Holy's Garden (Part 2)

It’s definitely useful but it’s expensive and you don’t wanna over use it. Duke mentions it sometimes regarding high levels causing intersex in some cultivars.

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So there’s drawbacks too


@HolyAngel what do you think about plucking nanners off light deprived lowers? Just wondering if you’d care about like, one or two

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Right. I remember researching the fuck out of that stuff years ago and was like,”Okay, yeah, I’ll get some of both.” I’ve had the same little bag of TM7 for yearrrrrs haha. And I finally ran out of the liter bottle of BioAg’s fulvic last grow, had that for eight or nine years, but luckily I bought a gallon of it at the beginning of COVID, when I thought I was gonna switch to no till and planned on using that watering regimen from the no till thread on grasscity.

And then I changed my mind about the no till haha! That gallon bottle of fulvic’s probably gonna last me twenty years haha.


The DiamondNectar is fairly cheap, ~$20-30/quart and only need 1ml/liter. Can agree with sparingly. Don’t need it every feed. I’m only using the NFTG products as I have them on-hand and wanna use them up. Same with the Jacks… The Hydrolysate products are what gets expensive. The Floralicious plus is like $40 a pint. Unsure on the Athena’s Aminas but from what I can tell, if you’re not in soil with microbes, you wanna be adding something like this for easy amino acids for the plant.

Generally, the plant is going in the trash/compost. Maybe if the nanners are confirmed 100% sterile I might let it live. If you rootbound the fuck out of the real-deal TK she can throw a nanner or two, but they’re sterile so no issues there. She’s fantastic too so I don’t care. But most things aren’t like that. I’ve seen a lot of things that it’s never just picking off one or two balls/nana’s either, it’s usually continual. I’m not going to grow anything that I need to pick banana’s off of, or it seeds my crop, at all.


GH’s Diamond Black is their humic acid.

GH Diamond Nectar and Floralicious Plus & Co. is their Fulvic acid blend.

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Well there we go ^^

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Looking at the formulas you guys use is sometimes brain twisting for me lol sorry it takes me several times over to really comprehend. Which is why I went with soil in the long run.

Remind me again @HolyAngel why you don’t use soil? Have you ever ?


I spent like $500 to do soil for almost a year or so a couple years back. I got off it as it seemed to be a bug magnet indoors and I didn’t like needing to be psychic on when/what to amend the ‘water-only super soil’ with. Was 10x cheaper to go to maxibloom and the flower comes out just as good if not better and I get more of it quicker than I ever did in soil.


He has. Unfortunately, he grew Bodhi’s Purple NL2 in it, which is absolutely my least-favorite thing I’ve ever grown. Total pain in the ass plants and shitty smoke, too. Pretty sure it left a bad taste in his mouth haha.

I’m not one to encourage people to change how they like to grow, but the hydro shit… Gawd… It just sounds so fucking expensive and tedious. But to each their own! Haha.


10lbs of solution-grade gypsum will run you $20 from buildasoil.
2.2 lbs of maxibloom will run you ~$25

that’s all you need for a year’s worth of solid grows :yum:


You can tack on more to that if you want, like i’m doing with the supplements and the jacks, but you don’t need it.

~1.5g gypsum and 5.5-8g maxibloom per gallon. that’s it.
Use a pump and cold water or a blender to mix the gypsum first, then add the maxibloom.
PH to 5.8. I haven’t found anything easier.


Mostly I ask because this didn’t happen last run, and it’s a really squat plant, therefore the light deprived lowers. I didn’t take those off cause i wanted as many seeds as possible, and found just the one pod so far.


Absolutely not to down anyone’s techniques. I was just wondering because soil has been the easiest for me out of hydro and soil and even using the NOTG line in soil.

I only amend my soil after flower. I don’t even topdress in flower lol.

But then again I have zero time for my garden. So I choose to use only water.
My garden is in a precarious spot which is why I get the wooly aphids yearly in the spring.


Yeah I had that happen once. My favorite MaMilk F2, the #9:

Was the only stable seed-plant out of the whole pack. I took clones in veg and every time I ran a clone of her, it hermed massively by day 18. Ended up having to toss the cut :cry:


Ouch, sorry to hear that.

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Man. Whatta bumma.

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“Solution-grade”? Do you mean like water-soluble? I don’t know anything about that, but I do know that I’ve had the same ten pound bag of gypsum in my garage for like four years now haha. I top dress with a tablespoon of it when I transplant into the flowering containers (sometimes, not always) and add a cup or two when I mix up new soil. But I haven’t mixed up any new soil in years. Haven’t needed to.


yeah its water-soluble. It’s specifically labeled ‘Solution Grade’ and it looks like and has the consistency of flour inside the bag


That 92 def looks more like a ghost or tk growth structure, the one I got years ago now is more compact and bushy than what would be expected from a og kush. I can upload some pictures later although I believe I have a few scattered around the site already.