Holy's Garden (Part 2)

Yeah, but grape vines are long lived perennial plants, cannabis is an annual.


Wing Commander… I remember that game.

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Ahh yes, but why is cannabis plant an annual? The seasons change the plant undergoes bud phase and senescence. What if the plant never stops vegging? I had a tomatoe plant growing for 5 years in hydroponics. As long as the environment was good the plant kept going. Or this nuts basil plant in the hydroponics. If I kept trimming it back and trimming the roots, could it survive for 20 years or longer? Since it’s lateral I could cut it back to a single stalk and it’ll just regrow a new plant.


That’s because you’re so good at cloning that the plant doesn’t have any stress let alone the time to mutate :wink:


lol! I would have appreciated at least a single data point to show there is “something” to it. So, here in Canuckville there is extensive and rigorous testing to the end product and the genetic patenting scheme. The reason they test your plant going in, is because that’s your standard. Running the same clones, doing the same thing: getting the same results. Slap a label on and boom, it’s over. Then they randomly sample lots to make sure you haven’t produced a different product than what is on the label.


All that in very controlled environments where each plants equals money so they’re quite well babysited.

Not saying a big mutation happens each time a clone is taken anyway. But you can fuck up your plants with bad cloning and a lot of stress :slight_smile:

If you want datapoints, the paper @fuel posted earlier has some.


Hell, let’s crack the old BC weeds buddy. I will dream to see a grand return sincerely.
At least to taunt us to can’t access it ^^, come on.
We have more imported hash that we can smoke here, we can make a deal :rofl:


heh heh I’m a hash maker! I read the one study and then the youtube on 2x speed. hahhah while I was playing a computer game. Anyways, what I noticed was the one study was on explants in vitro and how over time in vitro they get shitty for some reason. The youtube one was my best hope, but he failed to produce data that showed any of the mutations altered metabolic pathways to produce more or less terps or thc. The odd part was when he mentioned the ruby grapefruit. It was created in the gamma greenhouse along with so many other crops.


I would imagine it would start to decay before a plant that naturally lives many years, and has multiple opportunities to reproduce. Remember, nature’s primary goal is to reproduce. Cannabis is supposed to experience one set of four season, which would take one year. Beyond that, it is uncharted territory, until like 50 years ago when people started holding them in veg indoors. True, cannabis can reveg, but not always, and it is definitely hard on the plant.

And tomato’s, in their natural environment, are perennial! That’s true for many plants we in the non tropical world consider annuals.


The youtube video is more to vulgarize the whole concept, the paper enter really in the details and the lead to follow (very valuables references at the end, i’m still processing the whole to bulletproof my test).

Now, more casually, we can debate with funky analogies. For a rallye race i prefer by far a 4 cylinder that have the rage that a 5 cylinder that run only on 4 ^^


I have the study bookmarked, and will read it, but I dislike YouTube too much to watch that haha. Videos on the internet broadly for that matter haha.


Not fond of this either, except when it’s HA the guest :rofl:


I put the youtube on double speed with CC so I can read the captions instead of waiting forever for them to say words.


@JoeCrowe You can can extract the text with a YouTube transcription tool and then let a AI summerise it for you. :sweat_smile: I’ve used it for food science videos and then let it improve my recipes :grin: Should work for pretty much anything.

Pz :v:t2:


Why i’m not surprised you found a way to digest even more datas that you was already lol


This is a really great idea and something that I hope I remember in the morning haha.


Alright, so all three MaMilk F3’s ended up being girls @catapult :partying_face: The bean pole one on the left has now spread out some lower nodes and looking good!

Ppl might be sad/mad but I lost most of the Dank Zappa F2’s to stem rot. They apparently really do like it like this :arrow_down:

Here’s what I got left of them that still have solid stems

I really like the one on the left. She’s got a woody dank stem rub that reminds me a bit of NL2 or TK :thinking: I know this is a deficiency:

but it looks cool! :joy:
Everything in here is on the same exact feed so real interesting to see how different they all look.
All pissed off from these wet seedling bags for sure though.

Idk how soon i’m gonna get those 2gal tall bags so I might end up up-potting these to the ac inf 1/2 gallon fabrics and into the µ(ALT+0181)-octo’s like the 3x3 tent. I should get more root plugs(hormex this time not root riots) tomorrow so I can take clones of the MaMilks. The DZ F2’s haven’t shown anything yet save for the really bushy one kinda looks like a male but bit early to tell. Need another couple days there :pray:

The 3x3 with the µ-octo’s are doing great!

Taking clones and likely topping the TriForce whenever those root plugs come in. Take snips off the C5SS F4 #2 too. I might pull out the SSDD for a few days to get bigger first but going to flip this tent after clones are taken.

For the flower tent, I think this knock-off TK is coming down on day 70 or so. Today is day 62.

Already cutting back her feed. Likely flush the pot with gypsum water in a couple days. Most the trichomes are cloudy now and definitely have at least 5% amber already. Whiffs of dumpster and kush when I mess with the buds.

I didn’t grab any pics of the TF’s at day 50 but they’re likely coming down around 9 weeks.


Stem rot? Can you elaborate


Stem rot. The base of the stem turns brown/black and the plant falls over, completely separated from the root base. Seen it before on some Afghani’s but wasn’t really expecting it here. Could be pythium. But no other plants are affected. Haven’t seen it in years. Only the DZ F2’s have it.


Well, had it, anyways. The 3 I have left are the only one’s that didn’t show any type of stem rot going on. Nice solid green stems like every other plant I have.