Holy's Garden (Part 2)

mine has like 4 more weeks looks smells excellent and is super sticky


Lil pots doing well for you ? Running Jacks still ? @schmarmpit


They did TOO well! I was not prepared for their output. Itā€™s been the easiest and heaviest grow Iā€™ve had so far. Likely wonā€™t be running 9 in the 4x4 again lol. 4 or maybe 6 would be plenty.

I never did Jacks because I wanted to see if it could be even easier. No switching types at different times and whatever. I ran AN PH perfect trio at 2mL/L (1/4 the suggested dosage) the entire time. Then just plain water starting week 8. No ph-ing, no changing feed. Turned out way better than expected. I wonā€™t continue with that line though. Itā€™s stinky and has some kind of sediment that settles out after a while.

Right now my outside octos are getting fed the Holy way: Maxibloom at 1/2tsp/gal, gypsum at 1/8tsp/gal, then PH up to get it right. They are looking great and Iā€™ll see how long I can go with that same formula. I got to say, I love how Maxibloom turns the water pink lol.


Similar experience here

Grew big plants in 6 inch pots with the dry salts

Had to water 2x a day when they got bigā€¦ thatā€™s a no thank you.

But people were surprised with the results, Iā€™d say, myself also


Was my first time using them, still learning. The benefit and drawback seems to be, essentially, immediate bioavailability. Youā€™re not going to get a big buffer if you make a mistake and the plant canā€™t handle it.

Thatā€™s my experience anyway

Obviously the big upshot of that if youā€™re able to meet the plants needs perfectly thatā€™s a BIG benefit


This is me for the last couple years. My last few runs have been in 1/4 gallon fabric pots. Including my current run. Iā€™m hoping to setup those mini octoā€™s soon.


@catapult hereā€™s the mamilk f3ā€™s

The bean pole on the left still isnā€™t showing yet but the other two are girls for sure :partying_face:
Right one is pretty bushy. Gonna be taking clones real soon here :crossed_fingers:

Dank Zappa F2ā€™s from @Torontoke

Doing good. Got 7 in seedling bags still. One that needs uppotted to a bag from the cloner, donā€™t think the other 4 are making it. That leaves me with 8 DZ F2ā€™s and idk whatā€™s leaning to what but theyā€™re definitely some short bushy plants ^^


Curious if youā€™ve heard of the easy2go kit for tray watering (essentially kinda ebb and flow but no drainage)

Havenā€™t used mine yet but the plan was to when I could.

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Was thinking the 8x4 flower tent would work well for that, itā€™s why I got the flood tray. Youā€™d just need to make sure you never needed to reveg or take cuttings off a plant unless they were all known virus free. So I was waiting until I had my library properly backed up and could specifically clone for bottom fed runs. If that makes sense.

Edit: to those who donā€™t know, I take cross contamination as seriously as I can because of hlvd

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yeah thatā€™s the only issue with the big trays. I was running big trays in veg and thatā€™s part of why I had to toss everything from infection. So now itā€™s only flower that gets that at all and for the last run and now, I havenā€™t even been doing that either. Each plant in their own little container I can fill with at most ~500ml of water.

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Yeah itā€™s a big concern i take pretty seriously, or as seriously I can on my time and budget, after seeing it ravage gardens. Mine and others Iā€™ve known like you. Just takes one hot plant and a transmission vector you havenā€™t blocked. People talk about it sometimes like itā€™s fake news but after seeing it happen, Iā€™m good on having that happen again.

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Yeah Iā€™ve had it happen 3 times now over the last 5 years. Tossed everything. Bleached. And started over each time. Plant HIV for sure. At this point if the cut doesnā€™t have a recent clean test, Iā€™m not taking it in. Not that Iā€™m planning on taking in any other cuts now. Done bothering with Sour. Have the TK and my SSDD cuts back. Now I can get back to doing what I was trying to do last year :sweat_smile:

Really just down the C5SensiStar girl at this point and Iā€™m not sure these F4 girls are gonna be it. Think I might have go back to the NorthStar to pull out a girl like mom again. I think these are leaning to the NL5 and not so much the haze sadly. See what happens and if I can finish them out decently. Will get pics of the flower tent later tonight.


Iā€™m not surprised when people stop taking in cuts like especially without a test result

Personally on my end thereā€™s a lot of knowledge and baseline plant info / effects I was missing out on, compared to some dudes i meet who (slight hyperbole) who have been smoking kush or chem since theyā€™re like 8 years old and know what cut it is

But I feel like Iā€™ve learned a lot. Once you know what meets your needs, you can narrow down your focus and work from seed and/or only the cuts you need. I feel like, even if I had to trash my library right now (donā€™t want to tho) I could start over with a limited amount of packs because Iā€™ve gained a general understanding of what I like and what to look for.


As an example I smoked some Corey and went to the dentist and laid there for 2 hours relaxed as hell the whole time. So I know what calms me down and keeps me happy, even if a little confused and sedated lol

Edit: It also let me realize people who were calling Corey the best thing ever made were over hyping it a little. Itā€™s nice, itā€™s not number one nice to me. Thereā€™s better


Yeah thatā€™s why I took all those cuts in. A bunch Iā€™ve smoked over the years already, but itā€™s nice actually growing the plant yourself and getting that baseline. Being able to put a face to the name and knowing itā€™s properties 100%.

Iā€™d be hard pressed finding my favorite smoke again from seed though. Lost two cuts for good last year and currently 5 months into seeing if maybe I got lucky and found them again or if I have to search more. Trying to make more seeds with the TK and SSDD F2 #1 girl for the same reason.


Out of likes :green_heart:

I donā€™t think itā€™d be easy to find a keeper from seed like that

And some people definitely have more specific needs than i do

But what I meant, I guess, was that Iā€™d probably find a couple plants, or one plant, or even a couple traits, I liked out of say, 3 packs, and then go from there

So itā€™s like

If you had a gun to my head and said ā€œOK actually do thisā€

Iā€™d say top dawg stardawg ix, dirty taxi, and csi bubba x irene

Find the ones i liked or saw potential in

Then sift for gold like Iā€™m in the great depression and owe a loan shark money


Obviously you donā€™t need to bottleneck yourself like that

But what I mean by this hypothetical is, if youā€™re able to recognize what plants meet your needs, itā€™s possible to know what genetics to focus on instead of going so wide

Idk Iā€™m pretty high

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Oh most definitely. if i was on a desert island type thing, I know what packs Iā€™d be popping to get me through and going :wink: All of them would be stuff Iā€™ve made though lol


Thatā€™s kind of the point of making your own seeds right? Obviously thereā€™s a skill and learning curve but the idea is, right, making stuff you like better than other peopleā€™s


I mean you can also do it to save money but Iā€™ve got enough to grow for years

I say that cause I guess a guy on here was reversing RQS gear so he wouldnā€™t have to buy more. I felt bad because that might not be the best so I sent him some fems that would help him out.