try your products, so they can recommend them


Lol, too much meticulating over disjoint recollections discussing a strain name that has multiple released versions from different breeders won’t go anywhere… Sensi seeds silver haze isn’t the one Mr. Nice used, the one from AAA medical seeds in canada, nor The Seed Bank’s version… those are four of possibly more versions of strains that all used a similar name. I know that I have personally mentioned Dutch passion and Sensi seeds in passing, only to recall much later that I had meant The Seed Bank or SSSC, and vice-versa. Concision is a nice to strive for, but not always apparent nor available when discussing lore and personal recollections from long ago, especially when most names that popped up were copied by others in attempts to ride the “latest hype strain” craze. When we look close, Sensi seeds supposedly created silver pearl which was used by the seed bank to create Silver haze :thinking: But the silver haze from The Seed Bank was released before Sensi Seeds released their Silver pearl :joy: Sensi seeds and Dutch passion were well known for stealing and registering hype-strain names back then. Now, if we Google silver haze and see who has it offered (sensi seeds) and then go to the Sensi seeds website and read what it says, they claim their silver haze was a cross of haze and NL#5, so the dispenseries you see claiming that the cross is Haze x NL5 may actually have some standing based upon currently available seed lines… I haven’t seen anyone selling The Seed Bank’s version of silver haze, made with silver pearl, since 2004, but sensi seeds sells that named strain as a cross between nl5 and haze.

Good luck with your research though!


pepe silvia.gif

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Most people don’t care either. All they want to know is that it’s good or will work for what they want


Yeah bunch of lies going around :joy:
Nevil made the silver pearl and the silver haze. He sold everything to dronkers in 90/91 and they made sensi seeds. Nevil worked at sensi seeds with Shantibaba. That’s where Shanti got all his cuts. They’re all either Nevil’s cuts or his own cuts from that time. Nevil went to jail. Shanti quit and started Mr nice.

If sensi seeds wants to call silver haze nl5 x haze these days that’s their mistake. Oldsog knew better on the lineage but for sure got the bank name or the year wrong.


Sure, I guess, but even salespeople should have some frame of reference for whatever it is they’re selling. I mean, if nothing else, it isn’t hard to google shit online.

I will say that when I was a waiter and somebody at a table asked me for a recommendation, I’d suggest a $500 or $1000 bottle (or more) and just throw out a bunch of “wine catchphrases” without having any idea at all what a $3000 bottle of Petrus tasted like (because what restaurant is gonna open a $3000 bottle ((or even a $300 bottle)) of wine just so their staff can taste it and accurately describe it?).

That’s still a lot different than simply knowing the genetics of a specific cultivar, though. It doesn’t cost any money at all to know that haha.