Holy's Garden (Part 2)

Yessir it is! :partying_face: :muscle:
Had to get her back 3 times now :laughing:
5 tests on her all passed 100% clean! And half the snips were rejuvenated by the sun for a couple months before I got them so she’s going about as good as the day I first got her from my father in law :grin:

Hoping to make more beans with her before too long here. Trying to get her and the TK into some big moms I can take a bunch of clones from and send out this fall. Not trying to lose either cut ever again. Came so damn close a few times already. If it wasn’t for me sending out cuts freely, I’d have been fucked. Gone forever.


That’s awesome! Yeah got lucky there for sure. I’ll have to hit ya up in the fall to try it out and include in some SSDD shenanigans.


No doubt it feels good to be clean again! Frigging viroids. A whole lot of trouble from a single circular strand of RNA left over from the beginning of life on earth.


Only Day 20 for the TriForce #6

And the TriForce #5

Already getting pretty frosty and starting to stack :drooling_face:

Not seeing any octopot deals today sadly. Think I’m sold on this method though.

I cannot say I’m a fan of the 2 Gallon tall pots. I’m having much better luck with the 1/2 Gallon ACI Nursery Fabric Bags tbh. The 2 gallon talls are so tall that some of the plants are having issues rooting in them. Plus the added foot in height… These little µ-octo’s do NOT soak up to half the bag height or anything. Not even the 1/2 gallon ACI bags. Bottom third is moist at best. Maybe I packed them too tight, idk, but that’s what I’m seeing so far. The Auto-fill on these is awesome and leaving me with not much to do daily anymore. Just have to remember to top off the clone domes and such.


that what you want though right bottom third moist rest dry for best root development ?


Yeah I think they’re doing fine like that :thinking: but that’s how it is in the 1/2 gallon bags. Maybe bottom 5th of the 2 gallon tall bags is moist comparatively.


Alright, Day 26 in the 3x3 and I had to take out the SSDD girl and move her to the 4x4 instead as the C5SS F4 #2 has shot up and is now at the same height as the two TriForce (#5/#6) behind her:

Also picked up an AC Infinity Cloudray S6 fan and got it installed in here for some under canopy air movement. Loki was checking it out this morning:

Definitely helping but it doesn’t push near as much air as I thought it might :thinking:
Anyways, TriForce #5 top, Day 26:

TriForce #6 top, Day 26:

And in the 4x4, the TK is loving life, Day 20 here:

and so is the MaMilk F3 #3, Day 20:

She’s reeks of dank :drooling_face:


Yeah I have the same complaint. Thinking the axial tower type standing in the corner(s) would be a better solution, just haven’t been able to afford them yet.


Ah! Yeah actually, I ran the axial towers for a long time! They all ended up giving out after a couple years and just forgot about them. Been running a box fan at the top of the 4x4 pointed down for a looong time now so just haven’t thought about it. If I do it again I think that’s the way to go for sure! Good call!


Nothing beats the Honeywell turbo fan, point it in the corner of the tent and let her rip. They last forever too.


Some 11-day dried TriForce #6 I brought to smoke on today. All the same bud

Smells like Sweet Piney Gas and kinda tastes like it too :yum:


Very nice!

That’s the real deal tk flowering out right? I feel like I’ve had a timewarp

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Beautiful :star_struck: trying to grow my first tk cross right now it’s (triangle kush x Chem del la Chem f2) triquetra hoping for more of a triangle leaner


Hell yeah! I’ll keep that in mind if and when I need to order another one! Thanks bro!

This one is, yeah. Got her back a month or two ago. Got another just like her in veg so I can take all the clones later. Same with the SSDD girl. Need to uppot the TF’s and C5SS and stuff real soon.


Oooh that should be real nice!! If it’s the same TK I have, she breeds pretty wide so it can be a bit difficult. That said, I usually find one, very much like her, in every pack I’ve ran that used her as a mom. Best of luck :wink: I’ll try and keep watch over there ^^


Chem de la chem / i95 are bangers imo
Great breeding tools


Struggling to keep my chem d plants healthy though haha


To add on,

I’m astounded by the insane amount of phenos that i95 x chimera produces from the i95 side…

Plant that vegs like irene, flowers like stardawg
Tk leaner
Cookie kush leaner
Legend / topanga leaner
That mash up by $Mike is something people sleep on imo…

Only time I’ve seen a “drawback” is when you get too much afghani influence from the tres dawg. It’s a bit of a flat high.


But is it still available?


Crosses / work of it are

But I don’t wanna list anybody who’s stepping on Top Dawgs toes, I heard some drama about it, and I guess it was supposed to be $Mike’s big debut and someone used their gift pack to sell f2s etc…

But I know some ppl sell crosses, f gens, etc.