Holy's Garden (Part 2)

she is gorgeous, i love the awkwardly shaped potato buds. great color too. its hilarious to me youre on the other side disappointed with her.


It’s a good cut on its own. I’m more disappointed that it’s not the same cut I already had. And not only is it not same cut, it’s a worse cut imo.

If it was my first ‘elite’ I’d probably be raving about it.

As it stands tho, that cut goes in the bin :sweat_smile:


Hey @HolyAngel I got a couple questions. upon reading your posts about your tk knowledge, If I’m not mistaken, did you say that your cut had crinkle leaf? Is this an identifier to know if it’s real?


Idk. At this point maybe none of them are real :joy:
The fj cut I have can do a crinkle and variegate a bit when not happy.


this is a clone I took from one of my plants and this is only happening with this strain. It’s bodhi’s phone home which is tk x wookie


Some telltale looks in that one :face_with_monocle:
Can’t say anything for sure but looks good!


what if the first plant you got was an s1 and the one you have now is the “real deal” and you will forever now be disappointed in every tk cut you receive , (insert dun dun dunnnnn music)
lol jk but that would really fkn suck if it was true but tbh i think you need to really search that triforce line and find something special we all know its in there. 20 seed pheno hunts at a time !


Yeah idk :thinking: I think the fj cut I’ve had is at least closer to the original if not the real one.

The rb cut just isn’t on the same level. Smokes more like a chem 91 s1 or black triangle or something :thinking:

All my triforce have been better quality plants/smoke than that rb cut is. I got the two new girls going and a buddy just popped 30 more beans of TriForce so hopefully that magical male we’ve been searching for shows up :pray: I might pop more in the fall but I really wanna look at some other stuff first.


I second this triforce project

I’ve been very intrigued by it because you speak of it so highly


My TK x D’s NL2 x AKBB Black Dom/NL1HP.

All the pieces are there :joy:


The line isn’t super stable tho. It’s been part of the issue on the male hunt. Ive found two but both hermed like crazy. Most of the girls are solid tho. The trait seems to come from the kryptonite male I used :confused: and seemingly it’s following down the Y-line.

I have one Kryptonite pack left I could try and remake the cross with though. Might be worth doing :thinking: The Kn pack I have left used my personal selection of parents, whereas the pack I used to make the TriForce used the better structured/yielding parents.


Sneak peak - TriForce #6 - Day 63


Now that’s what triangle actually looks like, as compared to earlier, imo


yep the triforce should be something special. still really loved the look of the first ones you ran i wanna say pheno 4 ? it was one of the prettiest buds you ever posted


Yeah TF #4 was really nice:

I was hoping one of these girls would turn out like that one but don’t think that’s happening. Might snip a branch of the #6 for samples :thinking: she’s already got decent amber showing up top but gonna give her until at least Friday when I leave for 3 days. May let her dry in her pot for that time, unsure yet.


wow cant believe i got it right. you know i aint kidding then haha i can barely remember my age but got that pheno down pat. just love everything about it looks wise it is pure old school og looking to me. with some lavender that nl5 would give sometimes when temps were perfect.

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She definitely was! Had a sour note in the flavor too :yum:
sad she’s gone. Likely had hlvd at the end there and part of why I tossed her but I also thought that matt berger bubba kush cut would supplant it. Boy was that wrong :joy: that bk cut was garbage mids comparatively.


ya that was dissappointing to see.along with the burger mids. there is still a good chance you find her again… we hope lol along with a male.

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Right :pray:
Get that male and we’ll have some TK BX1 beans to search through.

If I can find another girl that’s up there I’ll share her out ^^


whore her out you mean … lol ok pg13 was better

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