Holy's Garden (Part 2)

Black Triangle was a guess. I’ve not grown a ghash cross so was just throwing that out there as a possibility which seemed to get shot down pretty fast. Idk what this RB cut is from TK Origins.

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Say tk origins one more time!

Anyway I threw that out there cause I’m pretty sure I just saw baby diaper mentioned in the bodhi thread as a ghash profile.

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That’s what I thought too. Especially since hashplant, but everyone in the triangle thread said they never saw that profile in their black triangle plants so guess it’s elsewhere :man_shrugging:


Was just guessing for sure as I haven’t run it myself. Got a few packs crossed with lemon thai for a good kush pheno hunt. But the only flower I’ve tried was more pine and earthy and it was like, you know that legal flower

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The kush flower I’ve tried from legal sources is good but it’s usually like, either it’s a cookies hybrid like grateful breath (very pretty) or they grow it like ass in a greenhouse and and comes out decent


I’ve had a few different ones recently off the street or dispo’s.
This was some alleged “SkyWalker OG” I picked up last weekend

Looks like cookies but tastes mostly like that Matt Berger Bubba Kush. Definitely get chocolate notes in there :thinking: Definitely doesn’t feel like I’m floating :sweat_smile:

Had some SFV in oregon a couple years back that was borderline mids. Had some TK and/or Chem91 crosses from the dispo that were okay. None of it hits like this TK or the Chem91 I’ve grown but can tell the genetics are in there from the High.


Like you said the looks are there but the high is not

This wasn’t that bad mind you…

The funny thing is, if you showed this or my midsy midsy ultra midsy irene bud from last run to people

99% of them would pick the pretty one and not realize it’s not the right choice


Unlabeled pic but I’m 99% sure that’s the grateful breath cause lol ogkb…

You’re also correct about the Chem hybrids

Here’s chemdozer, wasn’t too bad tbh, but you can see where the 91 jumped in and did the “I DONT LIKE NUTRIENTS” act

Something 91 z sherb face… I don’t fucking remember. Wasn’t bad


Grateful breath was like

Definitely puts the OG in ogkb!

I got some from @Crafty_Flame to run later

But as when I mention hybridization… the point is to breed back to the effects, because that’s what you need to reinforce again after you lock in that modern vigor right?


((Sunset Sherbert × Do Si Dos) x (Zkittlez x Dos i Dos)) f2

Hit to the 91



And this is why Cookies are still popular. Bag appeal wins over most people who don’t know any better. Some of the best herb I’ve ever had doesn’t look anything like cookies let me tell ya :joy:

Yeah I’d say so. I try not to breed unless I know both parents carry the effects. The couple times I’ve just went with what I’ve had; has mostly bitten me afterwards. The parents I spent the time on seemed to produce better results. But that’s also why I’m years into the SSDD and have nothing pure to show for it. Among other things.


That’s why I’m trying to fuck around and find out

And learn from where other people weren’t able to impress veteran smokers, basically

Did you catch any of the new ig stuff where it’s fletch sitting there with his bud (well and buddy) chilling talking about flower?

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Oh, no I have not seen that! I’ll have to go take a peak. I don’t think I follow fletcher or even archive directly these days :thinking: Can’t say the last time I saw a post from him show up :sweat_smile:


I can’t say it’s that mindblowing but like

It’s somewhat insightful and makes him seem actually relatable

In text form I find fletcher to come off like an ivory tower douche… not gonna lie

But after I saw these clips, it’s like, oh he’s just expressing his opinion even if it comes off like he’s an asshole in text form, he’s just talking about what he thinks/knows? That’s the vibe

But I also can’t hear his voice so…


Sometimes I find guys like fletcher really hard to relate to

But I also have respect for their work and how much time they’ve put into it and testing etc

Fletcher seems like someone who’s looked at a lot of bud vs just some hype man

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I like fletcher a lot in terms of hearing him talk and whatnot. He’s clearly knowledgeable.
It’s his business practices that erk me :joy:


Almost forgot what I was thinking about,

Yeah the stuff I pay attention to is like… as you said its quite painful sometimes to spend so much time and not have it pay off

So when loompa jumps on discord as loomps and saying like

And I’m not saying he’s any good at this mind you

But when a veteran like him says he was unable to lock down the taste or potency of loompas headband (og kush pheno for those who don’t know. Please don’t make me explain this 100 times, it’s not a sour og, other headbands might be)

And says he thinks gmo cake will do it

Well what I’ve learned, in my personal opinion

Is gmo cake is the right idea but it’s not refined enough. It’s like using a shotgun and then trying to find the closest pellet to the bullseye. Need more serious pairing


Which business practices?

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$350 for some hype mids and the douchy attitude. but if you know what’s good, he does sell the stronger stuff for cheaper… it’s just if you don’t, you’re paying for it.


Have you considered that he knows the hype mids are worth more because it’s what sells to people who don’t know how to sell anything but hype?

I mean don’t get me wrong

If you gave me a gun pointed at every breeders head,

I know what i would order them to do

But some of them just wanna get the bag I guess, I’m not a fan of it at all especially with exotic “you came at us sideways” Mike

But if they wanna make money off the consumer market, that’s their method

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Oh it’s 100% that. And I can kind of respect that way to go about it but… still kinda douchy to the community, no? :joy: