Holy's Garden (Part 2)

Hello @HolyAngel
So I transplanted my cut of TK I purchased from Farmer Joe a few weeks ago and while she is still rather small, there are a few 6 prong leaves and one 7 prong leaf.


@Heritagefarms 92OG looks drastically different from the typical og, especially the original OGK cut.

@HolyAngel It’s a bit difficult to compare your 92OG given how horrible bottom feeding has her looking. :sweat_smile: One thing is for sure: it looks different from HF’s 92.

Here’s a pic of the original cutting for comparison


Yeah that’s the one I’ve seen a few people get from him since spring of last year. But the original doesn’t look like that IMO.

This is the only 6 bladed leaf I’ve ever found on my original cut

The blades are wider than yours for sure. I think the serrations are different too. And I’ve never ever seen a 7 bladed leaf on her indoors or out. 20w LEDs to 650w, t5, t8s, hid. A buddy got the same lookin one as your’s there and asked FJ about it but FJ just blamed the 6-7 blades leaves on his growing :joy:🤷


That pic actually doesn’t look too far off from this cut :thinking:
idk tho. Never had the 92 or original ogk that I’m aware of.


Yeah, he probably overwatered it. Or underwatered it. Or maybe the temps were too high. Or too low. Or he overfed it. Or underfed it. Or the humidity levels weren’t perfect. Or the humidity levels were too perfect… haha.


Right :joy: meanwhile myself and at least 10 other people with the original cut have never seen it.

To be fair to the rarebuyer cut, I haven’t been able to get it to put out 6 nor 7 blades leaves yet, but like everything about that cut is just slightly ‘off’ from that original fj tk cut from prior to 2023.


:thinking:… ten char.


That’s why I love Joe but put a disclaimer that talking to him can be rough, or something like that usually


People gotta understand he’s just some dude who collects cuts… which is why I love him, but like, he’s a human being. He has problems like everybody else. Which you may face the brunt of in online interactions.


A friend of mine back in 2011 did the same due to the how cheap it was after the housing crash. He had to repair a good amount of the interior of the house because it was squatted in due to it being abandoned right next to a bus stop.

Meth was rampant [probably still is] then also with the prison transitioning to high max prison out there it was rough. The phrase “I’m not trying to catch a full moon” was heard often in walmart, gas stations etc. when arguments broke out over the stupidest shit. I told that was overnight stay at the prison.

I’ll never forgot the first time I tried Jack in the Box when I first moved there. I was looking at how wide open the desert that was next to the plaza, since it was on the part of town that hadnt been developed yet. After a minute of looking at what I wanted in line, I glanced back outside to the desert and like out of a movie, a man appeared out of nowhere wandering out of the desert, heading toward the plaza.

Eventually making it to the road and coming to Jack in the box. When inside his semi dreaded hair was really matted with sand and who knows what. Waited in line like normal people but obviously was mentally ill and was having 6-7 different conversation with himself. Wanted water, paid, left.

When the man left, I asked my friend is this common? He said ya, its desert life. Felt bad for the dude but it ended up being a common thing out there. I can only imagine now.


My step dad was an amateur pilot and into all the craziness flying around Edwards Airforce Base.
That’s how I remember Lancaster, a community built around a super top secret military testing facility.


Alright. Today is Day 8 for the RB 92OG, Day 34 for the RB “TK”, Day 22 for everything else

Beed bottom feeding at 1.5g gypsum, 8g maxibloom, 1g jacks 10-30-20. Will drop the Jack’s 10-30-20 once everything gets to 5ish weeks or so. Just need that extra Nitrogen for stretch and whatnot.

Looks like the “TK” might need some extra magnesium?

I’ve also been messing with some supplements. I had been using DiamondNectar(humic acids) and FloraNectar(Molasses) since the last run and noticed a bit of difference. The flower is definitely louder now and stickier. I was digging through my stuff over the weekend and found my spare bottles of Nectar for the Gods, so I started adding in Athena’s Aminas(Protein Hydrolosate/Amino acids), and Zeus Juice(70x more Humic Acids than DiamondNectar plus Sea Kelp) instead of the DiamondNectar. I also picked up some Floralicious Plus(ALL the hydrosolate). That stuff is stinky! And also ordered some Floralicious Bloom that hasn’t gotten here yet. Also also, have Liquid Koolbloom(P/K Boost) I’ve been dabbling with. See what happens :man_shrugging:

Anyways, here’s that 92 OG at day 8 @Rocket

And the back of the tent:

That StarShine #2 in the middle front there has definitely been doing better since adding the supplements. Don’t mind the sticky traps on the other two, it’s covering up the hole in the stems from topping those two and helping catching any whiteflys left in here :sweat_smile:


My eyes just glazed over maybe harder than they’ve ever glazed over in my life haha. That’s so much stuff!

I am kinda curious about that Diamond Nectar, though. Not that I’m ever gonna use it or anything, but is humic acid something you (or any hydro growers) use on a regular basis? I watered with some BioAg fulvic last night, just for fun (and boredom haha), something I do a few times a grow, maybe. Sometimes. Or not haha. I did notice that there was quite a bit of frost on some of the leaves this morning, but I think we’re just getting to that point in the grow, 31 days. I don’t think the fulvic (also top-dressed with some MBP) would make that much of a difference that quickly.

But yeah, do you add fulvic/humic acids to your water on a regular basis? Is that something hydro growers need to do?


I tested the humic acid and it made my roots brown. Didn’t notice a real difference, and since the jug was like 100$… fuck that.


LOL I thought the same damn thing! How do you even keep track of what’s working or not?


Educated guesses, I’d assume


From reading and researching about Brix and other stuff, it seems that humic and especially fulvic acids are really beneficial to the plant. Most base nutrient blends in hydro don’t contain any of that. I’m not running the reservoir right now, just bottom feeding, so no issues adding in this stuff. If i was running dwc or flooding, this stuff can mess with the water real fast.

GH doesn’t offer a fulvic blend but they do offer the humic acids with the DiamondNectar. I’ve used it a few times over the years and am familiar with its effects. It increases nutrient uptake. The Nectar for the Gods Zeus Juice should work better since it’s more concentrated(only need 0.25ml/liter) and adds kelp.

The FloraNectar seems to increases scent/smell. Again its mostly molasses and enzymes. I don’t use any of the flavored kind, just the regular one. I noticed a difference using 1ml/liter on the last run with the TK’s.

The only new product this run is the Athena’s Aminas/Floralicious. The protein hydrosylate. I haven’t used these before but already noticing a big difference.

The Liquid Koolbloom is just a P/K shot. Real familiar with that. Use sparingly :sweat_smile:


I keep a bottle of AN Nirvana around if I wanna cook soil with amendments, or make sure the plants can uptake the nutrients in the soil. I use it sparingly though.

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I also don’t use it alongside salts


Yeah, I try to remember to use the BioAg TM7 (humic acid) a couple times a grow, once in veg and once early in flower. And then the BioAg fulvic a couple times a grow in flower, too, although sometimes I totally forget to use either of them haha.

I did use both of those on a fairly regular basis during my grow two winters ago and ended up with the best yields I’ve had in years, but since I grow new stuff every round I have no idea if the fulvic and humic had anything at all to do with that. Didn’t seem to “hurt” anything, though…