Holy's Garden (Part 2)

Oh yeah, definitely showing just one of the reasons I’ve kept her around :wink:
She’s like 3.5 years old now.

This one’s already smelling like sour butter and blueberry-ish :drooling_face:


Glad to see her back! Looking frosty.
Now that you’ve been running these micro-octos for a bit, I’m interested in your feed for them.

My first run I did 2.5mL/L from start to finish with AN’s PH Perfect Trio (with 2 weeks plain water at the end). The plants were nice and green, but seemed like maybe too much N at the end of flower. The buds are smoking great either way.

I have since switched to Maxibloom after seeing a few of you on here running it, and the price mostly. Here’s my current recipe I’ve been running both indoors and out. I call it my Pink Drink, and some days I’ll be making 30 gals of this stuff in a go.

5 gal RO
1 1/8 tsp gypsum
2 1/2 tsp maxibloom
5 mL PH Up

The outdoor plants are a picture of health. Green and happy as clams.
The indoor plants have lots of red petioles and more yellowish/green leaves. They appear to be budding just great great though and I may not change anything until harvest.

Just wondering what you think of that mix I’m using, and if you’d suggest any tweaks to it.



Me too! You don’t even know :sweat_smile: I got a big beautiful happy mom of her and the TK, just waiting on temps so I can take clones and send em out :+1:

lol hell yeah! I love the gypsum/maxi combo. I haven’t ran AN stuff yet but I’ve ran damn near everything else. H&G, Canna, Jacks, Maxi, CNS17, Dyna, Megacrop, NFTG… I’m sure there’s more :sweat_smile: but yeah, after all that, I still choose to run the gypsum/maxibloom combo and I usually make 5-10 gallons every other day.

This looks about right/what I’m doing :thinking:
I find the spoon measurements can be highly misleading with both the gypsum and the maxibloom though and have switched to using a scale to make my mixes.

I’ve been doing this for everything, mind you I bottom feed everything too, moms/clones/veg/flower, for the last month or so:
5 gal tap
7g gypsum
35g maxibloom
5-8ml PH UP - just depends what my tap is doing really.

For flower I will add Liquid Koolbloom or some kind of PK boost for a few weeks/mid flower, but that’s about it.

The only other thing I will tack onto this is:
I’ve been experimenting with GH’s Floralicious Plus and Floralicious Bloom and have noticed good things overall. To the point I will probably keep including them in all my future runs. It’s basically just hydrolyzed protein and some humic acids, the bloom one has less protein and added kelp for flower. I have definitely noticed a bit of an overall improvement though in the plants when adding it. Lusher veg growth, shinier leaves. Just better health overall. I’ve messed with a ton of additives and these are the only one’s I feel like possibly worth adding. Don’t need them at all though and I don’t run them every single feed either. Only other honorable mention for me is Silica, but you don’t need Silica at all with the maxibloom and don’t want to run it in flower either. Makes for a harsher smoke if you do with no visual benefit to the plant.


Thanks for the excellent advice, buddy!

I’ll definitely switch to measuring by weight. It is way too easy to compact the gypsum when grabbing a scoop.

I think I’ll also switch back to using tap water. I only bothered with RO because the PH Perfect Trio called for it. That might even negate me needing PH Up as my tap is usually pretty high. The tap here is full of sediment and typically comes in at 300-400 ppm TDS. But if I can get away from the hassle of making RO, I’m going to go for it!


Yeah my tap fluctuates depending on the time of year and rains. Somewhere between 130~300 tds. Usually 70/30 ca:mg ratio. Shouldn’t need RO at all.

The only other other thing I add to my buckets is a smidgeon of calcium hypochlorite to stop bacterial bloom increasing my pH. Probably wouldn’t have that issue with RO tho :joy:


Jumping in here if nobody minds ….

I run Jacks with RO water at a pretty high EC. I have to add a shit ton of potassium based ph up to get me back to 5.6 or so. I’ve had a few issues lately and wondering if the potassium is contributing to them.

I’ve thought about moving to silica to eliminate some of the PH Up use, but didn’t know about non use in flower. Any recommendations?


Could your calcium levels be a little high and you need to even them out with magnesium . Epson salt could help even out the calcium and magnesium levels. helps with PH aswell.


I like to run a half teaspoon per gallon. Kind of like poor man insurance for magnesium never seen a downside. Mix the Epson salt in a cup of warm water first to deslove and then add to your reservoir.


Silica could work as a PH Up for sure but I wouldn’t rely on it to do so :thinking:

You can use silica the whole way but I found that the flower smokes a lot smoother without any added silica through at least the last 6 weeks of flower. When I found that out, I would only use it in veg at the usual rate, but after switching to maxibloom, I haven’t noticed a difference not running it at all. So I stopped using it.

Definitely wanna keep your potassium:calcium:magnesium in a good range, something like ~4:3:2 for flower. I haven’t needed to add any epsom to the maxibloom though, and I usually have issues in the long term if I do. Calmag gave me a few issues for years too before I was convinced to drop it and just use gypsum with the maxibloom instead :man_shrugging:


Excellent information !!! Epson salt really only helps to even out the overuse of calcium. If you don’t overuse the calcium, it won’t need additional magnesium.


Thanks all. I’m running pretty much the traditional Jacks 321 formula, so there’s the epsom in there but I don’t add anything else.

I never really chase deficiencies too much, as I typically run multiple strains with a common reservoir, only so much you can do. But I’m seeing what looks like potassium issues showing up more frequently, so I’m just pondering shit. Thx!


I like how crystal clear my res stays without the gypsum, but it does seem to help when I add it. I’ll put it back in there and lose the crystal clear res I guess. Haha

Edit: Another reason I’ve been curious about replacing the 5-12-26 with the 0-12-26 and getting that extra calcium from the added cal nit.


I just mixed up some Pink Drink with tap for the first time. When I weighed the ingredients I found that the gypsum was almost the same, about 7 grams was the same 1 1/8 tsp scoop I was using already. But the Maxibloom feed was 1/2 what yours was! My tsp scoop of maxibloom was also about 7-8g. So I was only using like 18g of maxibloom instead of your suggested 35g.

Also found it funny that instead of needing PH Up with RO, I needed about an equal amount of PH Down using tap. I just ran out of PH Up and have a big bottle of PH Down, so it was all perfectly planned LOL.

I was too scared to double up on the maxibloom right away. I’ll ease in with like 25g at first and see what’s up. Just surprising because my outdoor octos are now 8ft tall monsters and are totally happy with that original light feed I’ve been giving them. Maybe they won’t drink as quickly now if the feed is stronger.


I generally have ph rise slightly all through veg and at least half way through flower. Towards the middle to end of flower the PH starts dropping. Generally a sign that less water is being up taken by the plants leaving more water and less nutrients in the resivor so PH drops. I tend to get worried if this is not happening.


Which could be another reason for my problems …

I bought a big old bag of 0-12-26 and ran out of 5-12-26 shortly thereafter. Being “frugal”, I slightly modified the standard 321 formula to use the
0-12-26 start to finish. I run hot enough that the plants don’t really miss the Part A nitrogen,nthey get plenty from my calnit. But maybe something isn’t adding up there.

I run the normal ratio using the 0 N part A last couple of weeks. Some strains accept that better than others.


Yeah that’s how it should be. In veg the plants uptake more Nitrogen, leading to PH going UP from the potassium/phosphorous.
In flower the plants uptake more P and K, leading to PH going DOWN in mid to late flower :slight_smile:

Yeah I’m not surprised to hear that :joy: I’ve ran less before and gotten away with it no problem. I’ve been feeding more to handle stretch and not drop leaves as fast. Definitely play with the amount as you go but sounds like you got it ^^


Triangle Kush(the real one) - Day 33

Should be about on time for the hairs to be changing :thinking:

MaMilk F3 #3 @catapult - Day 25
No full plant shot here but it’s basically the same as before :sweat_smile:
Here’s the better flower pics I didn’t get last time

The last pic has me wanting to double check for balls hidden somewhere but maybe she just finishes fast :thinking: Regardless, dank! I love these fat little hairs on her.


Looks like she’s clean. Hairs likely turned from falling over the other day :sweat_smile:

In the meantime, ran into some clogged lines in the 3x3 tent. C5ss was bone dry. Barely had time to do anything this morning before leaving for work but maybe it’s fine now? I topped off the containers just in case…

I wanna switch to like 1/2 inch lines but IDK if that’s a thing or not when it comes to fittings :thinking:
Edit: Bought everything I need to do 3/8 inch OD line instead of 1/4 inch OD line. Should help a bit. Gonna be a busy weekend…


I’m not sure exactly which fittings you’re looking for, but these are the ones I use and I haven’t had any problems so far

Boao 28 Pcs Drip Irrigation Fittings Kit Drip Irrigation Parts for 1/2 Inch Drip Tubing Drip Barbed Connectors Including 7 Tees 7 Couplings 7 Elbows and 7 End Cap for Drip or Sprinkler Systems https://a.co/d/g7vfOev

I used these valves too

DGZZI Barbed Ball Valve 4PCS 1/2-Inch ID In-Line Ball Valve Shut-Off Switch with Hose Barb for Drip Irrigation and Aquariums https://a.co/d/dKJQVZ9


Oh NICE! That should help! What are you using to attach the line to a res or something tho?

My setup currently is a 17gal tote with a bulkhead fitting with quickconnect on the end going out to a splitter. From the splitter it goes to a ~5gal res in each tent with a float valve in each one to maintain the right water level. Each res has a bulkhead/quickconnect fitting that goes to a splitter and then off to each pot.

So I was hoping to find 1/2 OD float valves/bulkhead fittings/on-off valves/splitters plus the tubing. I found some 1/2 inch fittings but no floats like i’m using currently. Biggest I could find was 3/8 inch OD.