Holy's Garden (Part 2)

Alright, Day 69 for the fake-TK
Got her on straight water now so she’s fading hard. Chopping her tomorrow as a bunch of the buds have well over 20% amber on them.

So disappointed with this cut. It’s decent herb on it’s own, but it’s no Triangle Kush. Getting a lot of pure pinesol scents when breaking up the day 63 flowers. We’ll see how the Day 70’s go. Definitely more ‘Indica’ effects on this cut.

We’re at Day 57 on the two TriForce (#5 and #6)
I didn’t get pics of #5 as she’s basically drying on the stem now :thinking: And completely seeded :see_no_evil:
Here’s the #6 tho

She’s definitely going to 63, maybe 70. We’ll see :eyes:

Meanwhile, day 4 for the 3x3

TF 6 is already drinking the whole pot inside of 24 hours :see_no_evil: Gonna need some auto-water setup real soon!



C5SS F4 #2


For me the FJ cut that I was given in fall of 2023 has a nice euphoric focus boosting high that sounds similar to your description. It’s also very similar to my Triple Sunshine from bodhi which I’d assume uses the “real” tk. For me the TK mom is a bit more euphoric and alert than the TS, but both are in the same general realm of effects.

I’ve never gotten forehead sweats or anxiety on the FJ TK myself but I agree with your description. Good daytime bud on the FJ TK I recieved.

I’m really liking the smell my Chem 91 is putting off, if only I could grow it without nanners popping up… The Chem 91 I’ve sampled has been good but I like the effects of the FJ TK more. Way more functional too.

I didn’t do a good job logging this grow but I believe my TK was flipped around 8" tall. Here’s one of the ones that did not have any 7 fingered leaves.


The ‘real’ TK imo is uplifting, euphoric, and alert, for me too. If I smoke something that makes me tired, I can smoke the TK and have some pep in my step for awhile. Can still pass out too but she doesn’t make tired, definitely more alert.

The flower pics look right to me too. She puts out those almost foxtail type flowers. Pointy in multiple spots.
This fake cut doesn’t seem to do that. More just solid cones. The fake one has a bit more leaves in the flowers too.

I DO think we have the same cut. Sharp, loud, almost acridy stem rub? Maybe woody smelling? Flowers should be multiscented, like a bouquet, hard to pick out all the scents. Usually need a couple times to get a good portion down.

The fake cut is subdued, damp wood and rubber, no way would I say the stem rub is loud. Barely there comparatively. Flowers smell right off like their scents, not really any changing/complexity going on.

I like the chem91 a lot. I didn’t seem to have as many issues with the nanners on her as you’ve been having :thinking: and I usually run pretty stressful over here. That being said, that’s still one of the reasons I tossed her. I think her potency and overall quality is damn close to the ‘real’ TK though, just not quite there but heavier effects so it was nice having both. Can’t keep everything though sadly.


Anytime I’m reaching for that TK jar in the middle of the day, I’m singing to myself “TK all day, tk all day”.

If I got shit to do, it’s tk all day. It’s almost like some diet adderall for me. Doesn’t make me dumb, doesn’t steal what little motivation I have. Just a very good compliment to my day


Oh yeah, I think Ricky said it best

I can totally get behind that statement. Running out TK after smoking it for months feels like I’m lacking something :joy:


bet you its just an s1 they found that produces more and faster and thought people would ignore the diff high for those benefits. kinda sus for a vendor to do


“Rails of Centrum” :rofl:


I need to get that real deal TK cut one day. Might buy some clones instead of more seeds next year


I’m hoping to spread her out eventually here. Gotta get a couple nice moms going of her first :crossed_fingers:

In the meantime, definitely need an auto water setup for these micro-octos. TriForce#6 drinking the whole pot (~2 liters) in 12 hours :eyes:

Just stuck the TK and SSDD back in there with them this morning to get flowering. It’s already cramped tho :joy:

Tore out two of the mamilk plants from the micro-octos as they just died before they could root. 2gallon talls too tall :joy: and too dry. Third one is in there tho so guess she’s staying. I put the nicer looking Dank Zappa F2 into one of the empty ones and thoroughly watered from the top so hopefully she roots. Might put the other bigger one in that other pot tonight, still need to check genders.


The Mendo I ran did this when I packed the cup too tight for the soil to wick up properly. Didn’t die but barely any roots penetrated and it stunted pretty much. Only time I had that happen.


Yeah I could see that. I made sure not to pack them too tight, turbo started but my coco was dry as a bone otherwise and the plants were two foot tall with half a solo cup of roots :joy:
Totally my fault on multiple fronts. I got clones of all of them rooting so gonna run the two I tore out as soon as I can.


So, as luck would have it, the bigger Dank Zappa F2 I have is a male!
I think he’s a ghash leaner?

That little one at the bottom still hasn’t declared gender yet. Think I might be fine no matter which way it goes. The structure is like the bigger girl I have. Definitely a runt though. Like 5 or 6 inches tall with 3 or 4 nodes on it. The male is around a foot tall but has 10-15 nodes on it. Looks like he might be throwing out balls soon. I usually don’t like that but we’ll see what happens.

Only other possible male I got out of this year’s bean popping is the C5SensiStar F4 #3 male that smells like a bunch of unripe banana’s. Hopefully clones root soon so I can try and flower him out for the final stability checks.


Alright, friday pic day

2.5 x 2.5 veg tent:
Dank Zappa F2 #2 on the left | MaMilk F3 (I think that’s #3) on the right @catapult

MM is super pissed off from the uppot to the µ-octo but she’s rooting for sure so she should pull out of it.
DZ #2 is doing great tho! Definitely my favorite of the pack.

Here’s DZ F2 #3

Still unsure on gender but I like the leaves :yum:
Weird offset serration pattern in there :thinking:

And better shots of the DZ F2 #1 Male

3x3 Flower Tent

All at day 7 sans the SSDD which is day 1.

SSDD (reveg) is doing fantastically @potpotpot !

I don’t remember the last time I had her looking this good! :partying_face:
Got another just like it getting uppotted soon for veg mom :muscle:


Fussy as ever. She makes you work for it!!!

Hell yea, cool to see her in an Octo! But ughh, good luck keeping her in the tent if you do get her happy😂


Hell yeah! I should have the other two rooted here in a week or so and will try them in the octo’s again.
This one, and the TK, are going into the 4x4 where I can manage them easier. Soon as she’s got roots in the reservoir anyways. Thinking about some tomato cages I can wrap around these octos :laughing:


Niiiiiice! She definitely benefited from the sun she got, even if it was all fall and winter sun. Can’t beat the natural photons! Like a health tonic for plants haha.


100% that sun she got made a huge difference! It’s like when I first got her.

The indoor only clones are fairing about the same as they were for me before I lost her. Not nearly as lush.

Might have to arrange for the TK and some others to get a bit of sun this summer.


I remember reading that putting moms outside for a invigoration of health was an old practice


Teh talked about it, but he also emphasized that plants or clones going from outdoor to indoor have to be strictly quarantined and treated, clones also. Very big on scientific or sensible SOPs or methods. It’s how I learned about Calvin Cycle, basically the reverse of the Krebs Cycle that breaks down the glucose in our food to ATP, letting us survive. Also stuff like various hlv transmission vectors, like aphids or sap sucking pests, shared runoff, re using scalpel blades, etc. Mulders chart, soil or hydro pH, lighting, vpd, dli, cloning, bonsai mothers (how could I forget, that’s like the biggest one) constant games of identify the plant (half the reason I can recognize specific ones like Tahoe or irene) well I’m just rambling now. Point was you can reinvigorate your plants with the full spectrum of the sun but you can’t forget about those pests. I brought an outdoor plant in to trim one time, damn thing had peach aphids on it.

As far as those tk flower pics go, it might be because you already identified it as the wrong cut, but to me, that doesn’t look right to me… some kinda uncanny valley effect


Oh yeah, anything getting some sun will be fully protected. Either through a window :sweat_smile: or a bug net/greenhouse of some sort. Not sticking em straight outdoors in the garden or anything. Can’t even have them visible outside anyways.