Holy's Garden (Part 2)

Yeah idk what it is either, but it’s not the Triangle Kush I’ve had from FarmerJoe by any means. I ran it the same way and on the same feed as I’ve ran the TK since the day I got her, so it’s not something I did. She came out pretty good overall. Still, my worst runs of FJ’s TK were still miles better than this RB cut. The TriForce #6 puts it to shame too. RB cut isn’t near as potent and doesn’t last near as long either. It’s borderline mids, Cookies quality flower. Completely different smells on the RB cut the whole way too. Stem rub totally different. Flower scents are different. But she looks and grows 99% the same as the FJ cut. Maybe a TK S1 or some other OG :man_shrugging:

Again, If I’d never had any of the Chem cuts or the TK, I’d probably be fine with it. As-is though, it goes in the trash.


I need that TK from farmer joe at some point. Just gonna focus on my garden for now though. Still in shock at all the drama that happened.

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I remember that your wife really liked that MM cut. Hope she likes this one as much!


I started a couple of those baby octos, but I used some of these Ipower 1 gal bags. They aren’t 12”tall, but still taller than a normal 1 gal. I’ll update my thread some day with pics and such, but roots to the res in 6 days from a 7oz cup. Plants are looking good, but I always say that haha. The real test will be in like 7 weeks if the plant doesn’t look like hell haha. If I can grow in it, it is truly idiot proof.


Hey Holy,

Do you still have that google doc or excel file for nutrients and whatnot? I don’t have access to HydroBuddy right now and was curious what the calcium amount changes when switching Jack’s 5-12-26 for 0-12-26 and replacing the lost nitrogen with 15-0-0. Thanks for any help and info!!


ah I have an android and PC app for it
Here’s the Android Build:

And the PC version that should match it’s feature set, sans the share function we don’t need. I’ve made it a zip so hopefully that calms down the virus scanner bs:

and the spreadsheet, tho i haven’t updated it in a while


Thanks!! I mean it shouldn’t be tough for me to just go check with the Jack’s labels and how much more 15-0-0 I add, but I’m lazy. Haha


Sipping your feedbacks on the TK, and with details shared … i bet hardly on this option.
Almost the same compromise between SD/ECSD (but don’t tell it, both sects are quite bloody ^^).

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I know I’ve said this here a few times but … when I grew the Mother’s Milk f2s, that I got from Motz, it gave me the best charas hash, from shucking f3 beanz, that I have had. Just saying :fire:


Ooh hell yeah! My issue with his work was a shitload of herms, and I wasn’t the only one that got them. Out of two packs I got the one beautiful sour lemon custard girl(F2 #9) that was stable from seed.

but her clones hermed hardcore every single time I ran them :cry: finally just tossed them out.

Seems catapult managed to clean up the line over here tho. I’ve not had any issues with this #3 girl, still got two others I need to try running too. You made MM f3’s too? I was pretty sure you made some crosses at least ^^


yea I made these

Mother’s Milk f2 x Mother’s Milk f2

Mother’s Milk f2 x Fire Alien Kush

Mother’s Milk f2 x Purple Poison Cookies # 6


I’m sure those are gonna be amazing :drooling_face: I didn’t see any at soaknbeans tho :yum:
I still need to get to the Black River OG’s soon. Been trying to line up what seeds I wanna start this fall but it’s a process :sweat_smile:


Props to you boys who go all year long! You make the world go round! Nice buds!!!


Glad to see ya back bro! I saw things (hopefully) calmed down a bit for ya finally :relaxed: :pray: I hope so!

Still wondered what you thought on the triforce you ran :yum:


I have to agree my only grows were with Motz’s seeds I haven’t tried anyone else’s version . Definitely enjoyed what I’d found in his take of mother’s milk .


C5SensiStar F4 #2 - Day 34 @minitiger

She looks to kinda be stacking like her momma :thinking: Got high hopes for her. She grew into the light. I think stretch might be over now tho :thinking:

TriForce #5 - Day 34

TriForce #6 - Day 34


Oh, yeah! Somehow I forgot you were growing that right now haha.


C5SS F4 #2 - Day 37 Top

Definitely got the more sativa structure from the male going on :thinking:
Nice and frosty tho! She smells mostly fruity with just a bit of musk in there :thinking:
Think she’s gonna run 12ish weeks or so. The TriForce have been changing hairs and getting fat for days now but she’s still doing her thing.


SSDD F2 #1 closeups of the stem and petiole frost at day 32 :heart_eyes:


Woa that SSDD is impressive!