Holy's Garden (Part 2)

Reminds me of our discussion in my thread about the seedbanks not knowing what they’re selling (using blatantly inaccurate pictures). Reality is though that people in the Cannabis industry, and especially those who didn’t get their feet wet prior to legalization, are responsible for shaping the situation we’re in now. Unlikely to change at this point until there’s no more money in the scene to extract from willing marks.

I remember when my state legalized seeing a bunch of people posting their seed purchases on other sites, and specifically someone getting “OG KUSH” from royal queen seeds. Do you think that person will think twice about passing around any cuttings he gets from those seeds as OG KUSH? Would the seedbank sell as many seeds if they provided accurate information in that situation? Most people buying seeds and consumables don’t give a shit about accuracy, and the people in the industry aren’t exactly ethical exemplars.

I respect fast food and drive thru workers more than bud tenders - being able to look and see whether something is listed on the packaging as indica or sativa brings nothing of value. The customer could do all that on their own anyways. They played no role in breeding, selecting, or even growing the Cannabis they are selling. The whole environment brings a nice blend of homeopathy, aromatherapy and other pseudosciences presented in an Apple store environment though…


Not just that. The people that happily buy from rqs, Ilgm, and all these other Spanish and white label banks, THINKS they are indeed buying OG Kush seeds. They don’t even know it’s a clone only and they think everything the site says, including the pictures, are the real deal.

It’s not even a matter of not caring. It’s a lack of critical thinking, research, and legitimate belief they got what they bought


For sure. Try to have a conversation about that with them too and see how that turns out. Probably what makes them easy marks in the first place - they are preconditioned to make the sale.


But it’s a feminized autoflowering version, so it must be good… haha.

Right, but that’s kind of what I was trying to get at, is that shouldn’t there be some sort of ethical standards? Of course, now I’m just being silly; there are no ethics when it comes to capitalism.

Sure, but when I worked in restaurants, I didn’t play any role in the production of the food that we were serving or the wine that I was selling, either. And even though we were all basically lying to our tables about thinking that a particular bottle of wine tasted like “stone fruit with hints of leather and soil” or whatever, we were educated on that kind of shit by the sommeliers during friggin’ two-hour meetings every month (which suspiciously always seemed to be scheduled on my day off haha, so I’d have to go in for a couple hours anyway). We weren’t just talking out of our ass, even though we had no idea what these wines actually tasted like. We still knew their provenance and had an idea of what to expect. We weren’t telling our tables,”Nobody knows about this wine… It’s a closely-guarded secret…” haha.

And we all tasted the food. Every day, whatever the specials for that shift were, the kitchen would cook it and we’d all line up and taste it while the chef described what it was, where it came from etc etc. This is at every restaurant I’ve ever worked in, btw. It’s just a standard type of thing that you do at any even halfway-decent place.

I’m not sure why something like that isn’t possible in the cannabis industry, but, again, I grow my own so I really don’t care haha.

I interviewed at a dispensary a few years back and the dude who was conducting it said that he grew,”50% organic, 50% synthetic,” and I sooooooooo had to bite my tongue. It was one of the most difficult things I’ve ever had to do haha. And I still didn’t get the job, so I really wish I woulda gone off on him haha.


Well, Copa and DC Seed Exchange were able to put the right dates on the gear

Sensi Seeds 1996 catalog:


So is the new marketing trend to have the oldest genetics possible now? Is that what’s selling? Same with clones , the dates on the clones keep getting older or am I just imagining this?



Day 24 for the Rarebuyer “TK” cut, day 12 for everything else.

C5SensiStar F4 - #1 & #2

TriForce #6 & #5

StarShine F2 #2 & #3


100% no joke. Seems everyone has just been sitting on ~30 year old beans this whole time :roll_eyes:


Yeah, well the oldest cut is being held be @iamyou_youareme and he won’t let it out of his stable! Over 130 years! The 1892 OG Kush!


To be fair, Copa’s original marketing was around the fact that he has been growing outside in New England for a few decades, and as part of that, how he used to get seeds from Amsterdam in the old days. And if you’ve seen the ridiculous seed hoarding that guy does, he may well have had dozens of those 96 black dominas sitting around haha.

Not to say he’s not flawless, because he isn’t. But that particular piece of info could be legit. Maybe haha.


Cant believe I’ve never been here hell yeah


Yeah I’m not really doubting Copa. He has the name and date correct there. Unlike that Athens “silver haze” we were talking about earlier :joy:


Yeah, that did seem like a load of crap haha.


Athens Silver Haze a.K.A. Helennic Hoplite Haze
dates back to 500 BCE and was a gift to the Dorian League by Zeus himself to help defend against the the threat of the Spartan Brown Piff aka Spear in the dirt Haze.


Bubbleman had the advice to go strain hunting using old school strains to find good hash yielding plants. That advice is bullshit.


I hate to make this about whether or not Copa is FOS. But tbh this all sounds like good marketing too. I don’t know anyone else in the seed making business who says they’ve been growing outdoors in NE for Decades(?)

Also, I guess I’m late to the whole Rarebuyer TK thing but it’s more than likely none of these sellers have the real thing. As much I dislike FJ420, he more than likely had/has the real deal. But in the end, if it didn’t come from Cornbread Ricky, it’s a suspect TK.

Legalization has really brought out the predators.


VermontMan, but he’s kind of in the background(IMO) because of his partnership with Ace.


I love fj420 but can understand he rubs people the wrong way.



BRO just read the sour diesel thread lol. all the old “new” chemdogs and sours being bought 10 diff stories 4 ir 5 diff cuts all being the one! guess the skunk hunt is bringing everyone back to nostalgia while the new generation gets to try what we used to have


Yeah I don’t have anything against FJ at all. My original TK came from him a few years ago and I’m positive it’s the real deal.

This RB cut looks damn close but also different. Less stretch, stem rub is totally different, the thinner blades leaves, probably reverses pretty easy… not seeing any 7 bladed leaves yet but with everything else, I’m getting pretty sure it’s an s1 or something.