Holy's Garden (Part 2)

Wow. Thanks for explaining


The dumpster/baby diaper smells and quicker finish coming from this knock-off “TK” make me wonder if it’s maybe a Black Triangle plant or something :thinking:


I have one Contango that had something similar to this but pulled thru somehow.


Hey thats great mate! Three chances to see how these girls hold up to the HA herm screening protocol:) Hope you got one stable one in there at least! I’m looking forward to data’s either way.


There is a very good preventive that radically protect the plant during a month and (really) treat the problem. A systemic one. I’ve saved arrays of Critical Mass Bilbo like this (fungi bitch from the roots to the flowers).

  • 100mg to 1000mg /ml pure nicotine extract (i buy it to indians but you can make it DIY with successive reductions), it boost the defense of cannabis, increase its sap pressure (reduce wound repair time), and treat systemic the whole plant. No, you will not smoke weed with nicotine ^^, cannabis haven’t alkaloids for this lol
  • propylene glycol (powerfull anti-fungi as excipient), surgical grade (PEG4000, PEG6000…).

I bet you any seeds of my genpool that it will pop someday as an “ground-breaking invention fruit of half century of experience” without any credit ^^


Ooh I grow tobacco and vape. I should still have PG :thinking: definitely have leaves I can soak to make a nicotine extract with. It’s also a fantastic bug spray :wink:


Hell yeah me too bro! :joy: They’re looking solid so far and you did all the work already with the f2s so I’m hoping/expecting some solid girls. The wife been hounding me enough I might keep one regardless of what happens :rofl:


Take care bro your laws are quite laid back on it and monopropylene is used; very bad for the plant and for you too. It’s the exact same shit that the “heat carrier” of solar panels. Litterally. Only PEG grade for plants treatment (no matter what potion it is), i source in Korea.


Yeah that looks like what I was seeing over here. The C5SS F4 #1 had it going on like that too. Plus some questionable growth so I tossed her also.


Dang sorry to hear that brotha.

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No worries really.

I was gonna cull down the DZ’s anyways just didn’t expect to do that much so soon :sweat_smile:

Not stressed on the c5sensistar either. The C5SS F4 #2 girl should beast out in the the µ-octo and I still have the F4 #3 male left. He reeks of a plantain type smell, kinda like smelling a group of unripe banana’s or plantain’s :thinking: Waiting on his clones to root so I can try flowering one out and see if he herms or not.

The TF#7 male got tossed a few days ago for doing so. He was looking SOO good and then hairs all over the lowers a couple weeks into flower. Just how it goes over here in stress testing land. 3 packs of beans, 2 solid girls out of one pack. 1 solid girl out of another and maybe 1 male, gotta check. And nothing out of the third pack.

I think I want to look at the LCH or the NorthStar again for a plant like the mom, that C5SS F3 #1 girl. I’m itching to start more beans but have to wait until September 15th or so. If the TF or DZ F2 fulfill the nighttime weed requirement I’ll be free to run through those and some other stuff, otherwise probably running two packs of Purest Indica and maybe a pack of DefSeeds NL5 right off the bat :thinking:


I’ve had this only happen when using Maxi Bloom. I think it’s due to a crystalline buildup and can be prevented by washing the base of the stem if you detect it early. So when I use Maxi Bloom I always wash the plants that start to discolor where the crystalline build up is and they completely recover within a few days.

Pz :v:t2:


Haha, you know me too well :heart:

Pz :v:t2:

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Wow crazy. I’ll keep an eye out for this now that I’m running Maxibloom.

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yeah the white crystal stuff can be salt build-up but i’m talking the brown part. I grabbed the pic off google so not the best example, but the stem goes brown and soft and eventually black. Can get a white fuzz on the stem from the mold/fungus eating it.


I had that happen to a pepper plant in the greenhouse, so I took a neoprene and blocked the light from touching the rotting spot. After two weeks it was really bulky where it had been rotting so I took the collar off. I have seen it happen in hydro where nutrient solution wicks up the stalk of the plant and reaches the light. Once that happens, the stem starts to rot pretty quick. On seedlings the stem gets really thin then the plant falls over. I found the key was definitely making sure light and nutrient solution never come in contact on the plants stem.


Looks like ~5 days later and I got some thick hairy roots in the res of the triforce #6. Might start flip tomorrow


Roots from the TriForce #6 - Day 6 of being in this µ-octo :heart_eyes:

Everything’s looking pretty damn good in these!

Flipping to flower now so they’re getting their first dark period now. SSDD will be the smallest but I’m sure the TK will catch up to the TF#6 in a couple weeks. Still waiting on the pump to get here and some other things so I can decide how I wanna do some type of auto-fill on these :thinking: Only holding ~2 liters with no roots in there isn’t gonna cut it for being gone multiple days in deep flower.

Anyways, here’s the tops


So, I’ve been smoking on some day 63 samples of the rarebuyer TK cut, allegedly TK_Origins TK cut.

The dried bud itself smells kinda fairly similar to the TK cut i’ve had from FarmerJoe but I get a used baby diaper scent from it, both while growing and now in the dried buds, that I have not ever gotten from the FJ TK cut I’ve had. The smell is also kinda one-dimensional :thinking: I smell 2 or 3 things only, like pine/rubber/kush not the constantly changing bouquet of scents that the FJ TK cut I’ve had the last couple years puts out. There’s a sweet factor to the flowers too, no real gas/fuel coming through. No acetone/nail-polish remover. I’m also getting whiffs of garbage/dumpster and used diaper that I have NEVER gotten from the FJ TK cut I’ve had.

This RB cut seems fairly pine-forward in taste with kush on the backend :thinking: I definitely need more time here and we’ll see what happens when I chop the plant at day 70 :thinking: these buds were only hanging for a few days too. My day 53 samples(10 days earlier than RB sample) from the FJ TK cut I described as ‘pine/lemon floor cleaner and kush taste followed by a mouth coating rubber flavor’. At 70-77 I get a more pure hashish, gas, and kush flavor out of a lot of the FJ TK buds. Those are not coming through in this RB cut at all, undetectable. The RB cut does have the mouth coating but its not the same flavor either :thinking: Wanna say it’s a more pine flavor. Will likely come back to this later once the plant is ready and dried properly.

Regardless, the High seems not as strong nor as long lasting as the FJ TK cut i’ve had :thinking: and it also seems to be a bit more narcotic or in-your-head than the FJ TK cut I’ve had :thinking: Little bit of forehead sweats and then the introspection kicks in. Wanna just sit on the couch, have to smoke something else if I really wanna get up and get stuff done. Reminds me more of some random OG flower I’ve had :thinking: or even the Chem91 :thinking: than the FJ TK cut I’ve been smoking on. The FJ TK cut by comparison, is sociable, functional weed, with no introspection. Forehead sweats, and Paranoia/anxiety possible, but otherwise just fantastic daytime weed. Could smoke a blunt and then hold a conversation with my boss for an hour no problem. I could smoke it before bed too but rather smoke late-flower SSDD or something else instead. Or hey! this RB cut :rofl:

Then the fact the rarebuyer cut flowers sooner too :thinking: In two years of growing that FJ TK cut, I’ve not ever seen any appreciable(10+%) amount of amber’s show up on it at all until day 70+. But I’ve had ambers showing up on the rarebuyer cut since day 56 and ~10-20% amber on the tops at day 63. She should be done-done with a bunch of ambers at day 70. The FJ TK cut I’ve had needs 77+ to do that.

I think comparatively, if someone grew both this RB TK and the Chem91, I could easily see why they would pick the 91 over the TK. I think the Chem91 for sure has a better, stronger, longer lasting high than this RB TK cut does. But I think the FJ TK cut I’ve had has a better and stronger high than any of the chem cuts, and therefore hands-down better than this rarebuyer cut. Almost seems like this RB cut is that FJ TK cut i’ve had crossed to an OG… or something :thinking:

It’s watered down Triangle Kush :confused: :man_shrugging:

However, if you never had the Triangle Kush cut I’ve had, you might think the RB cut is fantastic weed. Top shelf. Up there with the Chem’s. I know I would. But having had the TK I’ve had for the last couple years, this plant is a total waste of time. The one I’ve had is hands down better in every category.

I’d love to hear some thoughts on these, if either cut sounds familiar to you.


Didn’t you say you thought it might be black triangle?

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