Holy's Garden (Part 2)

Ahhhh weak …this info will save me a grow. Much appreciated! I doubt I’ll even run it now. Make sure to holla atcha boy when you have any extras of the real deal. Then I’ll be back to call you out for giving me whiteflies :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Having personally traded with a lot of these clone vendors out there these days, all I can say is, it’s a SKETCHY scene hahahaha. People will do whatever they have to to make a buck.


Lol hell yeah! I super appreciate you sending everything over to me regardless bro :heart: I’ll be for damn sure hitting ya up with the real deal when I get her back and going again. Should hopefully not be much longer as there’s a couple in the works :wink: and hopefully no white flies at all :sweat_smile:


Alright, apparently missed my last PH Pen calibration :thinking:
PH been off by .3-.4 for the last few weeks at least. Feeding at “5.8” was really feeding at 5.3-5.4ish :see_no_evil:
Explains some things, but least not too far gone. Everything on proper PH as of yesterday:
4.5 x 4.5 flower tent:

Fake TK at day 46

My cat reincarnated so we have the signature random white cat hair in the buds again :joy:

C5SensiStar #1 - Day 34

C5SensiStar #2 - Day 34

I’m guessing these girls are gonna flower for at least 11-12 weeks. They look like they’re at week 3 right now when they’re just about to hit week 5 :thinking:

TriForce #5 - Day 34

TriForce #6 - Day 34

@hoss8455 Limewood Kush (LAPK x Lime Gorilla Bubble) - Day 1

Romulan S1 - Day 1

Looks like I missed a branch :sweat_smile: oh well ^^

And that’s all I got for now.

I did get to uppotting two more of the Dank Zappa’s, have 1 more left that will likely need uppotted soon. Have 4 nice looking MaMilk F3’s. Otherwise just waiting on clones to root :yum:


Lemon Cheese Haze
Day 18 Veg

Seems like Cheese is more in these but I’m clueless.
All (11)

This 11th one ^ also has thin pointed first blade.

Stand out with Thinnest, pointed first blade.


Ooh looking really good! Definitely some to keep an eye on in those :eyes: only just now starting to delineate! Every time I see these grown I can’t help but say to myself that I need to grow some too :sweat_smile: we need to make f2s at the minimum.


Even with the legit clone vendors, usually it’s just some dude who’s been collecting plants for a decent while. If I think about it really, even legal heirloom plants can be a headache. I guess that’s what preservation looks like with the barriers of prohibition and capitalism. Either its illegal or they’re motivated by financial interest, because passion doesn’t pay anybodys bills. (Yes I know you can capitalize on things you enjoy, but that’s still capitalism)


For example, apple detectives finding heirloom apple plants. Industrialization made certain cultivars proliferate and push out anything that isnt beneficial to mass produce and distribute.


Yayyyy! Haha. I still find little clumps of Bowie’s hair every now and then, even though we put him down like two years ago. It always makes me happy when I see them haha.

Of the two, that one looks the most promising to me. The other one’s looking a little “nug-y,” no?

I’d wait until you flip to make that determination. And I only say that because I’ve noticed that very often, “Sativas” will start out with surprisingly “fat” leaves and then get progressively thinner as they grow. Yours actually don’t even look all that fat, really. They look good! I like how “serrated” all the leaves are.


I say fake but it’s definitely at least an s1 or cross of her. I imagine it’s still good, but so so close to tossing the mom of it. I think the triforce will be better regardless.


Woo, triforce

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Hell yeah same here :heart:

Yeah :thinking: it’ll be interesting to see. There’s a chance they both fill out completely. The mom stacked really really well and could put out bats while starting out kind of like these. They’d look better if I didn’t have the ph off the last couple weeks but hopefully be good now.

100% there. Cheese is only 1/4 of the genetics.


What a beauty! I’ll have to bark up your tree to try these in the future.

I have a theory/hypothesis I’d like to try out soon. Does the first blade leaf match the final single blade on the main cola. If so it could help with selection. Most likely not but would make sense for it to revert back to the same leaf morphology.

Thanks again brotha, They will get uppotted soon after I get caught up on trimming. They only have been getting water. I may feed do a lite feed next watering.

I will grow out to 8 nodes. Top at fifth node to take big healthy cuts to send you to help achieve this goal!

I stand by this statement :joy:


I really doubt it haha. And how would you even determine that? I dunno about you, but by the time my plants are finished, they’ve all kind of “cannabilized” most of the lower leaves. Which I like, helps thin out the plants without actually having to defoliate. Seems more “natural” to me haha…

The thing with “Sativas” starting out with fatter leaves and thinning out as they grow (and this is just my theory) is that a lot of those “exotic” genetics, whatever, come from places where everything is sort of fighting for its space and there’s a lot of competition just to survive. It makes sense to me that even though they’re NLD’s, they’d start out with fatter leaves purely from a survival aspect. Fatter leaves absorb more light, thus ensuring that they’ll make it through those kinda “wild” conditions before they hit their stride.

I dunno haha.

In any event, I’m stoked that you’re checking out those Cheese Haze plants. Good to see somebody else growing them. I reeeeeaallllyyyy love that #3 plant.


I’m throwing shit at the wall with this theory.

I’d take a picture of the first leaf blade and then final single blade leaf when it comes in telling us that the stretch is over and focus is now on stacking flowers.
From my previous grows Sativas final blade could be happen in between the 5-8th week of flower, Indicas 2-4 weeks time frame.

I dont know what the information from it would tell me anyways haha.

That #3 you had makes another appearance here. How was the cheese leaner? cheesy funk? :yum:


I haven’t tried it yet haha. I actually did pack a bowl of it a couple nights ago, but then realized how drunk I was and decided I didn’t wanna get the spins. I do need to start getting into her soon, though, along with both of the Wat Phos, still haven’t tried those yet, either.

She doesn’t smell cheesy to me. I’ll make a point to figure out what she smells like when I start checking her out, but I remember the other night smelling the broken nug and thinking that it didn’t smell cheesy at all.


Sounds like a logical explanation.

I haven’t even grown an NLD yet, that doesn’t start life with wider leaf than the mature leaf.


Nice uniform plants. Should be an interesting grow good luck .


Good call

One time I had a very unpleasant experience… it was one of my first few times smoking weed, but that’s how I learned smoking after drinking can royally fuck you up.


Thanks brotha! After seeing @minitiger ladies, I can’t wait to flip them. Hopefully I can help in Holys search for a pairing to make F2s of them too.

Your smoke report are very thorough meanwhile I’m terrible with smoke reports. I’ll be looking forward them.


Only once? Haha…

It took me about 25 years to finally learn that lesson, but yeah, I’ve found that trying a new cultivar for the first time after I’m like 15 or 20 drinks in is typically a bad idea. There’ve been a few rare occasions where it’s worked out, but for the most part, it’s best to try something for the first time when I’m totally sober or maybe just six or seven drinks in. Even that doesn’t always work out. The Fuzz was one of those ones that I couldn’t blaze even if I’d only had, like, four beers. Spin City.

Probably one of the reasons why I didn’t like The Fuzz haha.

That’s alright. Not everybody has as much free time as I do haha. Honestly, I just wanna see how yours grow, really curious to see the plant morphology, finishing times etc. I think you’ll like them.