Holy's Garden (Part 2)

Alright. I got 3 of them setup with the Romulan S1, the TriForce #6, and the c5ss f4 #1.

I fucked up and used the small net cup on the romulan instead of the bigger one and didn’t realize it until I went to setup the second mini octo with the triforce :joy: oh well now.

I know you’re using an auto water setup but im definitely wondering on an easy way to water these things :thinking: gonna need an adapter for my fountain pump or something :thinking: as-is all I could do was partially slide one of the 4 covers off so I could haphazardly fill them up with a 1 liter pitcher. How are you watering them @Jetdro ?

Also, I thought these things held 1 gallon of water? I can only fit like 2 liters :thinking:


Very nice! I love Mantis’ and they definitely keep the garden clean :grin:


You can’t really regulate what they eat, I suppose regulating would be how many are around?..and they will eat just about anything that moves and is within a size they can manage to prey upon…which changes as they grow larger. They’ll eat aphids,. mosquitoes, small flies when they are young/small and start eating larger flies, crickets, grasshopper, wasps, caterpillars as they grow. They may also eat certain beneficial insects but that’s part of having them around. Between mantises and ladybugs you can really put a dent in some pests (and also others) but I also just enjoy having them around. I’ve enjoyed them since I was a kid and we raised a few as pets each summer for several years. Fascinating little insects.


I use a small transfer pump that is powered by a DeWalt battery pack. I have other DeWalt tools that use the same batteries so it’s compatible and easy to move from place to place and it does move plenty of water. Bad back, knees, etc, so trying to use a funnel and pouring wasn’t as easy as one might think.

Washing machine supply hose kit is cheap for 2 small sections of hose with fittings.


Yeah gonna have to be something like that :thinking: I have pond pumps already that I use. These mini’s have a tiny fill hole next to the water level float but it’s like 1/8 inch at best. Would need an adapter to half inch barb or something :thinking:


Get clear tubing that fits in the fill hole and a pump you can easily adapt it to


Yeah I could run half inch tubing to each one but think I wanna use these 1/8 inch lines maybe :thinking: I can probably 3d print a 1/2 inch barb to 1/8 inch barb and make it work. I have nylon filament which should hold up no problem.


Are you using the round ones? The ones I have have 5 spots for net pots, and covers for the unused ones. I imagined just popping a cover off and filling through there, the hole is a good 1.5” across at least.

Edit: but obviously the bag covers them, right?


Okay than, flip them small always. What are you growing there?
Why did you delete the photo?


I misread your post. :sweat_smile:

You can flip directly from clone to get a decent size plant. Sometimes, it works. Other times, you’ll have to manually stunt their growth.

Different phenos


Day 26 Veg
Lemon Cheese Haze

Root bound or got a dryback they didn’t like. Watered today. They’ll get up potted this week.

Terrible angles but you can see they’re pretty uniform in height too.


Hubba hubba! :yum:

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Ooh looking really good!

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Chopped the two C5SensiStar. Going to re-run them in the octo’s.

Leaves me with the RB cut, TF#5 and #6, and the Romulan S1 in the 4x4 flower tent right now.

Have another Romulan S1, TF#6, and C5SS F4 #1 in the 3x3 getting ready for flower. Need to uppot the TF #5, C5SS F4 #2, TK, and SSDD F2 #1 into the mini octo’s tonight and get them in there for flowering soon.

Then uppot the MaMilk F3’s and whatever Dank Zappa F2 girls I can find and stick them in the 4x4 :crossed_fingers:


I have a 30 gallon can in my laundry room. Has a good pump in it, and a 40 foot hose, with a 3 foot long wand with shut off valve on it. None of my rounds are in use anymore, PITA to fill with their holes covered by the grow bag.

Just as quick n easy: I use 2 gallon buckets, mix 2 gallons , use a LoNG oil funnel to fill them. A 2 gallon bucket will fill 4 pots . Funnel is long nuff i can sit on chair front of tent, reach all pots . I actually do this more than use the pump,


yeah definitely finding that out now :sweat_smile: What’d you go back to instead? the real octopots or do those square one’s alleviate the issue?

ooh good call there! I might look into that :thinking: I just designed a 1/2inch barb to 1/8inch barb in tinkercad and currently printing it out in nylon so to try my first idea. Connect the fountain pump through the barb to an 8-port manifold with on/off valves. Then just run airline from there to each of these little ports sticking up
and see if i can fill them all that way… I should probably make a faucet to 1/2 inch barb adapter too while i’m at it :thinking: Just make it super easy to fill up next to the tent.

edit: looks like that’s a 1/4 inch port :thinking:


What i think is missing with this stuff is a filtered recirculating circuit, 24/0. It make it a DWC set with soil that buffer the KH of the tank with the juice. Maybe even with a little syringe-pump timed to inject regularly H202.
If i was not culling plants all the time, it’s something i will try as fuck ^^


Took a few iterations but I think this might work perfectly


Romulan S1 was throwing banana’s on the lowers at day 11 so she got the :axe:
Limewood Kush got the :axe: a day or two ago for throwing straight up balls on the lowers.

They might’ve been slightly rootbound but that’s all I got. Both were chugging away 2+ liters a day and looking great. If a plant can’t handle some minor stress without throwing balls/nanners, it’s gone. I don’t care what it is. Not trying to run big pots and stuff just so I can NOT see if the plant herms easily. If it’s got the capability, I wanna see it as soon as possible. Perfect runs are reserved for provenly stable plants that deserve it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Will take clones for my buddy from the Romulan S1 I just stuck into the mini-octopot but she’s getting ripped out and replaced with my other TriForce cut. Both TF, both C5SS, and the rarebuyer wanna-be TK cut have had waaaay worse conditions and no balls/banana’s on them. Speaking of fake TK, the leaf rub smells like used baby diaper and squeezing a bud smells like earthy, sweet, kush. Maybe a hint of citrus and gas in there :thinking: Makes me wonder if this is Ghost or something :thinking: It’s not Triangle Kush that’s for sure tho.


That’s wild. I had lots of herm issues my last octopot run, I think because of all the lowers not getting any light. The Blueberry seeded itself down there late stage, as did the Tangie, and the Chem91 had bananas but nothing appeared to come from it. I think the White Rhino was the only other one that showed intersex from stress. The Romulan S1 was completely clean though, as were both Sunset Sherbet cuts (which surprised me).

Bummer, but good to know!