Holy's Garden (Part 2)

Day 5 for the 92OG, day 19 for most everything else, day 31 for the RB “TK”


RB “TK” - Day 31


Ended up with 7 of the MaMilk F3 ‘OG Structure’ :wink:

I also got the males selected down and potted up to 1/4 gallon fabrics. Pics later but got one TriForce (#7) male and one C5SensiStar F4 (#3) male that made it through the initial stress tests. Soon as they’re fat and happy again I’ll be taking clones and flipping them to flower for pollen and the last of the stress testing :crossed_fingers:


Looking proper :raised_hands:t3: Curious about that 92 OG seems to be a lot of people’s favorite :grin:

Lol for you and your “TK” :small_red_triangle::crocodile: :rofl::rofl::rofl:


gonna have some jars filled from this run it looks like. almost back on track after all that bad luck nice to see!


Yeah we’ll see how it turns out. It doesn’t look like the 92OG from @Heritagefarms so I don’t think it’s the real deal. It does have some looks and definitely smells that are closer to my original TK than that RB “TK” cut does :joy: The RB “TK” cut smells more earthy, not near as much stretch, and seems to flower like a week faster.

Definitely hope so! And yeah, back in order for now. Seen a couple more(3-4) white flys the day after I stuck the 92og cut into flower :sweat_smile: been killing those fuckers off. Likely order some citric acid just to have it but not seeing a need to spray or anything. Should be good here :+1::crossed_fingers:


meh white flys are easy to deal with. id take them 10x over any mite haha. you have any new seed popping plans after these finish up

also 200g of citric acid is pricey lol


Right!? I hate mites and thrips with a passion. None of those here thankfully!

Well I just got the MaMilk F3’s going. Hoping to flip them by next month so I can hopefully find a keeper for the wife. No plans on a male or breeding with those though. I have a couple other packs if I do feel frisky. I mean I’m not gonna turn down a beautiful stable male if I find one, but, no plans :grin:

And then I just started the Dank Zappa F2’s too that will need up-potted here in a week or so.

Looks like 7 for sure out of those too, maybe they’ll all make it tho :man_shrugging:
No real plans on this line either, I just want some nighttime herb. I’ve not grown any ghash or crosses of it before but I know I’m lookin for an 86 UW leaner in these. See what happens.

I want to get both those lines flowered out and chopped by september 5th or so as I’m going out of town for 4 days or so on the 10th. I’m not starting anything else from now until I get back from that trip.

Depending what shakes out of the two flower run’s will kind of determine what I start next but I am for sure going to start at least one pack’s worth of my Lemon Cheese Haze to try and find that hazy girl again and a matching male too if I can. I also want to run Cutthroat Seeds TK BX1 to try and find a TK leaning male. And I need to go through the black river og’s still too. Might sneak in some of Tony’s Sour Bubble or DEFSeeds 89NL5 in there depending :yum:

Also need to come back and make beans with these males and whatever keepers if end up getting any. TriForce F2’s, TK BX1 (TK x TriForce), C5SensiStar F5’s, StarForce (StarShine x TriForce)… Then try and reverse my SSDD cut and/or the original real-deal TK cut and cross them to get some Triangle Sunshine Fem’s :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Lots of plans. See what actually happens :sweat_smile: I have so much stuff to get to after this.


I’m working on getting both of those. Almost had your SSDD cut, but the USPS had other plans. If I get them before you get to that cross, I’ll work on it for you. But it would have to be reversing the SSDD because I’m not even gonna try the TK.


Would love to trade you when you get that TriForce work done! You made it sound outta this world


Aw rude on USPS dropping the ball! Hell yeah tho! If everything works out, I should have fresh, and 100% tested clean, snips of her sometime this week along with a freshly rooted and tested 100% clean TK. If you don’t get one or both by the time I’m ready to take clones I can send either or both out to you.

No doubt! A buddy just failed reversing the TK two separate times now trying STS and then Cobalt on her :see_no_evil: idk how easy it’s going to be on my SSDD cut either though. That SSDD F2 #1 cut won’t even throw a single nanner no matter what you do to her. Draught stress. Flip the lights to 24/0 at 4-5 weeks in. Fuck with the roots. You name it. She stays stable. I have at least seen the TK throw a single nanner on 3 separate occasions. Sterile nanners. But I can’t even say that much about my SSDD cut.


Ssdd you should be able to find a male unless your working fem seeds ? When I’d grew it I had couple 3 nice looking males.

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I have 40ish poor looking SSDD F2 beans left that I do plan to pop all at once at some point here.

There are a bunch of beastly looking plants in there. Great plants really. But after 3 packs of F1’s and ~80 F2’s so far, I haven’t found a single male like my F2 #1 cut. To be fair, I haven’t seen a single other female like her in all those beans either. I’ve found plants with half of her traits, half the smell/flavor, but never the whole pie again :confused:


I think I had 15/20 seeds sprouted 10 kept 4/5 females and turfed the males . Great smoke great producer . Definitely enjoyed growing it. Not sure what linage @50State was playing with at the time but she’s enjoyable tasty bud. Still have a bag or two kicking around.


I know 50state made the Orange Goji with the Orange Sunshine :thinking:
Pretty sure I have a stash of those in the fridge somewhere :thinking:


Both worth getting wet orange goji was amazing . My tin box thread has several pics of those strains . Orange goji is a commercial growers money maker huge weighted bud.


Hell yeah! That’s what I’ve heard!

For sure can work something out!

This is my current favorite one of the two going right now, #6 at 20 days into flower

TriForce #5 not lookin quite as nice but I’m sure she’s gonna turn out

And the favorite in the StarShine F2’s, #3


sweet need me some more reading material everyone slacking on here that i follow close lol. but at least you got some interesting cultivars lined up and going now!
few weeks for my harvest than massive clean coming, going to try and get a nice monocrop run of the fruit salad pear pheno after that.


The 92 is a bit of a mystery , Joshd says it’s triangles sister but did not explain anything else , somebody else in the know told me it’s the HA cut renamed upon request from that group.
Everybody I smoke with says it smells and tastes like funky old school green bud , sweet musky puppy breath chronic type smells but then my girlfriend threw me for a loop the other day and says it’s tastes lemony , nobody else has ever thought that about this cut, it just goes to show how unreliable descriptions can be from one person to the next.
I have only come across one other plant in 20+ years of growing that smells and tastes like the 92 and it was grown from a small bag of seeds I was given labeled fcut og. Those seeds came from some old guy in Lancaster in a very random moment. I don’t know anything else about them or the person they came from.


My girl (who only smokes like twice a year) has just been mailing it in for a whiiiiiile now when I hold a jar under her nose and ask her to tell me what she thinks a particular cultivar smells like. I’m not saying your GF is lying or anything haha, I believe she thinks that ‘92 tastes lemony, I’m just sayin’…

What were the circumstances? Just curious, mostly because my best friend bought a house out in Lancaster a year or two ago. She’s the type of person who never wants to say anything bad about anything, but I can tell she hates it out there haha. I keep saying,”Dude, come on, let’s see the new place already!” but she won’t let us come out until she’s fully done re-finishing every square inch.

I honestly don’t get it, it’s not like I’m gonna judge her on a torn-up house or anything. She’s my best friend! haha, I don’t care if her place is gutted. But I am definitely interested in checking out Lancaster. I kinda like it out there in the high desert.


I was helping somebody remodel a house before it was sold and the neighbor who had been watching it for the owner gave me the seeds ,
Lancaster is not a great place ,the desert is pretty but Lancaster reminds me of parts of Mexico and not the nice ones.
The neighbor was a old dude I burned one with and got to talking about growing , he gave me a few seeds with no back story and said grow these , the one I grew was a female that finished in six weeks and had different bud structure then the 92 but was spot on taste and smell wise , maybe a tad bit sweeter. If they are not related I would be shocked.