Holy's Garden (Part 2)

When I lived in St. Louis the brewing club would put together group orders with wholesale pricing. The 55lb sacks of grain were the same price as 5lb from the local homebrew store and a pound of hops could be had for the price of a couple ounces. Quite a mark up when you get into specialty retail…


It was really quite funny because it was an industrial warehouse where you place your order by phone and pick it up at the loading dock in a big truck. I’d pull into the bay in my little Golf and pick my bags off the skid they had just been placed on.

I don’t remember the math but the savings were significant. The only downside is they didn’t have any brewing specific stuff. For crystal malt you’d have to go elsewhere.


Uh… 1500 pounds of barley seed? How much weed do you think I’m growing? Haha. And where would I soak it? In my pool?


It does seem to go fast at a 1/2 cup per cubic foot of soil. How many cups are in 1500 lbs of barley? 1 lb of whole barley is equivalent to 3 cups so 4500 cups would treat 9000 cubic feet of soil. 5 gallon pot to the brim will hold around .8 cubic feet so that would be 11,250 five gallon pots treated.


I am kinda of a one and done hehe! Yeah went to coors facility where they send it off to Coors in Colorado. I got my grain from Wyoming Coors elevator, told them just needed 1500 lbs and they hooked me up, this was the two grain for making beer but now you can just go to a feed store and buy it cheap and make it yourself, just get it dry after 3-5 days of growth, I do it in dark and cool place. Don’t like mold or anything like that. You control your malt bill and stuff the rest in dry place until ready for more. Very easy process and the barley seeds sprout very easy and fast! 50 lb bag would throw grain in bathtub over night and water would move into the grain. Next day drain water and do finish rinse then off into garbage bags or just leave in the tub. It will produce heat so need to rotate grain from bottom up to top so that it doesn’t set and get water logged at the bottom since all the moisture doesn’t seem to drain thus why you rotate it. The wet grain from bottom pulled to the top will keep the rest of the mass humid or moist but ultimately it will be ready by day 5. This growth period is fast and once roots are as long as barley corn then you are done! I find the rotating of the grain gives the whole mass air and keeps things from rotting. Day 5 I just take it spread it out and let dry in sun.


I do it with soybeans. I am in the heart of soybean country with silos all over the place. The augurs that are used to move the grains between silo and truck drop a large amount of grain at the base of the silo. If the grain is left on the ground for a few days it goes in my five gallon buckets.


Yeah, sure, and at a rate of ten pots per grow (which is being generous; I planted 23 seeds for the current round and ended up with five females), that’s 1125 grows. I do three grows a year, maybe four if things work out, so…

No, I do not and will never need 1500 fucking pounds of barley haha.

And you did that thirty times? So, like, over the course of almost half a year?

How much space do you have? What did you dry all of that barley on? And where do you store it? In a silo? Haha. Just curious.


I wasnt serious I was being facetious, flippant. It was an absurd amount and I was just trying to highlight the absurdity of 1500lbs for a homegrow.





Haha, yeah, I know, dude. We’re all just joking here. Or I was, anyway. I mean, I’m serious about not needing 1500 pounds of barley, but the rest is definitely just like,”Uhhhhh, what the fuck are you talking about?” haha.


Also, you’re talking about sprouted seed (on an insanely massive level), which is a completely different process than malting.


So it sounds like I definitely need to hit up the local brew store for stuff. I’ll check that out this weekend :+1:

Should get my analog Brix Refractometer today. See if I can get anything on there from these girls in flower. Needed to pull some leaves off anyways :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

In other news, TriForce #5 at day 22


50 lb bag will fit in your tub just fine and that should be enough for you. 1500 lbs is good for stuff like this. Didn’t mean to offend but you do what you like.


I don’t think he’s offended but I’m sure he will speak for himself. Lol

Looking good holy. The more I mess with this hot mints the more I think you’d really enjoy it. I hate the way it grows personally but it’s very, very tk in scent. Wish I could shoot you off a sample.


Oh yeah? That the Jungle Boys WiFi Mints x TK BX1 ? Sounds interesting! Could be up my alley if there’s basically no cookies to speak of in the pheno :joy:

I wanna make a tk bx1 with the triforce but I might’ve stress tested the males a bit too hard :joy_cat: if they pull through I can take clones and will flip and see. Otherwise come fall i’m either popping more triforce or popping cutthroats tk bx1 instead. Maybe make a bx2 :yum:


I think it may be worth it to maybe cross this back to a nice tk. Wifi mints x tkbx1 , yes. These are veg shots. Didn’t have time to collect flower shots but I will in about an hour. It’ll normally have green stems but it got a bit neglected for 4-5 weeks.


Yeah definitely resembling her for sure! Especially the 2nd and 3rd pics


love that structure how much does she stretch ? and how much support ?

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About 2x stretch. Maybe a touch more but this is my first run with her and she stretched up to 3-4inches from my light where it’s 1350ppfd. If it was higher perhaps they’d have kept going. Fairly minimal support as in she won’t break her branches but she gets some heavy lean going 5-6 weeks in. 3ish weeks left pretty sure.


Every day someone posts more pictures of beautiful plants, that make me say I need that!!
Great job