Holy's Garden (Part 2)

Ah, okay. Yeah, I don’t really know about gypsum, that’s not something I ever think about during a grow haha. It’s in my soil, I know that because I threw a few cups in there a couple years ago haha, but yeah, in general, gypsum’s not something I’m worried about.

BAS, though… I dunno… I ordered a bag of neem meal from them a few years ago and they sent me the fucking pellets instead, which really irritated me. Now every time I wanna make, like, a neem meal tea or whatever, I have to bust out the coffee grinder to break it down and shit. And there’s always a sort of “oily” film on the top of the water, kinda weirds me out. It doesn’t seem to bother the plants, but it still pisses me off that they sent me neem pellets instead of the meal.

Anyway… Plants look good! Haha.


That was my thought too. The smells, structure, and some of the leaves of this plant remind me more of the original TK I had than that RareBuyer “TK” cut does :rofl:

Yeah I’m not really a fan of BAS really. They have the best deal on gypsum though. I bought that DiamondK bag a couple years ago and I’m still working on it. Might finish it off this year :man_shrugging: Soon as i’m done with it it’s back to lab-grade or the Down to Earth brand. The DiamondK from BAS has particulates in it and it doesn’t dissolve as well nor as fast as the Down To Earth brand that’s way more expensive. Stuff lasts awhile tho at ~1.5g per gallon.


Is there not a place that you can get it locally? Like, just go there and buy it in person? I don’t know about you, but I am fucking DONE ordering shit online, even if it means paying a little more, haven’t ordered anything in a few years now. “Support your local brick and mortars!” and all that. I dunno if it’s because of the Uber shit or what, the Walmart garbage, but it’s almost like I wanna sabotage my only current source of income or something haha.

Burn it down. Burn it all down… Even if it’s something as simple as just going somewhere and buying it. You know, like people used to do… haha.


I am a cheap Bastard who doesnt like to part with money. I use a natural source from rotten logs I find around the edges of a local swamp. I call it log mining. I add the stuff when I make a new batch or recharge used soil. You want the real soft stuff under the hard outer bark covered shell. I remove the hard bits and break up the soft pieces. It is loaded with benefical life and the stuff living in it helps break down the seed meals and other stuff I add.


I do support my local brick and mortar stores but there is no where here locally that carries it. I can get garden gypsum locally but that stuff won’t dissolve in water. Need the powder kind for hydro.

That’s a great idea!


You can usually buy small quantities (like a pound ot two) at the brew store. :wink:


Ooh didn’t think of that! I do have at least one of those local :thinking: probably cheaper too!


Yeah, it’s used to condition the water for certain brews. You can probably find similar quantities of citric acid for a fair price too.


those places are great also for finding mold inhibitor for gummies and edibles !


Brew stores will also sell potassium carbonate, which is what earth juice sells/ sold as crystal ph up.


I’m a proponent of brew supply stores as a former brewer. I still use them sometimes for rice hulls (add to soil to improve drainage) and I use an auto-siphon - typically used with an attachment to fill bottles with beer - to move water from my big reservoir into a 5 gallon bucket where I mix nutrients.


And malted barley. $2.25 a pound at the brew store down the street from me.


I’m a proponent of anything not specifically marketed to weed that works.
@minitiger example is the perfect!!


The brew store was nice enough to give me two growlers for free for hash making


That was my bad, though, so I edited the post. BAS is selling malted barley at “normal” market rates. Their website was being weird, said seven pounds was $121, but that was actually for a 55-pound bag.

Still… If I can just drive five minutes to get some, that’s what I’m gonna do haha.


The hydro store by me was selling 4/5 pounds of epsom salts for 18 dollars. Same bag in dollar general was 5. This kinda stuff happens all the time


I’d assume hydro store doesn’t sell as much products unfortunately.


Buy it raw form 1500 lbs for $200 soak in water a day sprout in cool place for three-five days throw in hot sun and let dry for a week and you have it!


I used to get my malted barley from a grain wholesaler in 55# sacks for basically nothing.