Holy's Garden (Part 2)

Do not think pots causing it, not seen a herm here in years running them.


If it happens in the first two weeks it’s likely genetic.


Alright, took 4 clones off the romulan s1 for my buddy and tossed it. Clones in the cloner. Put the TriForce#5 in it’s place
TF#5 and TF#6

Also up potted the other c5ss
C5SS F4 #1 and C5SS F4 #2

Don’t mind the ssdd trying to root and the c5ss f4 #3 male on the right clinging to life :joy: need a week of veg or so and I’ll move the male and ssdd out, put the c5ss f4 #2 in the front right corner, and flip those 4. Probably shove a TK in the middle ^^


bummer on the Rom. really wanted to see that one get to completion. onward thru the herms


Yea she smelled pretty dank in veg so I’m also a bit sad. Buddy is still growing her out tho so I’m sure I’ll get to sample in a couple months :yum:

Next up will be checking the mamilk f3s and dank zappa f2s :crossed_fingers:


Found a jar I had stashed away with some TriForce #1 in it I harvested 326 days ago.
So I brought some of it with me today:

Smokin on some Triangle Kush today too:


And? Don’t leave us hanging, dude! How’d she smoke?!? Haha.

I blazed some, like, two-year-old Mountain Temple that I found in the back of my closet six years ago. I gave that jar to my old next-door neighbor, just because she liked weed (before she got dementia and put into a home), smoked a joint of it with her when I brought it over to her house and thought that it was wayyyyyy better than it was when I was blazing it for the first six months or so after I jarred it. And it was pretty dang good to begin with.

I think there’s something to that “super-long cure” idea. I’ve still got a fat nug of that Blueberry x Silver Lotus, just looked at the jar, says it was put in there on 09/25/22, so almost two years old. Maybe I’ll blaze it today… haha.


That’s a sweet find! :blush:


It honestly wasn’t much different from when it was fresh. Hits hard for sure. The taste and smell are definitely worse but it did sit out for a couple months before getting jarred up. Bit musky smelling right off but reeks of pine and gas when squeezed or broken up. Bit muted on the flavor :thinking: Hashy and earthy maybe. The high is still very much like the TK.


The gold hue is perfect and even early for the duration, how you do this ? lol


It legit sat on a shelf in room temp/humidity, like 70-80 degrees fahrenheit and ~55% humidity, for 4-5 months after harvest and drying. Then it got jarred for 3-4 more months, untouched until I got to it the other day :sweat_smile:


Sometimes … it’s as simple that a memory hole :rofl:


Oh yeah, don’t even get me started. 🤷 They’re not all like this, but here’s my favorite experience and I have it all the time:

Pink-haired lady looks up, all excited, bright-eyed and foxtailed.

PHL: “Hi! Welcome to Addicted 2 Luv Dispensary. Are we looking for Indica, or Sativa? In my mind, people only come to the dispensary to try cannabis for the first time, and I know all about both kinds of highs and CBD. Indica is relaxing and Sativa wakes you up and and gets you going.”

Me: Uh… What’s the difference between Indica and Sativa again?

PHL: “Ha ha ha.”


Bout ready for this run to be over. Stick some new unseeded plants in here. Don’t mind the old pots I’m waiting to dry out before removing.

TriForce #6 - Day 46

Definitely seeing some OG and 89NL traits in this one. She’s a bit hairier than I’d like and thats from the 89NL in the kryptonite. See if she’ll swell up and suck all those in soon :pray: Mostly smells sweet.

TriForce #5 - Day 46 and heavily seeded

That’s what seeded plants in 1/4 gallon pots look like :sweat_smile:
Been feeding at 3-4 EC and still yellow.

The most like TK visually for sure. She reeks like 89NL though from the Kryptonite. Acrid AF. She’s gonna need another run without getting seeded this time.

Rarebuyer “TK” - S1 or something else 100000% - Day 59

She looks decent I’ll give her that. Leaf rub is definitely in the baby diaper territory. Squeezing the buds it’s mostly sweet and earthy. I occasionally get a whiff of the acetone type scent I’d expect from actual TK on a couple buds here and there but overall it’s seriously lacking. The smell is barely there compared to the TriForce and the last real TK’s I ran and in no way is it the bouquet of scents that real TK puts out. Also, its only day 59 and I’m already seeing ambers on the buds :eyes:
FYI, REAL Triangle Kush doesn’t get any ambers until after day 70. This cut likely going in the bin soon.


Yeahhhhhh, I hate that look haha. Both of the Angelicas I’m growing are like that, too, I’m really hoping they sorta “chunk up” in the next few weeks. That Hashplant D/88G cross I grew was like that, too, very “pistil-y.” I’m assuming it’s an 88G trait.

I like the plant morphology of those Triforces, though. Plants look good! haha.


Yeah the Kryptonite in the TriForce is basically NL2 x NL1/HP so very similar and definitely where the look is coming from ^^


Took clones off the C5SS F4 #3 male and will try flowering him out later. Tossed the veg plant.
Tossed the TriForce #7 male due to spectacularly herming not even two weeks into flower.
Tossed the C5SS F4 #1 due to stem rot and other issues.
The C5SS F4 #2 looks solid though.

Here’s the next run getting ready in the 3x3. Need to chop the TriForce in half for clones.

I’ll uppot the MaMilk F3’s tonight and get them into the 4x4 flower tent.
The dank zappas are SOOO slow. Still only ~6inches tall at 40 days of veg.


So nice having the real TK back again :heartpulse:
IDK what that RareBuyer “TK” is but it’s not the real deal. The smells on it are so different that I question if it’s even an S1 of TK at all, despite the morphological similarities :thinking:
I’m thinking it’s more likely to be a TK cross of some kind :thinking:
The RB cut is lacking everywhere comparitively.

Oh, and I did the math on the 1/2 gallon ac infinity fabric bags im using with the mini octos there. Packed with media how I have them they’re around 8 inches wide, 6.75 inches long and 6.5 inches tall. Seems to come out right around 1.5 gallons of media :thinking:


if you’re going to use a bag that small you’ve got to be really really careful about root rot. You’re going to have to make sure that you don’t over flood the little pots.

if you see the top of the soil wet, you’re going to have problems you want the top of the soil to look like a desert. If it doesn’t that means your soil in the pot is staying wet the entire time and you will not have a great grow.

give them at least a day on a dry pot or near dry pot I should say


Yeah I’ve been keeping an eye on it. So far only maybe 1/3-1/2 of the bag is moist at all. I also saw the comment about waiting a bit between fill ups to get some dry back so gonna try to do that.

I did order a bunch of the 2 gallon bags schmarm got. I found some 1 gallon talls I had stashed but they’re smaller than these ac infinity bags.