Holy's Garden (Part 2)

Oh yeah! Definitely a haze trait for sure. Makes feeding a pain. I’ve not figured out a good haze feeding yet. Seem to want extra N 3/4 of the way into flower… Heinous need for PK at random times. The gypsum/maxibloom doesn’t do the best for those plants but I can usually get close enough to be happy with the result.


Nematodes (SF) are asking to maintain a high RH in pots and to don’t play much with dry cycles, but this year and without their help i would have just shut down the lab until the cold is back ^^ For now, due to the unstable weather, i’m forced to apply a treatment per month.15M density is the sweet spot. I hate these shits. As hell lol, voracious here.

I will speak for the C5 specifically, it’s the major part of my stash after all. I use it with all NL5H based. It don’t make it easy to dial or to synch, but it give a more streamlined flowering stage.

They need a solid NPK base quite fast, reached before the 12/12 switch and maintained during a good month. 100% base with H&G, 100% base with Aptus and 100%+ base with AN (the old or new “sensi base”). With this genetic base i don’t find that a N enriched regime give a special bonus, even at 60% flo for the yield.

Not spiraling (JH macro), not yet;

Spiraling, let’s unleash the hell. (same JH)

So a flat line of a sturdy base from end of veg to maybe a good month (depend on hybrids), until the buds are not formed but spiraling. It’s destroying any generalist schedule ^^

Then when the floral is ready, I lower the base at 50% (sometimes at 25% for the most diva-ish) and I start the boosters during two weeks straight.

At first i give one week of “usual PK” then the other week the advanced ones (K+). During these two intense weeks they lost their scents generally, focused to build vegetal mass. Even if you see lower leaves lightly yellowing you have to resist and to keep the base low. The C5 genetic base is “made for slow release” stuff, not joking.

When you have finished to pass your flo-boost program, you maintain the low base until scents are back.

Then you can come back eventually to higher levels, even the 100% if you want to “fully flower” them. In the NL5H it’s quite rare to have real hazey phenos, but it segregate more clearly with its hybrids. With this kind, you can push the senescence to don’t be switched during months of extra flowering, making fat beasts that a low number of people are enough patient to dial.

You will hallucinate to read this but … for such a genetic base the simple dried sheep poo pellets are just working very well ^^ But it’s stinking well too lol You can add on top of this low release nute your usual PK amendment without worries. Spanish like a lot guano for their sativa, it stink the hell indoor too ^^


Took these clones awhile ago weird ass plants throwing one leafers but has never been in flower they have gone thru hell though until n my hands but doing much better except last two days new light was way to intense

Anyone ever have one leafers that atent from monster cropping or revegging ? Prob have mites also which i will deal with before up pot when they get more healthy


Yes I have and has always been on re-veg.


THIS IS WHATS CONFUSING ME.! sorry caps were on, the were never in flower always 24/0 maybe the stress has the hormones tweaking ?


If they got root bound they’ll do some weird shit.


roots still seem to be buidling and weak. not much on the outsides of pot


They look like they are suffering from multiple issues. Strange sheen to the leaves and purple stems with a downward angle.


What’s your nute strength and light level? It looks and sounds like it could be a PPM or PPFD issue.

Many OG’s and Chem’s don’t tend to like too high of a nute strength, nor light levels, until they are well established


under new light was way to intesnse for 2 days when i looked they were dry and in bad shape but have since bounced back went from 300 watt to 150 ish 2,5 feet away, before that was a mars 100 watt full blast 3 fet away . person who was raising them for me is lazy and used old coco and barely fed them. i now have them on full jacks feeding. they also might have a small mite issue but getting first dunk in end all today


the leafs are all spotted from cal mag issues or potas. new growth is altight now that i think i got them fed. but the single leafs are weird


I’ll take some pics when I bust some up next. Has turned out very nice!


Triforce #1


Triforce #3

Triforce #4

3 and 4 are extra sticky…feels like a horse kicked you in the head after a good rip…lol…have had compliments on these. Very good smoke!!


Also have a whack of those sour d bx3 seeds I made from the pack you generously gifted me. Let me know of you want a few hundred…lol. or I can donate them to an og box giveaway thing…or both…


Ooh hell yeah bro :star_struck: :heart_eyes: Those came out fckn great!
Glad to hear they smoke as good as as they look :slight_smile:

yes please! :pray:


That triforce looks amazing :heart_eyes: very nicely done.


Are these the Shoreline seeds I sent you a few years ago, @HolyAngel? :joy::joy::joy::joy:


Ah no idea :joy: I sent Tappy both the jinglepot bx3 f2s and the shoreline bx3 pack.


Alright, friday pic day! Lets see where we’re at here :thinking:

MaMilk F3 #3 - Day 35 @catapult

Lookin phat already :heart_eyes:

Triangle Kush - Day 43

There’s a 7 bladed fan leaf @syzygy

SSDD F2 #1 - Day 43

C5SensiStar F4 #2 - Day 49 @minitiger


TriForce #5 - Day 49

TriForce #6 - Day 49

Think that’s everything… Thanks for looking :sunglasses:


This C5SensiStar is really starting to show off, yummy!