Holy's Garden (Part 2)

After hearing about all the other fake / disputed cuts the clone vendors are selling (dumpster?) I’m shocked! You don’t think they would lie and sell fake cuts just for money, do you ?


It came direct from TK Origins too :pleading_face:
:joy: :joy:


For the defense of RB, it can be a somatic drift of a motherplant (that isn’t proved scientifically yet ^^).

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A somatic drift that 100% changes the stem rub, flower scent, internodal distance, and shortened the flowering time? :joy:


“you newb”
“because you never got the real deal, its why”
“i’m the creator”
Pick one lol


In his defense, it’s not his fault he was passed the cut as the real deal. But yeah, extreme heavy doubt its some somaclonal variation or anything similar. It’s an entirely different plant imo.


I was joking buddy, just studying it on the SD atm and my bad english done the rest to kill my joke ^^


i settled on the 2 gallon bags.

Last run of my WC, i overfilled the pots several times , and when i didnt i filled too high .

They dont like the water level all way up . Good 1/2 inch or so from the top is max .

On my 6 gallon octos it didnt matter , on these lil pots it does .

The 4 over watered and wet WC threw a horrible harvest . Lost most of their leafs by week 6 of flip , looked like shit , never bulked . Bud was 50 % of its normal self and was a waste of 3 months :see_no_evil:

By contrast , the Tahoe n ICC , both sets 9 weeks in , NEVER overfilled , always allowed at least a day dry back , are killing it and FATT.

Live n learn i always say .

I settled on what I call the cup method when I’m ready to fill the pots and the water level is all the way down I give each pot 4 cups the solution. I don’t know the cup size may be 12 or 14 ounces but I do know from dead empty. It takes six of them to fill the pot…

I am finding the best results when I let the pots go to the bottom and then fill with only 4 cups.

in deep flower with the bigger plants, that means I have to water every four days or so. after day one, the meter is typically at half mast or a little less at the end of day two it’s usually sitting on the bottom I give it all of day three as a dry back, then fill with the 4 cups

on my veg plants, I find that if I keep the water level between 3/4 and 1/4 they are all happy so what I do is I fill With four of those cups and wait till the meter is on the bottom, give it one day on the bottom then refill
Hope all this helps


Ooh yes! That info is straight Gold! Thank you!

I will try and follow your lead here. Future plants will get the 2gal bags unless these 1/2 gals somehow magically work fine. I have trips coming up so they’ll be getting at least one full fill-up during the run but will maintain the level lower the rest of the time like you’re saying.

Also looking into an auto water controller thing maybe :thinking: I ordered the fittings and hose and another pump just in case.

May have to just run the flood table at some point for the other tent… get all the clones going and shutdown veg for a bit :thinking:


I feel like somoclonal variation is a better explanation for the quirks of Holy’s “real” TK cut.

I think of somoclonal variation as basically being the result of the cumulative effect and stress and aging. So broadly “aging”. For example:
Human aging:
Hair loss/graying
Body processes take longer, or stop entirely(slower digestion, loss of reproductive abilities, slower healing etc)

Changes in leave structure/variegation
Biological processes take longer, or stop altogether(pickier about nutes, harder to clone, longer flowering time, won’t produce male parts despite exposure to hormonal triggers)

Now, Holy’s TK vs RB, Holy’s has fewer leaflets, is harder to clone, hard to keep happy, flowers longer, won’t reverse.

That seems like a decades old clone only plant vs one of its offspring, or an entirely different line.

But that’s really just some stoned bullshit I’m slinging, so maybe I’m 200% wrong haha, idk.


Yeah, the somaclonal variation can explain the issues with the real TK herself, but not the differences between the two plants. That’s what I think too.


@funkyfunk gave me this food and this food to digest. Motherplants used were already fucked and bad maintained, and the scientists don’t known shit on the line they tested … but the lead is amazing imho. Proof of concept on the go ^^


Super interesting link. Thank you


In my experience,

These dudes are just dudes

They collect plants, they aren’t scientists.

Always some sort of personal issue involved


Late and high night research paper vortex :laughing:

As for the change in scent and all, I think mutations could very likely change a plant profile. For example, as I understood it, the infamous exodus cheese didn’t have that smell at first, up until it mutated, probably bad mother care and/or somaclonal stress. So says the story, but it shows how much plant can change.

Not saying that it’s what happening here :slight_smile:


I thought it was that the seed plant of Exodus didn’t have it but the clone from it did from then on :thinking:


Something like that yeah, but I’m not sure it came at the first cloning.



Seems Wing Commander doesn’t really specify :thinking:
He didn’t say if the scent changed completely or anything. He mainly just says it got stronger smelling over time. He was growing outdoors the whole time so I wonder if he just got it more dialed in over time :thinking:


Someone said to me that people also underestimate the impact of terroir


In the 17 years I made clones of clones of the AK47xGF, there was no difference. Grape vines themselves are clones of clones probably 1000 years old. Plant telomeres last a lot longer than human ones. Then you have to ask yourself… how long can the plant actually live? 10000 years?