Holy's Garden (Part 2)

Chris, who created the Octopots, says you should only water over the top once - on the day you transplant. Give it one good watering and add a bit of solution to the reservoir. The roots will learn to grow down rather than expecting water to come from the top. It’s usually 7-10 days for the roots to reach the reservoir (check out the “turbo” method used by other Octo-enthusiasts to minimize that time). I mist the plants with a spray bottle (RO water - nothing added) multiple times per day during that period so they don’t get too ratty.


MaMilk F3 #3 - Day 14

Triangle Kush - Day 22

Gonna need a tomato cage at some point :sweat_smile:
The bright green leaves in the bottom left are from the SSDD F2 #1 girl.


Everything is at day 28 in here
TriForce #5

C5SensiStar F4 #2

She’s got frosty stems like the SSDD does! Didn’t catch that the last time I flowered her out.


Nice looking plants!! Being out of likes is lame.


Thanks! I think they’re looking pretty good too!
Especially considering they’re all on the same reservoir getting the same exact feed.
Lazy af over here :sweat_smile:


she’s looking amazing!


Finally got around to trimming up the Faux-Angle cut from rarebuyer this morning after hanging for 25 days. Smoked on it for awhile before the wife and I went and ran errands and whatnot.
Here’s a random bud out I pulled out of the bag to sample this evening.

Cat hair so you know it’s legit :joy:
I’m getting like a piney 🤌 wet wood/moss… kinda gassy… kush thing going on with the scents :thinking:
There’s a taste in there, and an aspect to the high of it, that is very reminiscent of that “OG Kush” cut ,or whatever that was, last year @Herbie :thinking: Idk what that means but it’s there. This faux cut is definitely more lazy and less cerebral than the ‘real’ TK cut I’ve had, but still in the functional realm. Stuff is okay. Maybe if I hadn’t ever had any of the chem cuts or the, what I still think is the real deal, Triangle Kush from FarmerJoe, I might be happy with it. It’s not bad on it’s own, it’s just not the ‘real’ one I’ve had. I find it rude it even looks like the other one :joy: As-is, I wouldn’t bother getting/growing this rarebuyer “TK” cut if you got the chem’s or other similar quality already. All my stuff is better than this cut.


I meant to tell you I have 7 new ac infinity fans (I’m still using my old ones) if you need one or two at an OG discount, I think I remember reading you bought one.


Oh wow, that’s awesome! I should be alright now, but maybe later if something happens and you still have them :sweat_smile: I super appreciate it!


Starting to get exciting over here!
MaMilk F3 #3 - Day 17 @catapult

She’s definitely flowering out like my #9 did. Really hoping for something similar :crossed_fingers:
I, and especially the wife, will be happy either way though I’m sure. She’s smelled dank since veg and it’s only getting stronger :yum:


You got her looking real fine, nice work!

If I ever decide to ditch my supersoil, it’s going to be for the Octo’s:)


Turns out if you give them enough space for the roots, they can look really good :joy:
I am loving these little µ-octo’s tho! Definitely wanna get the real deal’s whenever there’s a deal. Still unsure on the tall pots though. I kinda like the shorter ac infinity 1/2 gal’s :thinking:

Does she look like either of her parents/the f2’s you ran before?


She looks to me like a bit of a combo of my two favored pheno’s, the C2 and the C8. It might just be the difference in growth style, though. The initial seedlings and the big stretch look more like the C2 pheno, who throws a lot of 3’s and 5’s and is slower to set bud. But something about the leaf shape looks like the C8, which has slightly fatter leaves for me, is very vigorous but just medium stretch and stronger smells.

Imagine that, lol


Hi @catapult, as you know I am growing some mother’s milk as well. Can you help me find more information on the phenos for the strain? I’d like to learn what I can, I’m only a week or so out from flowering my F2s (mine are from useful). I see you referring to them, was hoping you could point me to more info. Thanks!!


Ah, I can’t speak for him but if yours came from Useful’s selection than they’re likely gonna be different than what we’re seeing/referring to here. The F3 F4 i’m running here came from @Catapult’s selection of Mother’s Milk F3’s from @Silverhaze’s F2 reproduction of Motz’s original F1 selection of Mother’s Milk. That was a lot :sweat_smile:
But yeah, going over the threads, it seems Motz sent the MM F2 and the MMxNT to MomOnTheRun who put them in the 2019 December box which is where Silverhaze got them to do his reproduction run.

Catapult got those and reproduced them again, so I’m running F4’s, not F3’s :thinking:


I see the container Catapult got the beans from said F2 tho :thinking:
Was that a 2020 release from Sebring? Or prior? If it was 20 or later than it’s definitely silverhaze’s f3’s and sebring f’d up the labeling… If it was prior, there’s a chance it was the one’s MOTR distributed and they ARE F2’s from Motz :thinking:


@HolyAngel I hate mentioning people, it feels like a power move haha, I definitely meant that for you too!

Thanks for the explanation and links, there is a lot out there on this strain, I have found little detail on the useful beans, but am really happy with the plants, and I believe it was a reproduction. This helps a lot, it’s a puzzle that is coming together for me and I really appreciate it, cheers.

Part of the fun will be discovering for myself!


@HolyAngel has the story straight, as well as I know it. The pack I got was a replacement from the F2’s I originally got from Sebring. @Kcity87 was the kind doner, also labeled F2’s, but as HA, pointed out, there is a little uncertainty around if they were actually F2 or F3’s. You can look back through the MM thread linked above to see it unfold. Either way, there does seem to have been at least some variety (multi-pheno’s kept, vs hard selection) in the work done ahead of me.

As far as the specific pheno’s that I am seeing; there are 4, imo. My C1, C2, C6/7, and C8 correlate to the mother’s used in my first run. I had three males open pollinate them all.

C1- Most sativa, was a runt/ stunt, spread out, bushy, medium sized frame. Scents are outliers, least like the others.

C2- favored pheno, looks a lot like Bodhi’s 31 cut to me, throws a lot of og looking leaves, the 3’s and 5’s w the baseball mitts, has a big stretchy frame, is medium to low smell in early flower, and slow to bud set.

C6/7 - short, low stretch, faster to flower, very smelly, on the funky rank side of kush, w just a little of the spicy kush. I think these are Chem leaners

C8- Close second favorite, most vigorous, very smelly w the creamy mildly sweet kush thing going on. She had slightly fatter leaves and medium amount of stretch.


Great information and thank you!!

I believe I have a single C1-type. The runt, narrow leaves, clearly different from the others. Some light fan weirdness.

I have 2 - right in the middle I’d say that show more vigor than the others, although there are 6 that look similar so far.

Then two that are quite a bit fatter in the leaves.

I think that’s all 9, I do have a tenth that I could include but got a late start because I didn’t drain her container. Excited to see what comes up.

I have a few original MM started too, but quite slow going. Thanks a lot!


I love mentioning people, if they’re active and on the website anyway, because it gets so much conversation and info going!

But if they’re not on here or a private person, i try and be more vague and descriptive instead of using their name / handle. Vendors are fair game but for other cats, there’s been a lot at stake in the game for so long that it’s not cool to put their info out there.


But yeah I still wonder what the fuck that faux angle (from TK Origins via RB) is.

Odd thing my homie who made the motorbreath bx for me, said, was that he found the mb15 from rarebuyer to be amazing but “different and lower yield”

I emphasized to him that everybody runs the cut different but dude runs at production level so it’s like, hard to discredit what he was saying i guess. Very odd.

Overall I feel puzzled about the whole thing because I’d say 99% of people have never had a single issue with rarebuyers cuts and he’s one of the least dramatic people and/or vendors I’ve ever met.